The surveillance footage showed that this morning, when the people from the Chinese Medicine Association arrived, Ahong quietly walked into the glass flower room and plucked all the Lianxincao.

Then, quietly walked out.

When the truth of the matter came to light, Ah Hong's expression was blank, staring at Yan Xi in disbelief.

She actually installed surveillance! But, when is this, why doesn't he know?

Yan Xi: "When I asked the boss of Green Farmer to supervise your work that day, I asked Uncle Gu to quietly install this monitoring device. The original intention was to protect Lianxincao. After all, you said that this thing is precious, so of course I should pay attention to it. I didn't expect it. You are guarding yourself from the thief and shouting to catch the thief, your acting is good."

A Hong plopped down on his knees and sat on the ground, dripping with sweat.

"You, you bastard! Just to frame her and frame her, you actually pulled the liana! You clearly know how valuable this thing is!"

"The mouse is short-sighted, I don't know what to say!"

A few big medical practitioners, now they are in a rage, as if they are surrounded by thunder.

The young people who accompanied him were also very angry. This man not only ruined the grass, but also assumed that everyone would be fooled by him.

This is simply an insult to the intelligence of these people!

"Let him lose money, and he will go bankrupt!"

"Losing money? Can he afford it? He can't afford to sell his entire family!"

"Because of him, all our hard work has come to nothing! It's so hateful!"

"What is hard work? The main reason is that there is no way to make anti-cancer drugs. He is a sinner through the ages and will be nailed to the pillar of shame forever!"

Ah Hong was completely stunned. Of course he knew the seriousness of the matter, so he simply wanted to frame Yan Xi, so that she could bear the infamy and would never be able to hold her head up for the rest of her life.

But when he thought that in the future, the person who would be shouting and beating like a mouse across the street was himself, he couldn't stand it.

At the beginning, my brain was hot, but now I calm down and I'm in a cold sweat.

"It's not me, it's not me! It's Miss Xiangxiang, she instructed me to do this!" Ah Hong quickly defended loudly.

Xi Yaohua frowned,

"You are talking nonsense! Xiangxiang has worked so hard to cultivate these lianhearts, just to develop anti-cancer drugs. Why did she destroy her research results?"

Yan Xi: "Do you have any evidence?"

Ah Hong's heart froze, "I...have no evidence."

He always communicated with Chen Xiangxiang by phone, and he never thought about the recording.

The other party said in a worried tone on the phone, fearing that Yan Xi would destroy the Lianxincao by hindering her success.

After a pause, he said, but that wouldn't have much impact on him, but Yan Xi himself might become a sinner through the ages for destroying the heart-linking grass.

It is even more likely that because there is no Lianhecao, anti-cancer drugs cannot be made, and Yan Xi's blood cancer recurrence will be troublesome.

A Hong was too eager to share their worries and solve problems for the other party, and immediately decided to destroy the Lianxincao before the arrival of the people from the Chinese Medicine Association, and planted the blame on Yan Xi.

The biggest obstacle for the Xi family to adopt Chen Xiangxiang was Yan Xi. As long as Yan Xi died, everything could go back to the past.

Chen Xiangxiang and Xi Jingxing can move back to this villa, and everyone can live happily together.

The more Ah Hong thought about it, the colder his heart became, and his whole body began to tremble.

Why was he in such a hurry to stand up for Chen Xiangxiang, when the other party didn't do him any favors, it was as if he had lost his mind...

People from the Chinese Medicine Association didn't believe Ah Hong's words at all, just like what Xi Yaohua said, they didn't think it was necessary for Chen Xiangxiang to do that.

"Very good, you are not only making fun of us as fools, you also want to drag the fragrance into the water." The young man sneered, grabbing A Hong's collar and punching him directly.

Several other young people were also angry and started punching and kicking.

"Stop!" Yan Xi gestured, and Gu Nianfeng stepped forward to separate the people, "The police were still there and wanted to hurt people on purpose. Are you planning to go to the police station for tea?"

Now that things are clear, Yan Xi doesn't intend to let these people continue to mess around on their own territory.

The flowers and plants planted in her glass greenhouse are delicate and do not want to be trampled and hurt by anyone.

"These even heart grass can still be used, even if it is sent to your Chinese Medicine Association for free, you can leave after you pack up."

Tang Jian nodded, although it was very sad, that was all he could do.

Yan Xi turned her head and looked at A Hong again, "You destroyed valuables, you have seriously violated the rules, and you have been fired. You can't afford to pay 3.8 million, so forget it."

The people of the Chinese Medicine Association are very dissatisfied, how can they just forget it?

And Yan Xi was too good to talk. The flower farmer was obviously framing her, but she chose not to pursue it.

Tang Jian couldn't help but say, "Ms. Yan Xi, you are suffering from blood cancer yourself, if the lianheart grass can be planted in pieces to produce anticancer drugs..."

He wanted to say that the lianxincao is related to every cancer patient. Ahong destroyed the lianxincao and cut off the hope of many cancer patients.

If Yan Xi insisted on calling the police, she could have sent Ahong to prison.

Yan Xi smiled calmly: "Really, then I choose to forgive him. After all, when Chen Xiangxiang robbed me of the anticancer injection from the F Research Institute, I also forgave her."

Tang Jian was stunned for a moment, and even a few medical experts from the Chinese Medicine Association couldn't recover.

They had never heard Chen Xiangxiang say this.

Xi Yaohua was a little annoyed. Isn't it the anti-cancer injection, why did he mention it again and again.

A group of people were quickly drawn out of the villa.

Even Xi Jingren, who wanted to stay and talk, was invited out.


Xie Chang stood in the living room and glanced in the direction of the door from afar.

Those people left angrily and did not make trouble anymore.

He turned around and walked to the sofa and sat down. On the coffee table, there was a flowerpot with a few stalks growing in it, and the growth was very gratifying.

In the key plot of the novel that Yan Xi said that day, there was the incident of the destruction of Lianxincao, so when he heard that someone was making trouble next door, he immediately went to the medicine garden, and then rushed over with this pot of Lianxincao.

It's just that it didn't come in handy, Yan Xi quickly clarified the matter and calmed down the incident.

Butler Liang wiped his sweat, "Fortunately, Miss Yan Xi had already taken precautions, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable."

Yan Xi: "It's not that serious, it's just a small matter."

Xie Chang pursed his lower lip, and his black eyes were deep, "It's not a trivial matter, Yan Yan. If you didn't try to revive those two Coriander, if you didn't install surveillance..."

The final direction is absolutely inescapable.

Those angry people wouldn't listen to Yan Xi's explanation, nor would they think that Lianxincao belonged to her and she had the right to deal with them. They would only be angry that Yan Xi had cut off their hope of life. That is a sinner, and he should be blamed by thousands of people. , Everyone shouted.

If this matter were posted online, all the maliciousness would hit Yan Xi like a tsunami.

The Internet likes to amplify emotions, and some marketing accounts like to provoke disputes. How can they not end up with a rhythm?

Xie Chang was not in a good mood, and even his whole body exuded a chill.

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