The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 236 Can I ask you for a blessing?

But before she could go to the paparazzi to settle the bill, the agent called, "You're still a talented woman, your brain was eaten by a dog, right?"

Mo Fangfei was scolded a little dumbfounded. The other party didn't know what her personality was. Didn't she say that she was in harmony with her before?

Agent: "I'm telling you, you're finished! Pack up and get out of the entertainment industry as soon as possible, this time you won't be able to turn over!"

Henghua Entertainment likes entertainers who can do something, but doesn't like entertainers who have no brains.

Originally, even if Mo Fangfei's female design collapsed, but her family is rich, and the change to the design of a rich lady is not without fans paying for it.

The entertainment industry is not afraid of controversy. If there is controversy, there will be popularity. Black and red are also red.

But Mo Fangfei was so stupid, so unscrupulous, and offended too many people... Henghua Entertainment didn't dare to protect her at all.


By noon the dust had settled on this revelation.

The marketing account that broke the news exploded, and the related video was deleted.

Yan Feilu's studio also deleted the surveillance video soon after the matter was clarified... After all, their artists have always followed ancient etiquette, and feel that neat clothes are the basic etiquette.

In fact, the deeper reason is that he is afraid of affecting the bayberry in the video.

Although the guidance on the Internet is good, the sunspots with ulterior motives are always jumping up and down to pick out the parties.

The deletion of the video is also to protect the other party and let this matter pass.

As those who were innocently affected by the incident, many close classmates came to express their condolences to Yan Xi.

After all, no matter how you look at it, she has suffered a disaster.

But this one's comfort was not very welcome to her, "We are not familiar enough to greet each other, right?"

Liang Shanbo smiled and didn't care at all, "But we are classmates, and we've gotten to know each other a few times."

After a pause, he leaned forward a little, with a hint of bewitching in his azure blue eyes, "Do you girls all like abs? That top-notch guy isn't as good-looking as me."

After he finished speaking, he paused,

Looking at Yan Xi.

Yan Xi looked at him calmly, "You should thank the school rules for protecting you."

If it weren't for the school rules not to fight, she really wanted to let the other party know what Huaguo Kungfu was.

It's not that you have strength by having abdominal muscles, to soften just now is king.

Liang Shanbo shrugged his shoulders, a little regretful, but he was not affected at all. He guessed that the eldest lady was really calm, and he was still not attractive enough.

"Then can I ask you for a blessing? I'm going to play a game today, and I hope I can win." He resumed his politeness and kept his sense of balance.

Yan Xi decisively refused: "I can't."

Although it is just a matter of smooth sailing, but I am not so kind.

Liang Shanbo left regretfully.

Yan Xi glanced at the person standing not far away and stepped forward, "Xie Changze."

The other party came over late in the evening, but Liang Shanbo politely stood not far away and did not come forward to disturb him.

The two had more to talk about, so Yan Xi decided to go to the social office building with him.

After talking about the matter, when he left the office building, Xie Chang suddenly stopped and turned to look at Yan Xi.

"...I also have a game today, so can I ask you for a blessing?"

Yan Xi was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't help laughing, "You are so good, what kind of game can stumped you, shouldn't your opponent be more worried about being abused?"

Having said that, she still smiled and said solemnly to the other party, "Then I wish you a victory in today's game!"

"Thank you." Xie Changze had a faint smile on his lips, and he could feel that he was really happy.

His beauty is unparalleled, and when he smiles, it seems to dispel the chill, gentle and touching.

Yan Xi is not a person who is very curious, but seeing him like this, he couldn't help but wonder, what game is he doing so solemnly?

But she didn't bother to ask, Lu Yang hurried over, "Yan Xi, someone in your family is looking for you."


Xi Jingxing was sitting in the reception area, next to Xi Yaohua and his assistant Wu Liang.

Seeing Yan Xi approaching, he hurriedly stood up, "Yan Yan."

He came here today to condolences to his daughter. It happened that he went out to talk business today. Xi Yaohua told him when he saw the hot search on Weibo.

Xi Jingxing thought about it, a lot of things happened recently, including the incident that the Chinese Medicine Association broke into the door that day, and he didn't know if his daughter was frightened.

"Yan Yan, I have seen things on the Internet, don't take it seriously what those people say." Xi Jingxing looked at his daughter with a gentle expression, "You are about to take the college entrance examination, and the top priority is the college entrance examination."

Xi's enterprise has also invested in some projects in the entertainment industry, and even under the instigation of Xi Yaohua, they wanted to transform into a men's team.

It's a pity that none of the people who signed it up, they just wanted to become popular, not to improve their business ability, and they kept making all kinds of greasy speeches.

Fans are not all meat and vegetarian food, and of course they are in a mess, and there is no commercial return at all.

Xi Jingxing knows that her daughter is very popular recently, and she has more attention than many celebrities, and she is often on hot searches.

Xi Yaohua came up with an idea to him, and said if Yan Xi could help the chubby girl, buy a hot search for Yan Xi's star-chasing boy group or something.

Of course, this proposal was rejected by Yang Mei, and fans are not mindless. Picture those people who are so greasy that they don't need to put oil in cooking?

Xi Yaohua is mad, Yang Mei is an old woman who never chases stars, what does she know, just take care of the projects she has on hand.

The two had a big fight in the office and broke up.

Xi Jingxing didn't want to do his old business anymore, he couldn't make money; the entertainment industry was making money fast, but he couldn't get in, so he could only be in a hurry.

The company has already made ends meet, and he can't get any money now.

Thinking of the day of the Chunlei Charity Gala, when Yan Xi waved his hand and donated 200 million yuan, Xi Jingxing felt a little uneasy.

"Xi Yan has been fine lately. Why did I hear that he always brings people home for parties? Isn't this nonsense? You don't care about him."

Yan Xi: "Dad, it was a learning party, not a party for eating, drinking and having fun, but a party for a group of classmates to study and solve problems together. I don't think there's anything, you didn't pay attention to the results of this mid-term exam? 50th place, and the score has improved by three places."

Xi Jingxing: "..."

He was stunned for a while, but quickly reacted, "With your urging, Xi Yan is also sensible and willing to make progress. That's good."

Xi Yaohua's face on the side became ugly.

Is Xi Yan really enlightened? This can't be done. If Xi Yan is no longer a waste, wouldn't he be completely trampled?

Yan Xi: "Dad, is there anything else you can do? If it's all right, I'm going back to class."

Xi Jingxing felt a little embarrassed, and also felt that his daughter was a lot rusty, which made his concerns today seem a bit self-indulgent.

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