The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 241 Who said I would give it to my aunt

It's school time now, and there are people coming and going at the entrance of Shengyang High School, so it's not very convenient for him to show up.

As a traffic star, most of his fans are young girls, and there must be many of his fans in this school.

Appearing rashly may cause some traffic jams.

He looked at the sachet that Fu Yuhuai was playing with, and paused, "Is that the soothing sachet that Xiangxiang gave you?"

The corners of Fu Yuhuai's lips raised, "Yes, it is said to be placed under the pillow, which is very helpful for sleep. Didn't she give it to you?"

Huo Ziang felt a little uncomfortable.

In front of him, Chen Xiangxiang has always been well-behaved, submissive, understanding, and used to put him first in everything. This is the first time she has made something to give away, but not herself.

Fu Yuhuai looked at him for a moment: "I think you have dark circles under your eyes, and you haven't been sleeping well recently? Then you can use this sachet, anyway, Xiangxiang was originally going to give it to you."

Huo Zian: "No need—"

Before the refusal was finished, Fu Yuhuai had already stuffed the sachet directly into the pocket of his suit.

At the same time, the assistant's voice sounded outside the car, "Miss Yan Xi, please!"

Huo Zi'ang didn't have time to think about it, he stuffed the sachet into his pocket, raised his eyes and looked out of the car.

The car door opened a crack, but Yan Xi didn't sit in, but stood beside the car and said directly, "I'll wait for my brother to ride there together, you don't have to wait for me, let's go first."

She really came to explain, and after that, she walked straight to the side, opened the car door and got into another car.

Huo Zi'ang was stunned. He had heard of the Rolls-Royce Phantom, but after seeing it, he knew that it was still a custom-made one.

It's not comparable to my Maybach at all.

Fu Yuhuai's fox eyes were smiling, as if he didn't see anything, "Then let's wait for Xiangxiang, she must be very happy to see you coming to pick her up."


Yan Xi didn't wait long in the car when Xi Yan rushed over.

However, his expression was not quite right, "Yan Yan,

My cousin also came. "

Yan Xi was a little surprised, what did this person come to do?

Xi Yaohua was very proud today, he was supported and naturally danced vigorously.

Besides, he was also afraid that Yan Xi would not go, so he would definitely be reluctant to accept that this good show lacked the most important audience.

"Yan Xi, you see how much your aunt values ​​you, and she specially asked me to come over to invite you, isn't this enough face? But you seem to be a little naive, and you don't even call your cousin when you meet? Forget it, as long as you respect your aunt and aunt well. , what birthday gift did you give your aunt this time?"

Yan Xi sat in the car, her posture was elegant and dignified, and she didn't move. "you guess?"

Xi Yaohua frowned, a little dissatisfied. But he still wanted to see what gifts they had prepared, so he bent down and looked over—

"Uncle Gu!"

Yan Xi shouted, Gu Nianfeng started the engine in an orderly manner, and the car drove out, spraying Xi Yaohua's mouth with the car exhaust.

Xi Yaohua is about to die of anger, and this is the eldest lady, rude and lacking in quality!

He walked aside and got into a car: "Grandma, you see, Yan Xi is getting more and more extreme now! You really need to take care of her lawless problem!"

The people in the car kept their eyes closed, and when they heard the words, they opened their eyes, "Is Yan Xi sitting in that car just now?"

Xi Yaohua: "It's her! Even if I asked her to come down to say hello to you, she wouldn't even ask. She didn't even ask a question when you returned to China, nor did she send someone to pick you up at the airport."

Huo Mingyue wore a Buddha bead on her hand, lowered her eyes and said nothing, but her body exuded a calm pressure.

Xi Yaohua has been afraid of his grandma since he was a child. His grandma is not like a paper tiger like Xi Lurong. Although he eats fast and recites Buddha all year round, he is not easy to mess with.

In my impression, my grandfather said nothing, and when Xi Lurong was angry, Xi Lurong didn't dare to speak, and only grandma could calm the other party's emotions and solve the matter in a soft voice.

Yan Xi is going to be out of luck this time.

"By the way, Xiangxiang is coming out soon, should I ask Xiangxiang to say hello to you first?"

Huo Mingyue: "Okay."

Xi Yaohua was even happier. Her grandmother really loved her very much. She would definitely love Wu Jiwu and Chen Xiangxiang as well.


Yan Xi specially asked Gu Nianfeng to drive to the mall to pick up the gift that she had ordered.

It was a complete set of imperial green jewelry, very beautiful, very suitable for middle-aged and elderly ladies.

When Yan Xi paid the final payment, Xi Yan was still a little shocked, "Yan Yan, we don't need to give such an expensive gift to auntie, right?"

Although he was an elder, he didn't look like an elder at all.

Xi Yan felt that it was enough to just buy something and send it over, and to maintain the appearance on the surface. Could it be that he really wanted to be a filial son and a worthy grandson to honor each other?

There is no need at all, the other party will not read them half a cent, and the sister's money is not blown by the wind.

Yan Xi: "Who said I would give it to my aunt?"

When they arrived at Xi Lurong's villa in Autumn Water Bay, the courtyard was already decorated with lights, and the lights inside were also brilliant.

As soon as Yan Xi entered the door, many people noticed, and even noticed that she was holding a jewelry box in her hand.

The guests were a little shocked. This brand is a luxury brand, and any piece of jewelry has to start with seven figures.

They were hesitant before they came. After all, they had heard more or less about the Spring Bud Charity Gala. The Xi family was a little embarrassed, but this Miss Yan Xi was brilliant.

The fact that 300 million yuan was donated with a wave of his hand also moved many people.

These people who came today, although they pride themselves on being a veteran family, are all facing the embarrassing situation of going downhill. If you want the company to expand production and operation, or develop other businesses, it is inseparable from money, but no matter which company it is, it is not easy to donate 300 million running water casually... This is not an easy thing to do.

I had heard that Yan Xi and the Xi family were having an unpleasant quarrel before, and there were rumors that Yan Xi and the Xi family were going to cut off.

But now it seems that, after all, blood is thicker than water, and Yan Xi is not so arrogant and domineering.

This old lady's birthday, she also brought a precious gift to celebrate her birthday... She is really filial and sensible.

Several groups of people came forward to greet Yan Xi, with a cordial and enthusiastic attitude, and by the way, they praised Xi Yan for being young and talented.

The brothers and sisters became the focus of attention at the banquet. Li Meiyun and his wife were not very happy. They were busy receiving guests, but they became a foil.

Xi Lurong also saw Yan Xi and the jewelry box she was holding at the prompt of everyone.

She was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, she suddenly realized.

Yan Xi is taking the initiative to show her goodwill?

After all, Chen Xiangxiang's discovery of the anti-cancer drug and even the matter of Xincao made news. Yan Xi, a cancer patient, must have cherished her life. If she dared to make trouble, she would definitely rush over to curry favor.

She also thought that the other party's bones were really hard, not because she was afraid of death, but also knew to bow her head.

"Go, let her sit at my main table with Xi Yan." Xi Lurong instructed Li Meiyun, for the sake of the gift.

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