The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 253 I urge you to confess and be lenient

Zhu Yuan was not stupid, and looked at the two people sharply, "You said at that time that girls must help girls, and must condemn scumbags who destroy them if they don't get it - so it was to let the mad Wang Zinan bring a knife in to hurt Yan. Xi?"

After all, Wang Zinan was carrying a fruit knife at the time. He noticed when the other party was changing clothes and threw the knife away.

Zhu Yuan thought, according to Wang Zinan's crazy personality, she might not be able to do something to Yan Xi.

Damn it was actually designed by someone, this is too vicious!

The two girls denied: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"You are looking for Xi Yan yourself. You are obviously the chief ambassador. You like Xi Yan, but you refuse to talk about it, so you are looking for trouble with him everywhere!"

Of course they couldn't admit it at this time, they just did verbal guidance and then let the results go.

Didn't Wang Zinan fail to bring in the fruit knife in the end?

Should be alright, right?

Yan Xi was injured only because of saving people, not because Wang Zinan hurt people, the nature is completely different.

Zhu Yuan took a few deep breaths, "Okay, you are playing me for a fool! You wait, I can't stand against you! I will tell the school truthfully about the violation of the school rules this time. You are behind the instigation, and Wang Zinan is also brought here by you. Yes - don't even try to run away!"

The more Zhu Yuan thought about it, the more angry she became. She always thought that she was a leader in this group of people. It was very good. It turned out to be the leader who took the blame.

The people who eat melons are also shocked that the melons in their hands are about to fall.

In the future, if I see it, I will take a detour, and I don’t know what will happen if I am calculated one day.

But behind the scenes, Mu Yuyang was instigated to be even more disgusting. He did things over and over again. Why should such a person stay in the school?

Ying Shiyu and Jin Zhao came with the dean, and completely heard the criticisms from both sides.

"Director, you've heard it all. This matter is not as simple as it seems. Our squad leader hopes to take it seriously."

The dean nodded, he heard everything, and of course it couldn't be treated as an accident.

"You follow me to my office, and besides,

Let the head teacher inform the parents immediately! "

The two girls looked at each other and panicked a little. Since they were in the second and first class of high school, their grades would of course not be bad. They were good students in the eyes of teachers and parents.

Somewhat afraid to call parents.

"I advise you to confess and be lenient." Zhao Qingxuan held the phone and smiled, "You don't think it's as simple as just calling parents?"

The two girls followed the dean in disbelief.

Without any hesitation, Zhao Qingxuan dialed a number directly. This is Yan Qinghe's personal number, which he specially asked for from his grandfather.

After the call was made over there, Zhao Qingxuan hurriedly said, "Grandpa Yan, I would take the liberty to call you, but I have something on my side, it's about Yan Xi..."

He told Yan Qinghe exactly what he knew.

Including the last "hospice" event.

The last time Yan Xi taught Mu Yuyang a lesson, he did not pursue this matter, but some people did not know that it was enough.

It's not that the Mu family didn't know about this, but they didn't think it was a big deal. Anyway, the Yan family didn't bother them, so they could continue to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Since they don't know how to educate their sons, it's no wonder that others educate them for them.


Yan Xi really felt that the matter was not that exaggerated, but she was still subjected to a full body examination.

Fortunately, her blood picture was very good, better than the last physical examination, and the bleeding on her arm stopped soon after treatment.

On the contrary, the soft tissue of the ankle was sprained, and the swelling was so high that it needed to be slowly rubbed and adjusted.

Because of her physical reasons, I am afraid that she is getting better than ordinary people. The doctor advised her to rest in bed to avoid the delay of the disease and the formation of habitual sequelae of sprains.

Yan Xi looked at the wheelchair in front of her and was a little stunned. No matter how ill she was, as long as she could get off the ground, she would resolutely walk by herself.

Are you going to be in a wheelchair with a sprain? Not so exaggerated, right?

"I think I can go by myself." Yan Xi said subconsciously.

Xie Changze: "Then you want to form a habitual sequelae of sprains? I also sprained my ankle once, and I felt fine at the time. I walked to and from school normally, and I didn't care about the occasional mild pain, until two months later. One day it suddenly became more and more painful, and then the ankle was swollen very high."

Yan Xi felt pain when she heard it, but after thinking about it, she should rely on a wheelchair.

Xie Chang pushed the wheelchair and looked at the swirl of hair on the top of the girl's head. In her memory, she used to have black hair like clouds and an amazing amount of hair.

After all, chemotherapy in hospital had a great impact. Her hair volume was significantly reduced, and her shoulders became thin.

It must have been painful during that time, but in the eyes of everyone, she has always been so gentle and bright, as if there has never been any haze.

Just thinking about it makes my heart hurt so much that I can't breathe.

He suddenly said, "Yan Yan, just be patient. By the end of this year at the latest, anticancer drugs will be developed."

Yan Xi was stunned for a moment, then raised her head to look at each other, their eyes met, and Xie Chang added, "Xihe Research Institute."

"Oh." Yan Xi thought for a while. He planted even the heart grass, so it seems... not surprising that he can know such a secret content?

"Actually, my mother had an investment laboratory before her death, specializing in the study of the mechanism of RNA HOTAIR in tumors. The anticancer drug I took was developed by this laboratory." Yan Xi paused and continued, "Actually, My disease, in a sense, is cured if I survive for five years."

It is said that blood cancer has a five-year survival rate. It has been four years since Yan Xi's onset.

Xie Changze's lip line was tight: "But that is not a complete cure, there is a risk of recurrence. And..."

Moreover, Yan Xi's disease is the most serious one, and it can easily progress to relapse or refractory, and the five-year survival rate is extremely low.

Now every day looks good, but in fact it always casts a shadow of death.

Xie Chang is very restless because he understands this, "The medicine you gave me last time, I have already taken it to the Xihe Research Institute, and I also think the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine is better."

When Yan Xi talked to him last time, he just wanted to take a bottle of medicine.

Yan Xi nodded: "Okay, then I will contact the laboratory and connect with Xihe Institute."

It’s nothing to share the research results. Yan Xi used to worry that the Xihe Research Institute would be on Chen Xiangxiang’s side, but now it seems unlikely, so this can be facilitated.

Xie Changze's cell phone suddenly rang. He put it away and looked at Yan Xi, "Mr. Yan went to school in person."

Yan Xi was stunned for a moment, a little surprised, "Wait, what is Grandpa doing at school, it's really messed up... Uncle Gu, let's go to school too."

Gu Nianfeng had a smile in his voice, obviously already aware of this.

"The old gentleman said, don't worry about him. He is very strong and has a strong heart. He just goes to handle some small things. The gentleman also rushed over after get off work."

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