She played kalimba and recorded tutorials, the original intention was for some patients.

Sickness is a very depressing thing, both physically and mentally will suffer a lot.

If you are in a bad mood, or simply give up on yourself, it is easy to have some negative effects, and the condition is easy to worsen.

Among the fans who follow her, some are like her, who have learned an instrument for many years, but cannot play because of illness; some are suffering from illness and want to find something they love and can persist to divert their attention.

Yan Xi recorded these tutorials so that everyone can easily and quickly get started and find the joy of life from music.

The patient group she joined now has thousands of people who have been infected by her, and many of them have fallen in love with playing the Kalimba thumb piano.

You can have a song anytime, anywhere, it's not too beautiful.

Playing lively music and putting on delicate makeup on a girl who loves beauty will make other patients in the ward more eager to survive.

In any case, people who live seriously deserve to be recognized and praised.

Yan Xi already has nearly 10,000 fans on this account, and many fans spontaneously check in below to hand in their homework.

The output of one tutorial a week has also filled some fans with anticipation.

[I have learned several pieces of music from the blogger, which I couldn't imagine before. 】

[A hundred years old, I think I can live to be a hundred years old, let’s work hard together, love you! 】

[I like the big one who can play music, and I also like myself who learned Kalimba~~]

[Don't stop blogger updates! I'm going to steal all your music from the teacher! I think a hundred years is probably enough, let's work hard together hahaha]

Really optimistic and positive, Yan Xi replied, "It won't stop, welcome to steal the teacher. 】

After finishing all this and going downstairs, I saw a WeChat message from Yan Qinghe on the phone.

[Yan Yan, did Xie Changze lose in the competition with that classmate you were with? 】

Yan Qinghe had always been following the show "Brain Fighting" when Zhao Qingxuan was in favor of Yan Xi's competition that day, and recently downloaded Weibo and followed Guanwei, just to see the latest previews or tidbits.

He saw the latest materials released by the official micro, and judged that the momentum was not good, so he raised such doubts.

Not only Yan Qinghe came to ask, but several people who knew each other were asking, and Yan Xi went to see Weibo.

Now that the program group has money, they have also begun to buy hot searches to gain attention.

Yan Xi swiped Weibo with her mobile phone, and found that the wind direction was not right.

The preview released by the official micro channel really filled the tension and atmosphere, making people unable to judge whether Xie Chang won or Chen Xiangxiang counterattacked, which made netizens look forward to tomorrow night's show.

But this kind of bias can be seen in the comment area below the official Weibo account, and many accounts suspected of being a navy are advocating Chen Xiangxiang.

[Xiangxiangzi is truly a peerless child, this time she will definitely be able to make a comeback against the wind. 】

[The advanced questions are very beautiful to win, the strength is strong, and the strong is strong! 】

[I like her so much, she is gentle and kind, and her strength is unfathomable. In the face of ordinary players, he will adjust his state appropriately, so as not to cause huge psychological pressure to others; in the face of strong opponents, his potential is infinitely stimulated, and there is no fear at all. 】

[In the legend, the soft overcomes the rigid. 】

[Some players are very annoying, I know you are very good, but is it necessary to break down other people's psychological defense line so desperately? Is also served, so pushy. 】

[The guy upstairs is sick, did Yan Xi invite you to mess with you? When did it become a mistake to show true strength? 】

[Pure passerby, there is a saying that Yiyan Xi does not save face for others, the contestants are all geniuses, what should I do if she is beaten by self-doubt and collapsed in the college entrance examination? You can't be so utilitarian. 】

[Where did the social giant baby come from, do you hope that the world is your mother, and everyone should take care of your fragile self-esteem? 】

[Has Xie Chang Ze really lost, no, I like him so much, treasure boy! 】

[I also expect him and Yan Xineng to fight in the final session, this pair of CPs is really too cool KSWL]

[The upstairs is mad, didn't you see that this is the SHI that capital feeds you, these two people are properly set up to enter the entertainment industry. Squat a prophecy. 】

The comment area quickly started to quarrel, and the louder the quarrel, the more irritable it became, and the replies quickly reached thousands.

Immediately after, another entry quickly climbed up the hot search, and the popularity continued to rise.

"Netizens came across Chen Xiangxiang Hospital playing the violin to encourage patients. People are kind-hearted and highly skilled."

Clicking in, sure enough, a life sharing blogger shared an experience. Today, I accompanied my family to the hospital for a medical examination. I happened to see someone playing the violin in the small garden downstairs. The enthusiastic citizen is Chen Xiangxiang, a contestant who recently participated in "Brain Fight"!

Because he often goes to concerts, understands music and appreciates music, he analyzed Chen Xiangxiang's performance.

The fingering and skills are very smooth, and it can be seen that she has practiced very hard for a long time. The most important thing is that she is very emotional.

A song "Ave Maria" makes people feel as if they are in the wonderland of the spring stream.

Chen Xiangxiang's expression is holy and rigorous, her emotions are rich and gentle, she raises her fair and slender neck, as if she is a noble and elegant swan.

There are all kinds of touts in the comments. After all, Chen Xiangxiang's previous performance in the "Brain Fighting" program is not bad. The latest announcement of the program team is that she is likely to defeat Xie Changze.

It turns out that I can play the violin, and I can play it so well?

[Cry, our treasured music anchor has finally been discovered by everyone! 】

[I like to watch her live broadcast the most, and every piece of music played is very nice. 】

[No, what is said above, what kind of music anchor? Is Chen Xiangxiang still an anchor? 】

[Alice's note in the Guiding Live Room. 】

Soon someone posted a screenshot of the watchlist in the live room.

[What the hell did I see, this one on the list seems to be a famous musician! 】

[I picked up the top ten watchlists, either university professors or music critics, laughing CRY]

[This music critic is very vicious. He usually doesn't give face to anyone, but he actually gave a crazy reward to an unknown anchor? I almost couldn't believe my eyes! 】

[Treasure Music anchor Shizui, I originally disliked the low popularity of the live broadcast room, I was wrong, the number of fans of this person is not high, but the quality is high, just take it out and scare people to death! 】

The comment area is still happily picking up those watchlists, and even this popularity has driven the popularity of "Brain Fighting".

The netizens who eat melon ran on both sides were very excited.

After all, Chen Xiangxiang's performance is really touching, and people who don't understand music can also resonate.

Yan Xi watched the video carefully, and frankly, the blogger overplayed it a bit, and Chen Xiangxiang's playing skills could not be called proficient and smooth.

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