Someone accidentally burst out laughing.

"He's not too nervous, is he?" someone whispered.

Yan Xi looked at Li Tao: "Don't be nervous, just relax and treat it normally."

Li Tao: "..."

These idiots, what do they know! There is a camera in the front. When editing, I have a frontal face. They don't have all of them, and they are still giggling there!

Chen Xiangxiang suddenly said, "It's about to start."


Of course Chen Xiangxiang knew why Li Tao was so provocative.

Last night, she went directly to the imperial capital and had a meal with Li Tao and several investors in a very private club.

Then she got the title of today's finals ahead of schedule.

The topic is comprehensive and requires a lot of calculation, and it took her a while to figure it out.

Of course she was very happy that Li Tao provided her with such a convenience, so that she would not have to exchange answers in the system.

Only she and Li Tao will qualify in this round today. Soon, her task of eliminating Xie Changze will be completed, and there will be a lot of reward points.

If you win the championship, you will be rewarded with points.

She knew that the script Li Tao arranged for her was the runner-up... In the final match, it was hard to guarantee that the opponent would not do anything.

Fortunately, she has a system, and she has always shown weakness to Li Tao before, so that the other party takes her lightly... So this time, the championship is also guaranteed.


The first round of duel was between Xie Changze and Chen Xiangxiang.

Host: "Wow, this is another destined duel. Last time, Chen Xiangxiang defeated Xie Changze in the last question. I wonder if she will be able to continue the state of that day today and become more courageous in battle?"

After all, it was the finals, and the host was active, and first asked the mentor and the star observation team to predict the winning percentage of the players.

First, the star observation group, the first two stars each said a name.

This is also the script that was negotiated in advance.

The player who said that Chen Xiangxiang was a newcomer recently promoted by the company has a background and background.

He said it quite plausibly: "Many people think that girls are not good at science, I don't think so. There is no doubt about Chen Xiangxiang's strength. As a girl, her character is too soft and peaceful, and she lacks aggression and desire to win. Her strength has not been fully exerted. I think her strength is completely underestimated. If she can mobilize her desire to win, I believe that she will definitely win this game!"

This person is a new idol, and he has been frequently searched recently. There are also many of his fans at the scene, and they immediately screamed and cheered.

Others were not aware of it either.

Most of the people who came to watch the show were women, and the other party's remarks made many people inexplicably like him.

Putting aside the rest, at least this man has a positive outlook and looks... OK.

Of course, you can't compare with Yan Feilu, or even with the player Xie Changze... After all, this male player is really handsome and has broken legs, and this outfit is so cool!

After Chu Junchen finished speaking, he asked with a smile, "Brother Lu, what do you think?"

People who can talk must stand by Chen Xiangxiang at this time. Even if they don't stand by Chen Xiangxiang, they should say two biased words.

Otherwise, there will be suspicion of discrimination against women.

Yan Feilu picked up the microphone: "This is a science competition. It has nothing to do with gender, but about ability." After a pause, he continued, "Of course, I stand for Xie Changze, and I recognize his strength."

Fans of Yan Feilu screamed wildly, yes, what you said, brother, is right!

Chu Junchen was a little embarrassed.

When he arrived at the tutor, he almost supported Xie Changze one-sidedly.

The host couldn't help being a little surprised: "Professor Xu, if I remember correctly, you were very optimistic about Chen Xiangxiang last time."

Xu Meikai: "But the science is rigorous. According to the data, we have come to the conclusion that the probability of Xie Chang's victory in this match is 95%."

Yan Xi couldn't help but burst into laughter in the background. The teacher is really bad, and even Xie Changze's win rate was deliberately revealed.

The host was a little embarrassed, and he forced his respect to say a few words, or let the two players speak to the opponent according to the procedure.

Chen Xiangxiang used to be very gentle and humble, but today she has a little more spirit of young people: "Science is rigorous, but things are not absolute. I will do my best to show everyone the power of a small 5%."

This is a small response to Xu Meikai's words. Since the other party's favorability has been cleared, there is no need for him to be polite.

There was applause and cheers at the scene, this attitude is too strong, it is so cool to burn like this!

Xie Changze: "I'll let everyone know how rigorous science really is."

His tone of voice was very gentle, and his voice was particularly pleasant. After he finished speaking, he nodded to the host and turned to the ring.

She didn't even look at Chen Xiangxiang.

Live audience:"……"

Holy crap, I feel that this stance of ignoring the clamor of the jumping beam clown is even more like a general! This is the attitude of a winner!

This little brother has something! I want to fan him!

The cheers grew louder.


After the host announced the start, the scene fell silent in an instant, and everyone looked at the question on the big screen.

In the background, the contestants also looked at the problem and began to think about the problem-solving ideas quickly, and the tense atmosphere instantly filled up.

A "bang" caught everyone's attention.

Li Tao stood up, making a lot of movement, bumping into the chair next to him, staring at the question on the screen with wide eyes.

"What is he doing? I'm shocked."

"That's right, there are too many dramas today."

Yan Xi thought for a moment and said, "Probably she's nervous for Chen Xiangxiang."

Li Tao sat down with a gloomy face, but rarely did not refute everyone's words.

His palms were so nervous that he broke into a cold sweat, and he stared at the questions on the big screen in amazement, thinking, why the questions changed? !

Obviously the title he got last night was not like this! He got all the questions of the finals, and only gave Chen Xiangxiang the question of this matchup.

So what went wrong?


Chen Xiangxiang also wanted to know what went wrong.

She even felt that Li Tao was deliberately framing her for a moment, but soon felt that it was impossible.

The other party really wants to lead him to the peak duel, and his favorability has also reached 90%, which is higher than that of Huo Ziang, and he will never harm himself.

Fortunately, she was not unexpected in this situation, and instantly called the system in her mind to exchange the answer directly.

As long as he wins Xie Changze in this round, the reward points are in place, and he will not be afraid of facing Yan Xi in the next round.

She quickly called the system in her heart and asked to exchange the points for the answer.

Suddenly there was a slight buzzing in her ear, and Chen Xiangxiang's scalp felt numb.

The system has been stuck in the interface of whether to deduct points to exchange goods.

Chen Xiangxiang was a little impatient, "Confirm, hurry up!"

However, time was waiting for no one. Seeing that Xie Chang raised his hand, Chen Xiangxiang's heart tightened and subconsciously grabbed the lamp before him.

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