The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 285: Check 1 Check her cause of death

Chen Xiangxiang hesitated before speaking, "...Forget it, it's not a big deal, I'm used to it."

Zhan Xinrong frowned: "If you have something to say, don't be so hesitant, not at all!"

She felt that Chen Xiangxiang had been suppressed too much by Yan Xi recently, and her personality had become timid, and she was not as calm as before.

According to the past, she would definitely not make friends with girls of this character.

But seeing that the other party was so good, and was suppressed to the point of kneeling in the mud, she felt a fire in her heart.

Chen Xiangxiang: "You are my best friend. I don't want you to have an accident like Mu Yuyang... The school has warned me that I should restrain you group of people and not cause trouble."

This sentence made Zhan Xinrong and several boys frown.

School what does this mean, is this trying to label them directly as bad students?

This is too much, and no one wants to be treated like this.

The school's attitude completely provoked the anger of several people.


There were rumors on the forum that Chen Xiangxiang was very concerned, and was always worried that Yan Xi would take the initiative to seduce Fu Yuhuai... After all, it was an unforgettable first love, and the other party might really change his mind.

On the one hand, she comforted herself that it was impossible, and on the other hand, she felt that it was just in case.

The mission failure system almost cleared her points... Without the points to exchange for various props, how can she brush other people's favorability?

She is not a heartthrob now, and at Shengyang High School, she is almost tired of it.

So Fu Yuhuai's side can't drag it on any longer... We must take action as soon as possible to turn his favorability into 100%.

The fascination sachet has been used by the other party for a while, and the effect must have been shown, so this time he deliberately avoided himself.


Yan Xi didn't take Fu Yuhuai's words seriously.

Huo Ziang wants to see himself, so does he have to see him?

Isn't it sweet to date a beautiful woman?

Not so much annoyance yet.

Yang Mei came to school early to pick up Yan Xi from school. The two went to dinner together, and by the way, they were going to talk about the next work plan.

After entering the private room, Yang Mei was stunned when she saw a few people sitting inside, and turned her head to look at Yan Xi: "Miss..."

Yan Xi introduced with a smile: "Sister Yang, this is Aunt Yao and Cindy."

Aunt Yao is a woman in her 40s, wearing a commuter dress in Modi blue, she doesn't look at all striking, with the simplicity and calmness that is unique to middle-aged women of this age.

"Yang Mei, hello, welcome to join our team!" The other party extended his hand kindly.

Yang Mei quickly stretched out her hand and shook it politely, so excited that her hands were about to tremble.

Don't look at this unremarkable appearance, she is actually a strong woman in the business world who has been interviewed by a financial magazine.

Another one named Cindy is also a rising star. Yang Mei has seen each other several times in some business forums, and there is no obstacle to communication while sitting next to those business leaders.

Because Cindy is very young and has a good appearance, Xi Yaohua, who was brought to the business forum by herself, slandered the other party by sleeping with him to sit on the stage and talk eloquently. For this reason, she and Xi Yaohua argued a few words. , and asked Cindy a few questions in the interactive session that followed. The other party's answer was perfect, with clear and sharp thinking, which confirmed the other party's strength.

Yang Mei was conquered by the charm of the other party on the spot, so she was deeply impressed.

She didn't expect that she would actually have the opportunity to cooperate with such two strong women exuding confidence and strength, she would faint with happiness.

Yan Xi took the tablet handed over by the lobby manager and started ordering, "Let's sit down to eat first, and chat while eating."

Cindy had already ordered the dishes in advance, and Yan Xi only needed to add two main dishes. Shortly after ordering, the private room began to serve food.

Yan Xi started to explain some situations after eating seven or eight minutes full.

In fact, Yang Mei has already seen the plans of some projects, and now she mainly talks about her own business map, as well as the next work goals and tasks.

After listening to this, although Yang Mei was calm on the surface, there was a storm in her heart.

She has always known that Yan Xi is very powerful. Back then, the other party handled those official document plans and provided herself with work ideas and directions. The methods were not immature at all, and the ideas were decisive and precise.

Originally thought that the other party was the Puritan Yan Qingcheng... but now it seems that this may not be the case.

The opponent is stronger than he thought.

It was clear that Yan Xi had been living in a nursing home for the past few years. She had to fight cancer every day. All kinds of adverse reactions on her body could torture her to the point of breaking her will.

Who would have thought that not only did she not collapse, but she also laid out her own business map little by little, and achieved achievements that others could never achieve in a lifetime.

Yang Mei took a deep breath, still unable to hide her inner shock: "Miss, you are really amazing!"

Yan Xi: "Actually, it's nothing. I've been immersed in my grandfather and mother, and I can always learn a little bit. Besides, these companies were originally the direction of my mother's investment..."

Yan Qingcheng founded these companies and made a lot of planning and development blueprints, but unfortunately he couldn't continue to take care of them after being seriously ill.

I was worried about leaving it to others, so I simply handed it over to Yan Xi.

The other party didn't want Yan Xi to realize those plans. Maybe the company would eventually go bankrupt or be acquired in a year or two.

Of course, that is the worst case. She has left a reliable candidate for Yan Xi, and it is no problem to achieve profitability and maintain the normal operation of the company. Even if Yan Xi only receives dividends, she can live without worries.

Xi's company is also, if Yang Mei has been reused and Xi Yaohua does not bother to enter the entertainment industry, Xi's company will not lose so fast.

When Yan Xi was suffering from illness, in order to divert her attention, she was even busier than many office workers.

However, when others are busy, it is exhausting and painful, but she feels very peaceful in her heart, because she often forgets the physical pain when she is busy.


After the meal, Yan Xi handed Cindy a photo, "Help me find out what the cause of her death was."

It was a photo of Fu Yuhuai's mother.

After a pause, she instructed again, "And Lu Yang, the charitable student we sponsored, I'll send you the serial number later, and check his family background, especially his father."

Cindy took it hurriedly: "Okay, boss."

This is not her job, but she is very happy, and finally has the opportunity to serve the boss's private affairs.

She looked at Yan Xi. She had been in contact with each other online before, and it was also a video conference for important matters. This was the first time she saw him.

I'm even prettier than in the video.

The key is that he is still so young, even younger than the giant baby brother in his family who only asks him for money.

Cindy thought for a while, and suddenly said: "Boss, the makeup of the Hong Kong-style lady last time was really hot. I have always wanted to learn. Can you teach me if there is a chance?"

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