The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 289 The joys and sorrows of human beings are not connected

Xi Yaohua said righteously, "Her heart is no longer in the company, so keeping this kind of employee is a scourge."

In this situation today, he still has to win!

Xi Jingxing's eyes were a little obscure, and he was actually quite dissatisfied with Yang Mei's recent performance.

As Xi Yaohua said, he used to be the company's most diligent model worker, but recently he took the lead in getting off work, which obviously didn't take the company as his home.

Besides, it also sets a bad example for the employees below.

A few days ago, he was considering whether to keep people or not, but now it seems that it is not necessary.

If the other party delusionally tries to force herself to give her a promotion and a raise by means of false resignation, it will be a miscalculation.

The company cannot run even if someone leaves, and this person will definitely not be Yangmei.

Xi Jingxing: "Okay, she already applied for resignation last week, so don't target her again."

Originally, there was still an idea to persuade Xi Jingxing to fire Yang Mei's Xi Yaohua: "..."

The brilliant idea he'd been thinking about for so long was actually useless?


When Yang Mei received the email from Xi Jingxing approving her resignation application, she found that many of her permissions were banned.

In the afternoon, Xi Yaohua directly brought the IT staff to dismantle the computer.

"Since Director Yang has already applied for resignation, the company's internal confidential documents are not suitable for you to read. This computer should be transferred to my name for safekeeping."

Xi Yaohua was a little triumphant, like a victorious general.

Several old employees in the office were fried and glared at him.

Xi Yaohua: "Do you also want to leave? If you want to leave, resign yourself and go with you, Director Yang. But you, Director Yang, resigned because you want to go back to your hometown to marry and have children. I'm afraid you can only squat at home with you!"

After speaking, he laughed a few times, "Just kidding, Big Sister Yang, would you mind?"

Yang Mei ignored the man's arrogance, but borrowed the computer of the employee next to him, printed out a work handover form, and handed it to the other party. "Sign it."

Xi Yaohua frowned,

The other party can really bear it, so they are not angry?

He signed it at random, but couldn't help but owe his mouth: "Sister Yang is called a cleaning aunt. Since you don't have a computer to work, why don't you help the cleaning aunt, Sister Zhang, to clean up in the next two weeks? Think about it carefully. In fact, you are taking advantage of it, after all, you are doing the job of cleaning auntie with the monthly salary of the director."

Everyone: "..."

Many people have blue veins on their foreheads, and they have never seen such a brazen person.

Even Mr. Xi... just his remarks are not worthy of the position of vice president at all.

Yang Mei glanced at the time, packed her bags and got up to leave: "I'm going to get off work, bye!"

Xi Yaohua: "Wait a minute, are you off work now?"

Yang Mei showed him the time, "It's past six o'clock, and it's time to get off work. By the way, just to remind you, I'm not only off work today, but I won't be here tomorrow."

Xi Yaohua was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean? Your resignation date is two weeks away."

Yang Mei: "Yes, but I have ten days of vacation. I have saved it for a long time, and I can take it until I leave. So you should help with the cleaning work. After all, you will take the salary of the vice president to clean the auntie's job. Work is cheaper."

Xi Yaohua: "..."

A disgusting method that he had just thought about again with great difficulty, actually encountered Waterloo again?

Yang Mei thought about it, she was going to leave anyway, so there was no need for her to be polite.

Just like what Yan Xi said, forbearance has to go forward for a while, and take a step back to make things worse.

"You have the kung fu to try to squeeze others out, so why can't you improve your competitiveness? You don't really think you deserve this title if you call you Xiao Xi, do you? Let employees reflect on how much value they have created for the company every day, right? If you don't deserve your salary, isn't the person you should reflect on the most?"

Xi Yaohua: "You, are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy, you are. It's a rotten cake that is suspected of hurting the feelings of the nation. Others can't avoid it. You are rushing to invest, and there is no water in the 300 million yuan. Now there is a complete backlog of broadcasts. If you don't come out, whose fault do you think it is?"

Xi Yaohua looked at the woman in front of him in horror: "Shut up, don't say anything."

Yang Mei is unhappy, and she still has a lot of things to do.

"...Also, you have to follow the venture capital idol group. The selected person has poor business and is greasy and exaggerated. The key is to look like every page of Shanhaijing. Do you want to disgust the audience? Do you think this group can really give the company something to do? bring benefits?"

Xi Yaohua's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he was on the verge of madness in minutes.

A group of old employees are stunned, Director Yang's firepower is so fierce today!

So exciting, it's an epoch-making day!

The company's employees have long been disliked by Xi Yaohua, but they have always dared to be angry and dare not speak out.

Director Yang is mighty and domineering! You should scold this grandson severely and let him know what kind of shit he is!

"It's only been less than a year, you've spent more than one billion yuan, and the return is not a cent.


Have. You said that there is an investment cycle. It’s good to wait for the movie to be released, and it’s good to wait for the group to debut... I’m afraid the company can’t wait for that day, right? "

After Yang Mei finished speaking, she opened the door and turned to leave.

Xi Yaohua: "You stop for me... ah!"

Yang Mei slammed the door loudly, Xi Yaohua screamed in fright, and looked at the door in shock.

Turning his head to look at everyone, "Is she crazy? She is really crazy, right..."

Everyone: "..."

The joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same, we just want to applaud and cheer!

Well done Director Yang! Cow batch!

When Xi Yaohua left in a hurry, the whole office became happy, everyone took out their own snacks to share, and toasted to celebrate this glorious moment.

Some people even couldn't help but sing, "Today is a good day, everything in my mind can be accomplished~~"

The laughter and laughter came together, comparable to the scene of the annual meeting.

Xi Yaohua, who had just left, said, "..."


When Yang Mei was waiting for the elevator, she also vaguely heard cheers from the office.

It can be seen that everyone is very happy... If I had known earlier, I should have done this earlier.

She got off the elevator, got into the car, thought about it, and called Afei on purpose.

As the most industrious worker, she really never knew that there were so many things in the entertainment industry, so every time Xi Yaohua had any investment projects, she couldn't talk about it.

On the contrary, A Fei helped her analyze several projects, and there was a lot of internal information, pointing out the problems of those projects.

Only then did she know that Xi Yaohua was really fooling around. On the surface, he was righteous, but in fact, he was fooled by others.

Those investments are simply unlikely to yield a decent return.

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