Xiaobai opened his eyes and said nonsense: "My sister said the other day that you have a lot of bright spots in your body. For example, you are handsome and good at business. I think you are very dazzling on the stage, and you are the top of the top."

Yan Feilu: "What you said is true?"

Xiaobai patted his chest loudly, "Of course it's true! There are some things that can't be said between relatives, but not to outsiders."

Yan Feilu: "..."

Always feel that something is not right.

My sister is so powerful, she still worships herself?

On the contrary, when he looked at the other party's calm and swept away thousands of troops on the stage that day, his heart was pounding, and he almost couldn't control his screaming.

The younger sister standing on the stage was so shining that he was in awe.

If he hadn't thought that it would damage his brother's majesty, he would have even stared at his younger sister Xingxing like Xi Yan.

Before the other party could figure it out, Xiaobai secretly sent a WeChat message to Yan Xi.

"The boss is jealous, worried that Huo Zian will steal his popularity in the school, and even more worried that you will be bought by Huo Zian. Can you praise our boss? Please, sister sauce!"

It didn't take long for his message to be sent, when Yan Feilu's cell phone ding-dong, the other side listened, and immediately smiled.


Sacred Sun High School, inside the restaurant.

Everyone was a little confused. Yan Xi looked dignified, prudent, elegant, intellectual, firm, gentle and strong in her heart. She didn't look like the kind of person who could chase stars.

As a result, she is now pressing her head and saying that she is not a deer?

Well, we have eaten this Amway!

Xie Chang suddenly said, "I also think so, it's really not a loss to become a shareholder in Yan Feilu."

Everyone: "..."

Are you still the cool, noble, unsullied thank God from before?

But since the face is long, it is Amway, everyone must pay attention to Yan Feilu, and even start to spontaneously pull out their mobile phones to watch some of Yan Feilu's Amway videos.

After watching it for a while, I felt that it was really good.

The stage performance of this person is really cool, the precise steps are like stepping on the heart, and the dance moves are also neat. Really strong.

As for acting... Needless to say, he played many classic roles very vividly.

Even the ugly type of tough guy dramas can be carried down, and the appearance is really good.

Jin Zhao: "...I was wrong. I thought Yan Feilu was a beautiful man, and Huo Ziang was the fierce one. I didn't expect Yan Feilu to have such a fierce side."

The point is, this waist is absolutely perfect!

Ying Shiyu smiled and reminded: "Have you forgotten that Yan Feilu's abdominal muscles were still on the hot search?"

Such a reminder reminds a lot of people, yes! The last time Yan Feilu was accidentally caught torn his clothes and his abdominal muscles were exposed, everyone has eaten melon.

But when it comes to the entertainment industry, everyone eats it very cautiously, in case it is marketing.

Looking at it now, even if it's marketing, it's worth it. Are those abdominal muscles that everyone can see without spending money?

The original video has long been deleted, and those who didn't have time to eat the melon sighed.

In line with the principle of welfare sharing, Ying Shiyu posted a screenshot of her abdominal muscles to the group.

Yan Xi: "..."

No, although she also wanted to help her cousin Amway, she didn't want to use Amway in this way.

So Huo Ziang and Yan Feilu's popularity PK, did Huo Ziang lose in not showing his abdominal muscles?

I always feel like this is going wrong!


Zhan Xinrong arrived at the restaurant one step late with Chen Xiangxiang and a few boys.

Hearing that Yan Feilu's name was being spoken over there, Zhan Xinrong was very upset.

She grabbed a classmate to understand the situation, and when she turned back, she had a bit of anger on her face.

"Xiangxiang, didn't you say that the show team has already invited you to play the male lead's Bai Yueguang? Why did those people say that Yan Xi, who they invited first, was rejected by Yan Xi?"

The other boys looked at each other in dismay: "Maybe she is forcing her respect."

Chen Xiangxiang hesitated, "Sister Yanyan and Brother Ziang have known each other for a long time... Maybe what she said was right, I just picked her up."

Zhan Xinrong: "How could she refuse such a good opportunity? That's Huo Zi'ang, top-notch Huo Zi'ang!"

"Maybe she wanted to send a signal first and let Huo Ziang choose her for her past friendship, right? I just didn't expect Huo Ziang to choose Xiangxiang in the end." Some boys speculated.

"I also think that it must be because they were rejected by Huo Zi'ang and they felt that they had no face, so they advocated that they are not deer."

"How can Yan Feilu be as popular as Huo Ziang? Anyone with a discerning eye can see it?"

"I think it's rude for the other party to do this... It's still the first in the grade."

Qiao Qian stepped aside and happened to hear the confused speeches of this group of people.

Hello, are you guys okay? Are you the ones who say that people do unworthy things behind your back?

"Wait a minute, please talk about it, what does it mean to advocate Yan Feilu after being rejected by Huo Ziang? We just think that Yan Feilu is more handsome, can't we? ?"

Several people's faces suddenly turned bad.

Zhan Xinrong: "What does this have to do with you? Are you so angry because you were told by us? Yan Xi, what do you think?"

Yan Xi, who was named inexplicably, said, "..."

She really didn't notice the arrival of this group of people, but looking at the aggressive look of the other party, she wanted to be held accountable.

Chen Xiangxiang pulled Zhan Xinrong, but the strength was very small, and Zhan Xinrong broke free easily.

She was so angry that she wanted to say it for a long time, but today she was just taking advantage of the topic.

"Don't you think you're too domineering? Are you happy that everyone has to turn around you? Xiangxiang has been forced to be homeless by you, and you have to let the school deduct her third runner-up bonus; Huo Zian has already asked Xiangxiang to play Bai Yueguang, but you insist on saying that this role was originally yours."

Yan Xi: "Wait a minute, how much is Chen Xiangxiang's prize this time?"

The final ranking of the three-person finals has not been widely circulated because of the non-disclosure agreement of the program group.

Fewer people know about the bonus, and the school plans to release an announcement on the day the program airs.

Zhan Xinrong sneered. He didn't expect that Yan Xi was still pretending to be stupid: "You champion and runner-up took 100,000 yuan and 80,000 yuan respectively, while Xiangxiang's third runner-up only took 5,000 yuan. What do you think?"

Everyone at the scene was also in an uproar. This gap is too big, isn't it true that the school has given out a zero?

But it's a bit too much to say that Yan Xi is behind the scenes. This is the school's decision. Yan Xi can't control it, right?

Yan Xi: "I just found out about this too... To be honest, I'm quite disappointed, and it's absolutely impossible for me to do this."

Zhan Xinrong: "Don't you dare to admit it?"

Yan Xi: "Don't you intend to keep that thing around your neck as a legacy? Instead of biting me here, why don't you think about why the school does such a thing, such an obvious loophole, aren't you afraid others will see it? "

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