The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 302 Then you were really careless

Yan Xi: "In criminal cases, acquaintances also account for a large proportion of the crimes. The identities of relatives and friends cannot cover up criminal behavior. Of course, if there is a real misunderstanding, the police will also bring you innocent. Is there really a problem?"

Xie Junxuan: "You are talking nonsense!"

"What's the matter with you here, you are an outsider, what are you talking about!" When the brother Liang came back to his senses, he was almost furious.

Gu Nianfeng's expression turned solemn, how dare this person yell at Miss?

Xie Changze's eyes turned cold, he suddenly stepped forward, and with a soft click, the man's cursing stopped abruptly.

Uncle Liang looked at Xie Changze in horror, and found that he could only make a vague sound after trying his best, and even more panicked when the corners of his mouth began to drool.

Xie Junxuan looked at Xie Changze's slender hands as if he had seen a ghost.

"You, what did you do to Uncle Liang? I'm going to call the police!"

Xie Chang took the wet tissue handed over by Butler Liang, and wiped his fingers slowly, "Sorry, my hand slipped a bit."

God fucking slips! Are you slippery?

However, because he moved too fast, Xie Junxuan didn't see what he did.

It was precisely because he was not clear that he was even more frightened when he saw Uncle Liang's mouth crooked and salivating.

The world is finally quiet, and no one dares to make a fuss.

The police came very quickly, and Xie Junxuan ran over when he saw the person: "Comrade police! He, he hit my uncle with a stroke! Quickly arrest him!"

Policeman: "Wait a minute, are you the reporter?"

Yan Xi: "No, he is an illegal trespasser. I am the next door neighbor and can help testify."

The police looked at Yan Xi and Xie Changze. Both of them behaved well and spoke in a well-organized manner. They obviously communicated better and were not aggressive.

The other three, at least two of them were excited and aggressive, and they were swearing when they opened their mouths, and there were obvious signs of climbing on their clothes...

The matter was clear at a glance, and the police quickly stepped forward to control the three.

Xie Junxuan: "No, he beat people! We are his relatives, I am his cousin, that is his uncle, who was injured by him just now..."

The police also noticed the unnatural prolapse of the chin of the eldest one, and could not help but look at Xie Changze.

Xie Changze: "Sorry,

I may have been careless in the process of subduing the other person's violence...he must have dislocated his jaw. "

Policeman: "..."

Then you were really careless.

"Can you help to take the man's chin back? It's not convenient for interrogation and confession." The policeman thought for a while and asked the seemingly well-bred and polite young man in front of him.

Since the other party can dislocate a person's jaw, there should be a way to get it back, right?

Xie Changze: "I can try it, but I learned it when I was a child, so I can't remember it clearly."

He said that he didn't remember clearly, but he tried it several times. Seeing that the liquid on the corner of Uncle Liang's mouth was more and more flowing, his eyes became more and more frightened, and he finally took the man's chin back with a click.

Xie Changze: "Sorry, I don't have a good memory, I just remembered it."

Policeman: "..."

Although I suspect that you did it on purpose, I have to say that your acting is quite natural, and you can't find flaws at all.

Xie Liang moved his mouth, and when he found out that he could speak, he was going to go crazy.

"Xie Changze, you did it on purpose! I'm your uncle, is there such an ignorant junior like you? Besides, this is a housework, and you actually made trouble at the police station!"

Xie Chang glanced at the other party lightly, it seems that this person has not suffered enough just now?

"Uncle Liang, I suggest you talk less, especially with your mouth open... Honestly speaking, you have osteoporosis, and it's easy to dislocate your jaw in the future." After a pause, he added, "You should also avoid yawning, which can easily cause your jaw to dislocate. ."

Xie Liang: "..."

Reaching out and touching his cheeks, thinking of the feeling of soreness and drooling just now, I felt a little scared.

Moreover, the young man's eyes looked faintly under the light... inexplicably made him feel the oppressive feeling of someone who has been in the upper position for a long time.

However, Xie Liang couldn't recover quickly, how could it be possible? It must be an illusion!

Xie Junxuan didn't expect that tonight's plan would completely meet Waterloo, and most of their goals had already been exposed.

It would be better to tear his face apart completely. Anyway, Xie Chang was ruthless and did not care about family affection.

He wiped his face and looked at Xie Changze aggressively: "Wait for me!"

Yan Xi turned her head and complained to the police, "Comrade police officer, he is threatening my friend, and I suspect that he is still trying to do something wrong."

The police patted Xie Junxuan, "What are you doing? Be honest!"


"Sorry, I asked you to run so late, hurry up and get some rest."

After the others left, Xie Chang turned to look at Yan Xi.

She was still wearing pajamas, with only a thin knitted sweater on the outside. She was obviously in a hurry. She was already in bed and went out directly after receiving a call.

Yan Xi hesitated for a moment: "Are you alright? Those people... aren't they planning to attack this villa?"

Combining this matter with Xie Junxuan's yin and yang strange words, after a little thought, you can understand the other party's purpose.

The Xie family went bankrupt that year, and the house was mortgaged to the bank. At that time, whoever took over would have to bear huge debts. Of course, everyone avoided it.

I heard that Xie's parents have been separated from their son for so many years, and they have been working hard to pay back the money. Now they are still in debt, and this house has obviously become a sweet pastry in the eyes of others.

After all, this villa area is a symbol of the wealthy circle and status of Beiqiao City, but there are only one old and one young, and others have not gained half of the benefits... So some people are anxious.

It's certainly not the first time tonight, and it definitely won't be the last.

Those who were taken away were at most criticized and educated, and they would be released soon. After all, this is indeed a housework.

Yan Xi frowned slightly, her expression a little anxious, "No, since they have thought of a way to climb the wall, they will definitely come again. I will ask Uncle Gu to lead someone to reinforce the wall, and the property side should also strengthen patrols..."

Xie Chang looked at her and suddenly laughed, "Don't worry, it's alright, I can handle it."

Yan Xi looked at each other for a moment, "...Okay, then you should be careful."

I was feeling a little irritable just now, probably because I was concerned and confused, and I didn't want to be embarrassed to make friends.

When things fall on her own, she can deal with it calmly and rationally, because accusing, swearing, and complaining is meaningless, and instead gives the other side a breakthrough to attack you.

Just waiting for the person she cares about, she is not very calm and rational, and even wants to curse angrily.

It's so irritating, where did these people get such a big face?

I really wanted to rub those people on the ground so that they knew that Xie Chang could not be bullied at will.

Xie Chang followed and took a few steps, "Yan Yan, walk slower."

Yan Xi casually hummed, and unconsciously slowed down.

Before Gu Nianfeng left, he glanced at Xie Changze vaguely. The other party didn't let Yan Xi do it before... Was he worried about Yan Xi's ankle injury?

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