The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 305 Today is just the first ceremony before the soldiers

Xie Changze: "Then you don't have to worry about it, I have no plans to study abroad at all."

He just asked a question casually, and the other party really dared to say it.

500,000 just want to send the beggars, it's really a good abacus.

The father and son were just as greedy as ever, wanting to take advantage of everything.

The principal of the fortune that year was all from the Xie Group's private pockets and embezzlement. Originally, his parents thought that they were relatives, so there was no need to care so much.

Anyway, the Xie Group is destined to be unstoppable, bankruptcy is only a matter of time, and everyone just wants to give their families more protection.

Now it seems that his parents are still too kind, and these people are not worthy at all.

"I didn't see you stand up when I paid back hundreds of millions of debts. Now that the difficulties are over, I don't need your help. Uncle, I'm going to read a book. Please leave with your people." Xie Chang then turned Looking at the old grandpa, "please go back too."

The old man hesitated, and finally sighed and said nothing.

Xie Guoli and his son came to him to help him make peace in the middle. He also thought that their father and son had money, so it would be better to let Xie Chang withdraw with the money.

With a shy face, he said peace, and finally listen to what Xie Guoli said!

I want to buy this villa for 500,000... It's so deceiving, throwing people's faces on the ground and stepping on them.

Even the elder who helped to make peace with him felt shameless on his face.

Xie Guoli left unwillingly, "Zhang Ze, I'm your uncle, I can't harm you. You don't go abroad to study, you always want to be reunited with your parents? Don't you need money to settle your parents?"

Xie Changze: "I have nothing to say to you. I hope you will never come to the door in the future."

Yan Xi: "Are you rich? Uncle Gu, look up what company he belongs to. Since he is so rich, he definitely wants to do some charity and give the list to other companies."

Xie Guoli: "..."

"In the long run, I still have something to do, then I'll leave first and see you again!" The other party quickly changed the conversation and left in a hurry.

In the car, Xie Guoli was still frowning thinking about this.

Xie Junxuan took the driver's seat,

Glancing at his dad, "Why are you running? What a great opportunity. Anyway, it's all torn to pieces. It doesn't matter if the words are ugly, it's fine if it's done."

Xie Guoli touched his chin: "You said that the last time you came here, you also met this eldest lady next door and offended her?"

Xie Junxuan said angrily: "What offense is that? They offended me!"

Xie Guoli's expression became even worse: "Our company's performance has declined recently, and many cooperations have encountered resistance. I have always suspected that someone is messing with us."

Xie Junxuan also reacted, "You mean, the eldest lady just now? Does she have that ability?"

The business of the family company is not good, Xie Junxuan's life has always been smooth and smooth, and he has encountered many setbacks in the recent period.

So today, Xie Chang mentioned the words such as bad business and bankruptcy several times, and he simply stepped on his most sensitive nerves repeatedly.

Of course he couldn't control it and lost his temper.

Xie Guoli: "Don't underestimate the eldest lady from a rich family. If you instigate the elders with a word or two, they will bully others. This one is still the granddaughter of the Yan family, and we cannot afford to offend her."

Damn it, Xie Chang is not an elm knot, is he not enlightened?

How could he coax the eldest lady to stand up for him like this.

Thinking of the other party's face, Xie Junxuan's tone became a little sour, "Who made a small white face, you can rely on women to eat."

He was very dissatisfied, even a little disdainful, what kind of man is eating soft rice? Xie Changze was destined to be like this all his life. Unlike himself, he had a good business acumen, and he would definitely flourish in the future.

"However, isn't that the case with the house? And I was beaten by him..."

Xie Guoli: "How can it be forgotten, today is just a ceremony first and then soldiers."

That is a villa of tens of millions, and a fool would be willing to let it go.

Since Chang Xie was ruthless first, don't blame yourself for being unjust.


After the others left, Xie Chang looked at Yan Xi with a smile: "Thank you for helping me again."

Yan Xi: "You don't blame me for not inviting me here. We are friends. I will definitely help you, just like you always help me."

She knew that she was a bit rash to come to the door today. After all, not everyone wants to be interfered in family affairs and see the bad side of the family.

After all, domestic ugliness cannot be made public.

In the past, Yan Xi was willing to maintain the superficial harmony, but also to protect the reputation of her mother and the Yan family.

She even thought about making a will to leave all her property to her father and brother.

After all, they are blood relatives. Even if there were many unpleasant things in the past, she also hopes that the other party can live well in the future.

If you don't keep property, according to Xi Jingxing's ability, there is a high probability that he will not be able to live well.

Until I started to dream, I dreamed about the content of the novel, and found that she had become a vicious Bai Yueguang, her life was arranged clearly, and the passive grandpa selflessly fulfilled Chen Xiangxiang's mother and daughter.

Yan Xi always felt that there was no need to care about it, after all, she was a relative. But that dream made her so angry that she didn't want to die.

Since she didn't want to die, she would have to care about everything from now on.

Because some people just don't deserve it.

"But you don't need to talk to him about family affection and morality, and don't feel embarrassed. I'd rather be scolded for being unkind and unscrupulous than being a stepping stone for others. People still have to be selfish to live better. ." Yan Xi looked at the other party seriously, "Only when cruelty becomes a necessary ability, can kindness become a noble choice."

Xie Chang nodded with a smile, "I'll listen to you."

Yan Xi paused, suddenly a little embarrassed. My emotions may have gotten a little out of control.

"Sorry, I know you should be fine with it, but I don't want you to doubt yourself."

Those people's words are too harsh, and after a long period of attack, no one can't help but doubt themselves, whether they are really too much and too cold-blooded.

Yan Xi used to know how to self-reflect too well, so that people thought she was easy to talk.

Xie Changze: "I won't, I'll never change my mind about what I've decided, and I won't feel any guilt."

If it wasn't for Yan Xi to come over, he would probably turn his face away and drive them out.

Even if his aunt Xie Zigui and grandpa didn't want to give face to him, the old man was dragged in when he was too old to be involved in this kind of thing. In the end, he was too busy.

If you really want to get angry, you are not afraid of it. There are a lot of medicinal materials in the backyard, and it is guaranteed that no one will be killed.

Later, when Yan Xi came over, he changed his mind temporarily, imitating Yan Xi's way of speaking and deliberately making Xie Junxuan so angry.

"Are you going to go out later?" Xie Chang noticed that she had put on makeup on purpose today.

Clear and natural makeup, graceful and elegant, like a rose blooming quietly in the dark night.

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