The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 312 Yan Yan, you don't know much about men

Thirteen or fourteen years old is the age of the first love. With a fiancé like her, how could Yan Xi look down on the younger Fu Yuhuai?

At that time, he began to enter the entertainment industry, and he was obviously independent and charming.

Yan Xi: "I used to be afraid that you were not confident enough and would shut yourself down when you were hit. Now it seems that I really think too much."

She was sensible and precocious since she was a child, so she was always asked to take care of others.

Even Huo Ziang is five or six years older than himself, and he has to take care of the other party's self-esteem.

Of course, there is no problem if you don't take care of it... After all, you are not an adult, so you should have the right to be willful.

"Actually, I didn't accept this marriage contract at the beginning, but at that time, something happened to the Huo family. If the Xi family broke off the marriage, it would be somewhat unjust, and it would make the Huo family even worse." Yan Xi felt that it would be better to make it clear now. , "After all, with the protection of the marriage contract, the Huo family's life will be a little easier, and those partners will not be easy to fall into."

"I originally wanted to wait until I was an adult to break off the marriage. At that time, you were independent and the Huo family was relieved, so it wouldn't cause too much harm."

As for breaking out of the marriage earlier, it was not only because of her illness, but Yan Xi found that... Huo Ziang seemed to be a little too dependent on him.

The other party's tone and attitude were all seductive. It seemed that because of the existence of the marriage contract, those behaviors were also reasonable.

But he is obviously less than 14 years old, and the legal capacity for civil conduct is limited.

Huo Zian's behavior, if he goes one step further, is to commit a crime.

Yan Xi: "You are a mature adult and a public figure, so don't mention marriage contracts in the future. It may be romantic memories between adults, but if the object is a teenager under the age of fourteen, you can It's not just a moral issue."

"Yan Yan!" Huo Ziang was embarrassed and angry.

It's more of anger, how can she see herself like this?

After all, I have paid for five years of love, and I have never been adulterated at all, and I am also working hard to wait for her to grow up and be my own bride.

How can the truth be so defiled?

"You were obviously not like this before, why did you become so sharp after leaving the hospital?" After Huo Ziang asked this sentence,

It seems to have found a reason and a direction.

Chen Xiangxiang said that people who have been ill for a long time are prone to mental illness and become aggressive.

This is how Yan Xi felt after he was discharged from the hospital.

The tit-for-tat between her and Chen Xiangxiang was not unheard of.

"Did Xiangxiang say something to you? I saw her stop you from talking before." Huo Zi'ang was a little unhappy. Everything that night was an accident, he would not go to Chen Xiangxiang again, and the other party didn't need to do it.

"No matter what she says, don't listen. The person I like has always been you. She knows that."

Probably eager to prove himself, he stretched out his hand to grab Yan Xi's reins, and his movements were a bit large.

Although the other party would not feel distressed when he fell off the horse, in order not to give the other party the slightest chance to touch the porcelain, Yan Xi still gave up the plan to ride the horse away and let the other party blow away.

Huo Zi'ang held the reins, and his heart was instantly filled with joy, Yan Xi wasn't really resisting him!

She must have been touched by her own words, this is clearly another village.

As for the other party's's nothing, it's not that I can't coax me.

He quickly straightened up from his horse, wanting to step directly onto Yan Xi's horse and ride with others.

"Yan Yan..."

"I thought that respecting others is the basic quality of being a human being. Yan Yan made it very clear just now, Mr. Huo, please respect yourself!"

Yan Xi was about to turn over and dismount when she heard the sound and quickly jumped off the horse.

After landing, she quickly took a few steps back to get a safe distance, raised her head and quickly locked the direction of the sound.

Xie Chang rode on his horse and looked over calmly. The riding suit was worn on him, outlining his vigorous posture, which was extraordinarily heroic.

Compared with playing the violin, it is different in elegance and nobility. It is like a prince who came out of an ancient castle. The retro aristocratic taste is particularly strong.

Seeing Yan Xi dismount, Xie Chang also resolutely turned over and dismounted, the two looked at each other, and Yan Xi resolutely walked towards each other.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop." Xie Changze paused, his eyes fell on Yan Xi, gentle and restrained, "I just wanted to come to find you after hearing Xi Yan that you were there."

I didn't expect that Huo Ziang would be the first to board.

Originally, he planned to avoid it, but the other party's mouth was not someone's words, and Yan Xi's micro-expression was obviously wrong.

It's better to stay and observe for a while, after all, it's not polite to let a girl get along with a man who is trying to be mischievous.

Fortunately, I stayed.

Yan Xi: "It's okay, it's not a private word at first, it's okay to be heard."

His attitude is very obvious, and normal people can understand what he means.

Not afraid of being heard at all.

Xie Changze: "You sit on my horse, I'll lead you."

Yan Xi nodded, but without being polite to the other party, she turned over and sat on the horse.

Seeing that she really planned to leave like this, Huo Zi'ang's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot: "Yan Yan!"

Yan Xi turned her head and glanced at the other party, "If you like to lead my horse, you can lead it, but please remember to return it."

Although the horses in the racecourse are trained to be very tame, it is immoral to let the horses run wild. If something happens, it will cause trouble to others.

Huo Ziang was dizzy with anger, "Yan Yan, we haven't finished talking about it... Besides, you trust him so much? You resist my approach, but the other party is not without evil intentions."

He sneered and said, "You don't really think that there is pure friendship between men and women, do you? Can you guarantee that he doesn't have any thoughts about you? Yan Yan, you don't know much about men."

Xie Chang's breathing stagnated for a moment, then turned to look at Huo Ziang.

The eyes of the two met, and Huo Ziang's eyes carried a somewhat high-level scrutiny.

Xie Changze's eyes became slightly cold, and the other party obviously wanted to drag him and sink together.

But he is irrefutable... Even if he knows the other party's true thoughts, he restrains and maintains an appropriate distance, in fact, he has surpassed the boundaries of ordinary classmates.

He turned his head to look at the person sitting on the horse, and said in a hoarse voice, "Yan Yan, I..."

His heart tightened slightly, and for a moment he was even a little afraid to see whether the expression on the other's face was disgust or resistance.

Yan Xi: "These are two different things, please don't change the subject and conflict."

She frowned and was not easily distracted by the other party, "Your behavior just now really offended me, and I made my words very clear, so please stop in moderation."

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