She didn't know what Yan Xi and Huo Zi'ang said when they were alone together, and whether the two had plans to get back together again.

But it doesn't matter, the system reminds her that Huo Ziang's favorability has always been stable at 91%.

The other party simply loves her deeply, but loves her without knowing it.

For Yan Xi, it is probably an obsession for many years. As long as he and Yan Xi get back together, they will not be fragrant as soon as they get their hands.

At that time, he would take the opportunity to withdraw and neglect the other party... It would definitely make Huo Ziang know who he really loves.

Chen Xiangxiang clenched her fingers, and could only endure all the unwillingness temporarily.


Yan Xi walked outside the hotel and waited for the bus. Huo Mingyue was still whispering to Shou Xing, and Xi Yan went to the toilet.

Before Gu Nianfeng got up the car, she stood at the entrance of the lobby and watched the fountain outside for a while.

Until a car suddenly drove in her direction, she turned around quickly and wanted to run into the lobby.

An arm stretched out beside him, took her in his arms, and pressed against the corner of the wall.

The car that suddenly ran out of control fell out, and drove out of the parking island decisively and quickly without a single apology.

Yan Xi was being hugged, the weather was getting hot, and the clothes were thin, and the other party's body was extremely hot, and the heat was almost scalding.

Yan Xi hadn't been so angry for a long time. Under the atmosphere, she forcefully broke free from the opponent, grabbed the opponent's arm, and twisted her backhand.

There were two crisp bone sounds, and cold sweat broke out on Huo Ziang's forehead instantly.

"Yan Yan!"

Someone next to him hurried over. It was Huo Zi'ang's agent, and the other party was also carrying a bodyguard. He said sharply, "What are you doing, let it go!"

Looking at the expression, it seemed that Yan Xi was a violent thug.

Yan Xi let go of the other party's hand, her face was still a little cold, and she pursed her lips and did not speak.

Huo Ziang stopped the agent and bodyguard, his arm still hurt, but he was in a good mood.


According to the plan, he should have pressed people against the wall and kissed them by now.


"Yan Yan, just now I was in a hurry... I just wanted to save you, sorry for scaring you."

Yan Xi: "I was able to dodge by myself just now. The gate is behind me. As long as I enter the gate, I will be fine."

Huo Zi'ang smiled and said, "I'm sorry, but I was so scared that I lost my judgment and made you abrupt."

Yan Xi took a deep breath, the other party did it on purpose, and yet he refused to admit it.

She was deeply disappointed and didn't want to get involved too much with the other party, and at that moment, she was enough for the other party to learn a lesson and recognize the reality.

"Your behavior just now has crossed the line. Next time, I will not be merciful."

Huo Ziang looked at the person, only to think that the other person was making trouble.

He had thought about the other person thousands of times in his dream recently, and now he has finally had intimate physical contact. It seems that even his inner anxiety has been eased a lot, and he doesn't care about the other person's indifferent attitude at all.

"I'm really sorry, so let me ask you to eat and apologize, okay? You forget that you still owe me a meal."

His voice was softer than ever before, as if he was patiently coaxing his troubled girlfriend.

The hotel staff heard the movement and came over to check the movement. After hearing these words, they all looked at the big star in surprise.

So, is this guy really in love? No wonder there have been so many scandals recently!

And the woman is too beautiful. She seems to be a celebrity too. Not long ago, at the Spring Bud Charity Gala, she donated 300 million aristocratic ladies.

Since his debut, Huo Ziang has always been the character of a rich and noble son. Fans feel that no woman is worthy of his brother.

After all, most of the female stars in the entertainment industry have ordinary backgrounds and ordinary conditions.

In all fairness, if the object is this person, it is completely qualified!

Whether it is a horizontal or vertical ratio, it is completely worthy of this hot star!

The staff looked on and watched the gossip, and of course Yan Xi saw it.

The other party was deliberately ambiguous, and it seemed that the visitor was really bad.

Yan Xi didn't want to argue with the other party, just when she saw Gu Nianfeng driving the car over, she turned around and walked down the steps quickly, opened the car door and sat in.

Gu Nianfeng looked solemn: "Miss, what happened?"

Yan Xi: "Nothing."

After a pause, he asked Gu Nianfeng again, "Uncle Gu, the trick you taught me to remove the small joints of the arm, will it hurt the other side's back?"

If she directly unloads her arm, firstly, her physical strength is not enough, and the operation will be difficult.

Moreover, it is easy to see the injury immediately. The other party can just go to the hospital and put the arm back. In fact, the pain is not very painful.

And unloading the small joints of the arm... The injury is hidden, the pain is not particularly obvious, most people don't care, thinking that tolerance is over, and often the more procrastination, the more pain, and the delay in treatment.

After Gu Nianfeng said this, he smiled and said, "If it's you, Miss, the other party will be in pain for about a week."

Yan Xi felt relieved, that's fine, the other party's pain for a week would always make him remember it for a long time, and remember what it means to respect women.

Yan Xi didn't take this matter to heart.

There is no need to waste time and effort to pay attention to people who are not worthy.

When she got home, she received a message from Cindy. The last time she asked the other party to investigate the cause of Fu Yuhuai's mother's death and the Lu family's affairs, she finally got a clue.

Fu Yuhuai's mother died in an accident that year, and Yan Xi always remembered that the fire control in the office was not up to standard, and the sudden fire took away her young life.

But she didn't know that the office was actually a laboratory.

Lu Yang's father was one of the staff of the laboratory. It was because of his misoperation that the fire and subsequent explosions were caused.

However, he himself was not spared and died in the emergency room.

But this did not prevent him from being held accountable, and his family was also dragged down. Lu Yang's mother had no choice but to move to Beiqiao City and live a poor and difficult life.

Because the other party is not in good health, he needs to take medicine for a long time, and even Lu Yang's tuition fee can't be raised... In the end, he has to ask Yan Qingcheng before he is eligible for funding.

Looking at the information, Yan Xi was a little surprised. She always thought that Lu Yang was a student selected by the Yan Foundation.

It turned out that it was not, it was the mother who helped to arrange the operation.

The mother knows each other... This question is very intriguing.

Looking at the information, Lu Yang's mother was a small town girl from a very ordinary background, and it is unlikely that she will have any intersection with her mother Yan Qingcheng in her life.

So the other party's move to ask for the door is very strange.

The only explanation is that the mother knew Lu Yang's father, the deceased researcher.

Fu Yuhuai hated his mother so much. Did he think that the culprit of the bombing was his mother?

That laboratory... is it the mother's industry?

Yan Xi thought about it, and even though it was very late, she still called her uncle.

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