The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 317 Maybe I regret provoking me

There was a lot of news on the Internet, and even the school was affected.

After all, Huo Ziang's crew just filmed at school not long ago, and the popularity was very high, and everyone couldn't help discussing this one's gossip.

"Squad leader, isn't this really the eldest lady?" When everyone was still guessing who the heroine was, Qiao Qian had already thought of Yan Xi.

With these long legs, who else can be except Yan Xi!

God, such a trivial matter can climb the hot search, obviously someone is buying the hot search, Huo Ziang is not planning to announce it officially, right?

So when Yan Xi said she couldn't fall in love, was it because she had a marriage contract that she wasn't ready to fall in love?

What about the monitor? !

The more Qiao Qian thought about it, the more flustered he became, and he couldn't help but want to go to Yan Xi and ask for clarification.

Because she didn't want to fall in love, Xie Chang consciously avoided it and didn't say anything, but it turned out that she had a fiancé secretly, and secretly planned to get married!

Xie Chang glanced at the photo, "No, don't think about it, don't spread it, this matter will soon come to a conclusion."

Qiao Qian calmed down a bit, he still believed in the squad leader's judgment.

Xie Chang thought for a while, then turned to look for Yan Xi.

Of course he could see that the person being held in Huo Ziang's arms was Yan Xi... but he suspected that Yan Xi was being harassed.

This incident suddenly became a hot search, apparently premeditated.

The other party's actions seemed to pave the way for Huo Ziang's official announcement of his relationship, and the manipulator behind it could only be Huo Ziang himself.


Yan Xi sighed: "Even you came to ask me, and it seems that many people have recognized it."

Xie Changze: "So, are you injured, or are you uncomfortable?"

He looked up and down for a while, feeling a little gloomy.

Yan Xi returned to her senses: "No, I wasn't hurt, and I didn't suffer any loss, don't worry." After a pause, she couldn't help but ask, "What are you going to do?"

Xie Changze: "Although I don't advocate violence, it's not wrong for this kind of person to beat him up.

You have to be afraid of him before you know what it means to respect women. "

Yan Xi: "...Wait a minute, do you want to fight him? There are bodyguards by his side."

It's not so easy for ordinary people to get close to stars. Xie Chang's hand is very good, but I'm afraid he can see Huo Ziang before he has the ability to meet him.

Xie Chang's expression was serious: "It's easy for me to beat him."

It's just a word, it's not difficult at all.

The hotel where Huo Ziang lives now is still under his name.

Yan Xi: "Okay, it looks like you're really angry. But don't worry, he didn't take any advantage, and now you might regret provoking me."

In fact, she didn't need to tell her, Dy was already very angry when she saw that hot search.

I didn't even stick to my face with the eldest lady. What kind of thing are you?

This must be unbearable!

After the other party verified the truth of the matter with Yan Xi for the first time, he resolutely said that there was no need to take down the hot search. Anyway, the discussion level had already gone up, and it seemed that they were guilty of withdrawing the hot search at this time.

It is also necessary to spend money on public relations, it is better to simply break out a bigger news and completely divert your attention.

The bigger news she was talking about was that Huo Zi'ang and Chen Xiangxiang's kissing photos were not adulterated at all.

Ensure that the heroine shows her face clearly and satisfies the curiosity of the public.

Anyway, the other party doesn't know how to avoid it at all, how many times they have been photographed, it's like a sieve at all, and there should not be too many loopholes.

Of course Yan Xi had no opinion. Anyway, the two were unclear, and she was completely innocent.


Brother Yong said that Entertainment is a marketing account with millions of fans, mainly writing gossip news about celebrities.

This marketing account is managed uniformly by the marketing company, and the content it usually posts is innocuous or instructed.

Seeing the scandal about Huo Ziang on the Internet, I felt that it was a big fuss.

This is a hug, it's really nothing, right?

He has all kinds of hot photos and videos of Huo Ziang... but these were bought by Huo Ziang with money.

This is also a normal operation in the industry. He secretly filmed the artist's privacy, not just because the company wanted to maximize the benefits, before the news was exposed, he would use it to discuss the price with the other party.

If the artist is willing to spend a lot of money to buy it, then everyone will be happy.

Those fans still think that their master is a pure white lotus, a big boy with pure love, don't they think it's possible?

The entertainment industry is a big dye vat. Some people are held to a high status at a young age, and they will inevitably get carried away with applause and flowers.

Especially male artists, in terms of personal feelings, it is really hard to say, and there are thunders everywhere.

If you want to say that you are clean, of course there are, but they are really few and far between.

It's more like Huo Ziang. What fans see is always just a character design, and there are people who play as crazy in private. Huo Ziang is really not particularly scumbag.

At least the heroines they photographed several times are all the same person.

It seems that he is very young, at most a little scum.


But then again, the lady in the photo didn't show her face, but her height seemed a little off.

She seems to be a lot taller than the heroine they photographed, and her long legs are really conspicuous. No matter how the heroine has no enviable long legs.

Just when Brother Yong was still studying, he suddenly received a call from his boss.

"What, do you want to send out all the previous photos?"

What's going on, didn't Huo Ziang spend money to buy those photos and videos?

The boss on the phone was very anxious, "Yes, send it out, hurry up! Huo Zi'ang probably offended people this time, and someone paid a lot of money for us to break the news!"

Brother Yong is stunned, who can take action against Huo Ziang? Isn't the other party the young master of the Huo family? Huo Xiao's Lord Yan is the other party's uncle.

The person in charge of the marketing company was also very helpless, and he didn't want to offend Huo Ziang.

Huo Ziang entered the entertainment industry with the identity of a rich young master. He has always been smooth sailing, and has maintained a good relationship with the marketing company Shuijun Company. Everyone is a little more afraid of his identity. He does not easily offend people and avoid suffering. Capital's revenge.

But now there are more powerful big men asking them to break out, and they don't dare to neglect at all.

Because the other party can completely buy their company and let him, the person in charge, get out of the way.


Huo Zian was in a somewhat wonderful mood watching the public opinion on the Internet ferment.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time, and this time he will admit that he has a fiancée in the most sincere manner.

And some elders of the Xi family will also testify for him one after another, that he and the eldest miss of the Xi family do have a marriage contract.

As for the fans, the big fans they bought helped set the rhythm. They said that the marriage contract was made by the most respected grandfather.

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