The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 320 How to be the granddaughter-in-law of our Huo family

Huo Zi'ang glanced at Huo Xiao's call, and then pursed his lips for a long time.

He just went to the doctor and was massaged by bone setting for a long time. Finally, he used a medical sling on his arm.

The doctor instructed to hang it for three or four days, and do massage and acupuncture every day to gradually relieve it.

Huo Zi'ang looked at his injured arm, and now he could still feel the pain like a needle stick, which was endless.

He really couldn't figure it out, Yan Xi's light was so gentle, he didn't feel much pain at the time, how could it be like this?

My physical fitness has always been very good. In order to maintain my figure, I have been doing fitness for a long time. It is impossible to say that there is any hidden injury.

"Uncle." Huo Ziang picked up the phone, guessing something in his heart, and his attitude was correct, "These are all misunderstandings, I can clarify, don't listen to the gossip on the Internet."

Anyway, the crew has already discussed it, and they will soon come out and forward their statement, confirming that the kissing photo is a still.

Even part of the original script will be released, proving that there is a kiss scene between the male protagonist and Bai Yueguang in this drama.

Huo Xiao was silent for a moment, and finally couldn't help but say, "Your cheeks...why are you so thick?"

It's already this time, and you're still arguing?

Huo Ziang's heart sank a little, he guessed that Huo Xiao couldn't hide it, but at this time he couldn't admit it anyway.

"Uncle, you don't understand the routines of the entertainment industry. This is someone deliberately trying to rhythm me. I love Yan Yan deeply. It's not that you don't know."

Huo Xiao: "Farewell, you are not worthy of Yanyan at all. I think the girl you kissed is very worthy of you. I wish you all the best of luck."

After a pause, he added, "By the way, don't call me uncle, I don't have a nephew like you."

Huo Zi'ang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt a little anxious.

Huo Xiao has an extremely cold personality and rarely loses his temper, but his anger is often hidden under calm.

The other party always said what he said and did. The meaning of this sentence was to say that he would completely cut off the banquet with him in the future.

How is this possible? Huo Xiao's network resources, he only occupies the name of his nephew,

You can get a lot of benefits.

"Uncle, I..."

Huo Xiao: "You son of a bitch, you still want to eat swan meat, don't you look in the mirror to see if you are worthy?"

After Huo Xiao finished scolding people without hesitation, he directly hung up the phone.

He never wastes time on meaningless quarrels, so he never scolds people, but this time he tried to scold him once, and it feels... pretty cool.

Huo Zi'ang listened to the busy tone on the phone, and in a fit of anger, he kicked the sofa fiercely.

After a while, he wiped his face, "Let's go, let's find Yan Yan."

This matter, no matter what, he is bound to win, no one can stop it.

The more others say that he is unworthy, the more he is reluctant to let go... After chasing the goal for so long, how could he be willing to give up when he saw that it was within his grasp.


Yan Xi and Xi Yan went home from school, and today it was still Gu Nianfeng's car.

Because Yan Xi was harassed by Huo Ziang, Xi Yan and Gu Nianfeng were both scolded by Yan Yunzhi.

The two of them felt a little guilty, especially Xi Yan, who was annoyed at why he didn't go to the toilet in the morning and didn't go to the toilet at night, but just walked away at that time.

If he was at the scene, he promised to beat Huo Ziang into a pig's face, to see if the other party dared to do anything.

Gu Nianfeng: "Miss, you should have told me that day."

Yan Xi: "It's really not a big deal. It's not that I went back without revenge. Think about Huo Zi'ang's arm."

In fact, she really didn't take this matter to heart. Anyway, she reported her revenge on the spot.

Besides, the college entrance examination is going to be in a few days, and she has no time to worry about these messes, which will affect her mood.

It shouldn't be, Huo Zi'ang actually spread the matter on the Internet to hype, and further wanted to expose his privacy.

This is unbearable, so the exposure of those photos of him and Chen Xiangxiang can be regarded as a fight back.

Now it's Huo Ziang who should be waiting to deal with these messes.

The collapse of an idol's house is a crisis event, especially if the party involved, Chen Xiangxiang, is still a minor, and if the public relations are not good, his reputation and personality that he has worked so hard to maintain will collapse.

It will definitely have a big impact and blow on the business.

Gu Nianfeng smiled, "Yes, the eldest lady is mighty, but he deserves it."

Even he felt that this lesson was too light, so that the other party actually had the guts to act as a demon on the Internet.

Gu Nianfeng suddenly frowned: "There are a few cars in the back that are not right."

What's more wrong, those cars have blatantly squeezed towards their car, and finally forced their car to stop on the side of the road.

Gu Nianfeng was feeling cold all over. He was concerned about the domestic security environment and traffic rules, so he didn't dare to drive a speeding car, so he let the other party act as a demon.

But that doesn't mean he can't get out of the car and clean up.

"Miss, you and Mr. Xi Yan sit in the car and don't move. I'll meet them."

Xi Yan was simply stunned, how could this be illegal?


Mole, looks like a robbery? !

His first reaction was to send a message in the group: Help! Someone forced our car to stop! ! Not the kidnapper, my God! ! !

Yan Xi looked at the car in front of her, and gave up the emergency call she was about to make.

She sighed and took the initiative to open the car door: "Brother, sit down, it's alright, it's grandma."

Xi Yan's eyes widened, and then he saw Huo Mingyue and... an old man who was very old and looked fierce.

Yan Xi took the initiative to walk over and said to Gu Nianfeng, "Uncle Gu, this is the eldest uncle. He is barely a relative in the family, but I don't know if he is not a criminal."

How can relatives force people to stop directly on the side of the road?

Isn't this really the style of the Heishihui? It's just rampant and lawless.

Huo Jun was very unhappy, this is too rude to say, how can you say such an elder?

"Yan Xi, isn't it? I didn't expect you to grow up so big, and you look so slender. You're just as sensible as your grandmother. It's been so long since you came back, and you don't know how to come and visit my old bones."

After a pause, he continued, "How can we be the granddaughter-in-law of our Huo family? Forget it, I won't care about you anymore. I'll let Zi Ang teach you slowly in the future."

Huo Mingyue, who was criticized for not being sensible, had an ugly face.

She walked quickly to Yan Xi's side, held Yan Xi's hand, and said quickly, "I was just about to go out, and they were blocked at the hotel entrance and brought me here."

Huo Mingyue has countless lies to say.

She finally died of her husband, and she can live happily in retirement. This immortal suddenly appeared, and she taught herself a lesson when she came up, and she dared to boss herself on the basis of her cousin's identity?

There is simply a problem, a big problem!

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