The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 341 Fu Shao personally confirmed

The other party thought he had grasped Yan Xi's handle, and his expression calmed down for a while, and his voice was raised a few degrees.

In their small circle of people, this matter makes people feel proud and honored.

After all, who doesn't want to have a relationship with a big star, Chen Xiangxiang is the fiancée officially stamped by the top-notch Huo Ziang.

It feels good to say it.

Zhan Xinrong felt that as Chen Xiangxiang's good friend and best friend, others would definitely envy her.

Xie Changze: "The brain is a good thing, I hope you have it. Didn't you see the statement made by Yan Xi on behalf of the Yan Group? Yan Xi and Huo Zi'ang have never had a formal engagement."

"That's all to fool people, Xie Changze, don't be deceived by her!" Zhan Xinrong was a little unwilling, why did someone like Xie Changze always support Yan Xi?

Is it really as rumored that male gods also need to hug rich women's thighs?

That's so disgusting, it's a good thing I liked him before.

"If you don't believe me, go to the old wealthy family in Beiqiao City and ask, who doesn't know that the Huo family and the Xi family had a baby kiss?"

The students around were attracted by her words, and they all looked over.

Qi Qi was lying in his heart, what the hell, the little gang around Chen Xiangxiang is like brainwashing, and they like to do things so much?

And the meaning of the other party's words made everyone's eyes fall out of shock. What kind of bloody plot is this, so it can't be true, right?

Many people subconsciously turned their attention to Yan Xi.

The mood is somewhat subtle.

Someone hesitated for a moment, "Even if there is a baby kiss, it doesn't mean anything."

"You seem to be proud of what you mean? According to what you said, Chen Xiangxiang is a junior. Is it an honor to be the third?"

"Zhan Xinrong, you are also a lady's daughter after all. Why did you follow Chen Xiangxiang's three views and plummeted? If your father has a mistress outside again, are you proud of him?"

Whether it was the first class of high school or the Rockets class, they all started to speak for Yan Xi.

"Are you sick?

Isn't that enough to explain the problem? Yan Xi broke off the engagement with Huo Ziang a few years ago, and now she wants to resume the engagement, but Huo Ziang fell in love with Xiangxiang, so she targeted Xiangxiang everywhere. "Zhan Xinrong sneered and looked at Yan Xi, "Why don't you dare to admit it, you are a teacher. "

"Actually, Xiangxiang and Huo Ziang have nothing to do with you. After breaking up, you are not allowed to find true love with your ex. Your mother-in-law is not only domineering, but also vicious."

When Zhan Xinrong thought about the 10 million lottery of Yan's Group, his heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney hurt with anger.

With the support of the Yan family behind him, can he act so recklessly?

It is obvious that Chen Xiangxiang's relationship with Huo Ziang is so sweet, and there are blessings on the Internet. She has to find a sense of existence, forcing others to say that it is not sweet and not good.

After tens of millions of dollars, of course, netizens have become her mouthpieces, slandering the relationship between Chen Xiangxiang and Huo Ziang.

Zhan Xinrong had a sincere quarrel with netizens on the Internet. He didn't gain the slightest advantage, and of course he was in a bad mood.

She was going to expose Yan Xi's true face in public today.

Yan Xi didn't understand why the other party was so sincere, and he insisted on catching his own sheep, as if there was no foil for his own misfortune, and it was not enough to prove the other party's happiness.

Fortunately, I took the time to draw a clear line that day.

She didn't want to have anything to do with the relationship between Chen Xiangxiang and Huo Ziang. It was best for the two of them to be locked up, because it had nothing to do with herself anyway.

"The Yan's Group has made a solemn statement that Huo Zi'ang and I do not have a marriage contract. My uncle also said that if anyone spreads rumors to slander my reputation, they can talk to the Yan's lawyers." Yan Xi said calmly, "I can sue you for spreading rumors."

Xie Changze's dark eyes were filled with a bit of coldness: "Actually, you can give feedback to the school before that. It is against school rules to spread rumors and slander your classmates."

Zhan Xinrong took a step back, but she had strong self-esteem and didn't want to admit defeat easily.

"I didn't spread rumors, this is the truth! If you don't believe me, you can ask..."

"Who can I ask, can we ask Master Fu?"

Zhan Xinrong turned his head, saw Lu Yiyao, and was overjoyed, feeling like he had caught a life-saving straw.

"Senior Lu, you are close to Master Fu, you should know that, Yan Xi and Huo Zi'ang have had a baby kiss since childhood."

All eyes are on Lu Yiyao, why is this guy here?

Didn't he follow him secretly?

Lu Yiyao was a little overjoyed when he saw that everyone's eyes were focused on him. This was the highlight of his life.

The classmates in the class ignored him for a long time. This was the first time that everyone looked at themselves with such anticipation.

The timing of my appearance today is really great, a proper hero to save the beauty.

He cleared his throat, and said sternly: "Zhan Xinrong, you are just spreading rumors! Fu Shao personally confirmed that Yan Xi and Huo Zi'ang have no engagement at all, nor do they have a baby kiss."

Everyone's hearts were suddenly relieved, and it turned out that there was no such thing.

Fortunately, I was shocked and almost thought that the eldest lady was involved in a dog-blood love triangle.

Zhan Xinrong stared in disbelief


Eyes: "Impossible! You're lying!"

Lu Yiyao: "You're just lying, who did you listen to? Did Huo Zi'ang tell you it himself? How good is your relationship?"

Zhan Xinrong looked a little flustered, of course it couldn't have been Huo Ziang telling her! Huo Zian is a big star after all, and he has no chance to contact each other alone. All the news can only pass through Chen Xiangxiang's mouth.

Could it be that Chen Xiangxiang lied to deceive herself? Impossible, how could Chen Xiangxiang have that courage!

But Lu Yiyao can't tell lies, the other party has always been very protective of Chen Xiangxiang, and has a good relationship with Fu Yuhuai.

He swore that it was confirmed by Fu Yuhuai himself... That must be what Fu Yuhuai said.

There can be no problem with what the school bully said.

Ying Shiyu chuckled lightly: "The facts are already very clear, you just said it, and then touched Ci Yanxi. This matter can't be left alone, I should report it to the dean of the school quickly."

As she spoke, she took out her mobile phone. Anyway, she was very familiar with the dean of the school, and she was very skilled at doing this kind of thing.

Zhan Xinrong hurriedly stood up: "No, no, is it necessary to go online? Forget it, I'm full, so I won't tell you."

She snorted coldly, turned around and hurried out.

other people:"……"

Well, is this guy so cowardly?

I thought it was the strongest king, but it turned out to be just a stubborn bronze. When provocative, the momentum was very scary.

Zhan Xinrong didn't want to admit it either, but she was suddenly less confident in what she believed in.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong. Chen Xiangxiang said it sincerely, but wasn't it Huo Zi'ang's studio who insinuated that her fiancee was Yan Xi?

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