The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 348 I'm still rushing to get married

Oh, so it is!

Jin Zhao's raised tail was instantly smoothed out, and he felt less depressed.

Xie Chang looked down at the pink, purple and yellow ice cream in his hand, and then glanced at the same ice cream in Yan Xi's hand.

Probably because he was afraid that Yan Xi would not eat it, Xi Yan even put it to Yan Xi's lips, and then he felt relieved.

The things that my sister has touched will definitely not be let out.

Yan Xi was dumbfounded, so she could only eat ice cream in the eyes of everyone.

Qiao Qian suddenly remembered something: "This one has mango flavor, the monitor doesn't like mango."

Jin Zhao's spirit was instantly lifted! As the mascot of the third grade, he has a high probability of getting this ice cream! This is the embodiment of honor and status!

Xie Changze: "You're wrong, I like eating mangoes very much."

Qiao Qian was stunned for a moment, "No, I remember..."

Xie Chang glanced at the other party lightly, and his eyes implied a warning: "You just remembered wrong."

He lowered his eyes and took a sip, the sweet taste seemed to melt into the apex of his heart.

When I learned that she took the college entrance examination ahead of schedule, I regretted not being able to experience it together. Now the wheel of time that has been stagnant is rolling forward again, and I finally have the opportunity to fight side by side with the opponent.

Every time I think about it, my heart feels hot and soft.

Ying Shiyu can understand that she doesn't deserve sweet ice cream, and everyone doesn't deserve it.

Even a high-cold male god such as Xie Changze would protect food to such an extent that he only pursued the same style as the eldest lady.

Today is also the day when I knocked on CP until my aunt laughed.

"I remember that there are iced drinks at the door, let's go out." Ying Shiyu suggested.

Xi Yan hurriedly raised his hand: "I'll treat you to me!"

If you eat alone, you need to eat, but you also need to invite guests. This is a testimony of friendship and classmates' love.

Jin Zhao put his hands on his hips: "Okay, no one is polite to you, you must pay for it.



Deep in the temple hall, someone walked out from behind a Buddha statue and watched a group of teenagers talk and laugh as they left.

The man chuckled lightly: "I really don't have any precautions at all."

The bodyguard standing behind him was stern, "Probably because this is China."

In a prosperous world, people certainly don't have much precaution. Even if it is food given by a stranger, I dare to accept it calmly without feeling uneasy.

The man said interestingly: "My sister is still quite alert. If I stay in the yard for another second, I'm afraid the other party will become suspicious."

Bodyguard: "But my brother is a fool and sweet, and a good breakthrough. Sir, if you need..."

The man raised his hand to stop, "No need."

He used to be full of resentment and wanted revenge and destruction, but after seeing that similar face, he finally softened.

Of course, that face wasn't the most similar, just a resolute and indifferent expression, but it just hit his heart.

"Is the woman named Du Xiaoman awake?"

Bodyguard: "Wake up, she wants to see you."

The man smiled inexplicably, "See me? What qualifications does she have? She can't even handle a man, so she's not a waste."

The bodyguard wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he gave up.


When Yan Xi returned home, she found that there was a visitor at home.

This visitor is quite familiar to him, but she is actually the girl I met on the TV station last time.

Seeing the other party sitting elegantly and talking to Yan Qinghe, holding up the slender swan neck, and showing perfect social etiquette, it is difficult to match the number with that domineering girl.

Yan Xi couldn't help but wonder: "Grandpa, who is this?"

Yan Qinghe: "The granddaughter of the He family came to visit me on behalf of her grandfather."

His expression was indifferent and slightly indifferent, and he obviously did not welcome this visitor very much, and only maintained the surface courtesy and etiquette.

He Shi also knew that she came a bit abruptly, and the old classmate whom the grandfather admired the most was not easy to fool, so he put down the tea cup and raised his head to greet Yan Xi with a smile.

"Yan Xi, hello, I'm He Shi. We met twice before, I hope it didn't leave a bad impression on you."

"I'm going to live here for a while recently. We are considered neighbors. I hope to be friends with you."

The other party got up and said goodbye, and before leaving, he gave Yan Xi a look.

Yan Xi didn't want to pay attention, but after a few minutes, she still took the initiative to walk out.

Sure enough, He Shi was still waiting at the gate of the courtyard. The sun was a bit savage, and the heat made her face flushed red, but she still insisted on waiting at the gate, which surprised Yan Xi.

"Are you looking for me?" Yan Xi looked at each other through the wrought iron gate, "We don't seem to know each other at all, don't we?"

He Shi: "It's not familiar, but you can get used to it. I want to ask you, are you dating Xie Chang?"

Yan Xi froze for a moment and frowned, "What do you want to do?"

He Shi: "Don't be nervous, I know you haven't. You said that you don't want to fall in love. It's not duplicity."

She observed Yan Xi's expression, and her eyes were filled with a smug smile.

"It's fine if it's not. I don't want to be an enemy of girls. That's boring. I hope you do too."

Yan Xi looked at the other party calmly, "I'm not interested in flirting with you, but the premise is that you don't provoke me or my friends."

She guessed who the other party was coming for, and her mood was somewhat subtle... Knowing that Xie Chang was very attractive was one thing, but it was the first time that she clearly recognized the charm of the other party.

He Shi simply had a showdown: "Provocation? How can it be considered a provocation? I like Xie Changze and want to pursue him. It won't offend you, will it?"

Yan Xi was surprised by the opponent's straight ball, but still couldn't help reminding: "But he probably doesn't like you, and he still feels troubled."

He Shi: "Then you don't understand. As the saying goes, women chase men's interlayer yarn. He is cold and reserved now, but sooner or later he will be tempted by me."

She held her head slightly, her expression proud and confident, and she was indeed flamboyant and beautiful in the sun.

"And I'm still rushing to get married. I will do my best to help him support him; with me, he can save at least 20 years of struggle."

He Shi had no plans for this, she was only a sophomore, and marriage was still a long way off.

However, the successive encounters with Xie Changze aroused her inner desire for victory and defeat. In any case, she had to prove that meeting her was the opponent's greatest luck.

Yan Xi didn't answer, He Shi showed a triumphant smile, she even blocked her marriage, others may not have the courage.


After He Shi left, Yan Xi also turned around and walked back slowly.

When I walked in the door, I finally figured out my thoughts.

He Shi just asked himself not to interfere, and he did not offend himself.

And it's really hard to explain emotional matters. After all, TV dramas like to play the plots of happy friends who hate each other in the early stage and inseparably love each other in the later stage.

Besides, as a famous young lady, He Shi is indeed a good marriage partner.

Even if interests aside, a beautiful eldest lady pursues her so painstakingly... It's hard to guarantee that Xie Chang won't be tempted.

It's really not suitable for her to intervene too much in this matter, after all, bad people's marriages are struck by lightning.

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