Xie Chang raised his eyes and glanced at the group of people lightly, "How much do you want?"

The middle-aged man's expression moved a little, and his lips moved.

The ordinary-looking young man pulled him and said with a smile, "You want to be private? It's not impossible, but I think it's better to be public. Let's wait for the traffic police to come and deal with it."

Butler Liang was a little anxious, and endured his anger and said, "Our young master can't be late for the college entrance examination today. I'll take care of this matter!"

Middle-aged woman: "You said that the college entrance examination is just the college entrance examination? I also want to say that my son also has the college entrance examination, so he will wait with us here."

The young man's eyes flickered, and unexpectedly, he suddenly reached out and grabbed the stationery bag that Xie Changze was holding.

"Are you really a candidate? You're not lying to me, right? Let me see if the admission ticket is genuine."

His movements were fast, but Xie Changze's movements were even faster. As soon as the young man made a profit, his face suddenly became ugly, and the eyes looking at Xie Changze were full of badness.

Butler Liang was startled, hesitated, and took a watch from the car: "This watch is worth more than 300,000 yuan, even if it's second-hand, it can be sold for a lot of money."

The middle-aged man's eyes lit up, he recognized the watch of this brand, and hurriedly reached for it.

Butler Liang shrank his hands, "Now, I have the qualifications to deal with this matter. You are all for money anyway, so I can afford it."

He thought that this group of people was simply extorting money for the sake of touching porcelain, so they didn't care about their wealth being revealed.

As long as his young master can leave smoothly, it doesn't matter if he loses some money.

Xie Changze: "Grandpa Liang, I'm afraid you have made a mistake. They are here for me today."

After a pause, he continued, "No, to be precise, their purpose today is to hold me back and prevent me from taking the college entrance examination smoothly."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the three people on the opposite side changed.

Middle-aged woman: "I don't know what you're talking about. Let's wait for the traffic police to deal with it."

The other two also echoed, "That is, wait for the traffic police to deal with it, so you don't have to say that we touched porcelain and that we have a purpose."

I don't know when a few passers-by came to point and point.

"I've never seen someone who will bite back like this. Whoever is poor is justified these days."

"The young man looks like a talented person. He doesn't give up when he bumps into others. He's really blind to his appearance."

"I hate this kind of person the most. Last time, an electric car ran a red light and hit my daughter's car, and in turn made my daughter lose 10,000 yuan, but I was pissed off."

"The young man definitely doesn't want to take responsibility, he wants to push the old man out, his heart is too bad!"

In a few sentences, a group of middle-aged uncles and aunts got excited for no reason, and they all gathered around to prevent Xie Changze from leaving.

"You said you were a college student, do you have any evidence, where's the admission ticket?"

Someone in the crowd questioned loudly.

Another humane said: "He didn't dare to take it out, it must be an excuse! Knowing that today is the college entrance examination, everyone has to make way for the candidates, so they deliberately said that they are candidates!"

Butler Liang was so anxious, "Master..."

In this case, even a traffic policeman can clearly explain the situation and stabilize the situation.

But he wanted to make a call, but the other party kept interfering; this is the villa area, today's college entrance examination, the traffic police are patrolling the downtown area, but the villa area looks empty and deserted.

Xie Chang's eyes were clear, and he quickly locked on the two aunts who had been fanning the flames and sing-along in the crowd.

Just when he was about to do something, his eyes stopped and he looked out of the crowd.

He was tall, so he could see clearly.

The familiar Rolls-Royce Phantom stopped by the side of the road, and a familiar figure got out of the car and ran towards it quickly.

Different from the calm and uniform speed when running along the lake, the stance of her rushing was clearly speeding up, and she failed to control her breathing and rhythm in her urgency, and even her face quickly became flushed.

Xie Chang directly pushed aside the chattering aunts in front of him with astonishing strength, then quickly stepped forward and stretched out his hand to act as the opponent's cushion.

Yan Xi was startled and almost bumped into someone, she hurriedly pulled her feet away, and finally stopped the momentum.

Xie Changze's outstretched arm froze slightly in the air, and when he was about to withdraw it casually after a while, Yan Xi suddenly grabbed his wrist again.

Looking up and down, his voice was eager, "Is there a car accident, are you okay?"

The loss in his heart was inexplicably smoothed out, and Xie Chang said in a gentle tone, "It's okay, it's you, run so fast, be careful with your ankles."

The three people in the Phaeton car quickly exchanged glances and surrounded Butler Liang.

An aunt suddenly grabbed her arm and shouted, "My arm hurts! You must have just injured it!"

Another exclaimed: "Hit someone, you can beat someone, the boy beat someone!"

When Xie Chang Ze just pushed aside this group of people, he was really strong. Several aunts thought he wanted to escape and tried to catch him, but failed.

You must know that they have the physique to dance square dance all the year round, and they are very capable of tearing people with round waists and thick shoulders. Today's young people are too weak to be their opponents.

I didn't expect to encounter Waterloo, the young man did


The hand is quite strong.

Seeing the aunt's painful appearance, the others were immediately excited, and they had to ask for an explanation no matter what.

"This matter can't be left alone, you are not allowed to leave today!"

"Yes, it's better to call the police and detain him!"

Yan Xi stopped in front of Xie Changze, "You have to tell the truth, okay, then call the police."

The aunt who shouted about the pain in her arm flickered in her eyes. It was different from what she had imagined. The other party shouldn't be in a hurry to leave, is he going to take the money privately?

She just wanted to make a fortune in addition to the payment, so she didn't really want to call the police.

Although that person has also explained it, it's okay to call the police, as long as you can delay the time.


"I'll call the police now!" The youth of the Phaeton trio frowned and said loudly, "You are not allowed to leave, just wait here for the police to come."

Of course, it is impossible to wait for the police to come. Of course, it is impossible for him to actually call the police. If the other party finds something wrong and then call the police, the time must be delayed again.

Yan Xi directly took out her phone, "You are too slow to call the police, why don't I help you."

The young man was stunned for a moment, and hurried forward to try to repeat the old trick, knocking out Butler Liang's cell phone.

It's just that before the man stepped forward, he was picked up by the back collar, and at the same time a big hand patted his cheek.

"Xiao Huangmao, are you very promising, and even dare to rob my eldest young lady's mobile phone?" Awen smiled friendly, revealing his big white teeth.

It's just the sloppy look on his face and the kind smile that makes him look a little hideous.

The young man's body was stiff, like a dream, and he still didn't dare to move when he woke up.

Middle-aged woman: "What are you doing, let go of my son! It's okay if you chase after the old man, and now even we are going to be beaten? Is there any king law?"

The voice trembled with fright, and it didn't seem very imposing.

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