The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 357 This is a heaven-sent opportunity

Yan Feilu suddenly felt that he had the upper hand, and he couldn't help straightening his back.

"If it doesn't affect your work, then you have no right to criticize! Do you think everyone is like you and has to be a money-making machine? Isn't the point of working hard to make life better, and it's wrong to enjoy life?"

He must fight for this matter according to reason, otherwise, as old as his father, it will definitely cause all the employees of the Yan Group to be under the high-pressure policy, and even chasing a drama will become a sinner.

Li Weiran opened the door and saw such a wonderful scene.

In the mentality that eating melons is not a big deal, he opened the door completely and waved at the same time, "Quick, quick, Asiao, come and watch the fun."

Huo Xiao walked over with a blank expression, "Are you two over?"

Yan Yunzhi with Erlang's legs crossed: "..."

Yan Feilu, who was still sitting dignified even when he was mad: "..."

A few minutes later, Li Weiran took Yan Yunzhi, Huo Xiao, and Yan Feilu, the four big men, to the heated swimming pool on the top floor of the hotel for a swim.

Li Weiran soon found out that this was not a good idea. Why did these people have a better figure than the other after taking off their clothes?

Even Huo Xiao, a madman who only knows how to make money, has eight-pack abs, who would dare to believe it? !

Li Weiran felt like he was about to shut himself up.


Yan Xi walked out of the room and looked at the living room. It was finally quiet.

Fortunately, Uncle Li said he was going to come and visit her, so she decided to ask someone to help him.

The father and son quarreled fiercely in private, but they usually restrained when there were outsiders. After all, they were both burdened.

Yan Xi took out a bottle of iced juice from the refrigerator in the small kitchen, and before she opened it, she was taken away by one hand.

She turned her head and saw Xie Changze standing behind her in silk pajamas.

Yan Yunzhi ordered her and Xi Yan to rest in the hotel's presidential suite. After dinner, he retained Xie Changze to take a nap in the same room with Xi Yan, which was not a problem.

Moreover, Xi Yan was a little nervous. When he saw Xie Chang before, he subconsciously wanted to escape.

This time, he was inexplicably sticking to Xie Changze.

Probably because the calm and steady appearance of the other party is very contagious. In the hot summer, others are inevitably impetuous, but Xie Chang is always cool and self-controlled, and people can't help but calm down.

The two barely get along well.

Xie Chang lowered his eyes and glanced at the ice juice: "It's too cold, it's better not to drink it, so as not to have stomach upset and affect the exam."

As he spoke, he started to take out the food processor and squeezed a glass of juice for Yan Xixian, "Go to sleep after drinking, and I'll wake you up in an hour."

Yan Xi nodded, relaxed, took the juice with a smile, and drank it slowly.

In my heart, I was thinking, Xie Chang is really a bit foul, so gentle, meticulous and considerate, which girl can resist.

It's really bad, the longer the contact, the more I find that the other party is full of advantages, so bright and shining.

No wonder He Shi is so crazy.


Tan Qianhui was very unhappy. She lived in the presidential suite, but she wanted to use the swimming pool on the top floor, but she was stopped?

The presidential suite here was reserved by He Shi for the little white-faced Xie Changze, but the other party seemed to be ignorant, so Tan Qianhui moved in, and it couldn't be wasted anyway.

This hotel is considered to be an Internet celebrity hotel. The heated swimming pool on the top floor is a major feature. Tan Qianhui wanted to order an afternoon tea and take a beautiful photo.

"Why don't you let me over there, I clearly saw someone over there!"

The head of the hotel customer service department: "I'm very sorry, this place was reserved at noon today."

Tan Qianhui hates others to reject her the most. Originally, it was not impossible for her to come back in the afternoon, but wasn't she rejected, she still had to swim now.

"I am a customer of the Presidential Suite, and I have the right to use the swimming pool." Tan Qianhui took off her big sunglasses, her tone impatient.

Customer Service Supervisor: "But this is not a public swimming pool, but a matching swimming pool in the presidential suite on the top floor."

She has patiently persuaded the other party for a long time, and the other party is still so reluctant, so she can only tell the truth.

Originally, the swimming pool on the top floor was the supporting facilities of the presidential suite on the top floor, but because the presidential suite on the top floor is the boss's private room and the boss is not in the country, customers who live in other presidential suites are allowed to borrow it.

After all, those who can live in the presidential suite are all business partners, and this convenience can still be given.

As a result, the swimming pool on the top floor of the hotel was inexplicably on fire, and it was rated as a must-have feature on the Internet.

Now that the owner is living in with his family, of course it cannot be opened to others.

Tan Qianhui: "Okay, you must have deliberately made excuses to say no, and I must complain to you!"

The customer service supervisor was still smiling and comforting, but his attitude was that he would not give in.

Tan Qianhui was very angry, "It's all men over there, I'm a woman, they must be very welcome, don't you even ask? In the end, they are taking advantage of it."

Are you not pretty enough? It is the other's blessing that he is willing to share the swimming pool with a few stinky men.

The customer service supervisor's smile froze slightly. He glanced at Tan Qianhui and couldn't help but wrinkle.



Although this one looks old-fashioned and heavy in makeup, if I'm not mistaken, he should be young.

"I'm very sorry, but don't let any outsiders go in and disturb it. This is also the customer's order."

Tan Qianhui was in a bad mood, so angry that she almost burst into tears, she finally raised her hand and slapped the staff member angrily-although she was dodged by the other party, her tail finger still scratched the other party's cheek.

"Wait, I must complain!"

The customer service supervisor sighed lightly. He was so angry that he encountered a female neuropathy.

But for such a distinguished guest, a person in the service industry really can't afford to offend him, and he can only admit that he is unlucky today.

She touched the blood on her face and turned to go to the bathroom to treat the wound.

After the rigid old woman left, Tan Qianhui turned around again. She was so suffocated that she didn't plan to leave at all.

No matter what, she had to take a photo of the swimming pool on the top floor. She told her friends that she would come to check in today, so what if she didn't have a photo.

While the other two bodyguards at the door were not paying attention, Tan Qianhui sneaked in.

The swimming pool on the top floor is really full of design, and it must be beautiful to take pictures.

Tan Qianhui went straight to the bathroom to change into a sexy swimsuit, and walked out with a selfie stick.

"Who are you, and why are you here?" Yan Feilu got out of the water and prepared to go ashore, when he saw an uninvited guest and was shocked.

Uncomfortably, he hurried to the side of the reclining chair and picked up a towel to wrap his body.

After all, facing the opposite sex in a disheveled situation is not in line with social etiquette and the upbringing of the Yan family.

But before the towel was put on, it was torn down with force.

Tan Qianhui was very excited, this was a godsend!

She was thinking about whether to change to a celebrity fan. After all, Yan Feilu's face is indisputably good-looking. Even Huo Ziang's fans rarely ridicule his opponent's appearance.

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