The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 360 Why do you want to deceive us

Chapter 360 Why Are You Deceiving Us

Yuan Siting called out "Dad", and she was so determined. Seeing that the lawbreaker was still holding the car door, she simply opened her mouth and bit her hard.

Let you scare little kids, asshole!

After biting, she glared at each other fiercely, "Why don't you get down quickly, do you really want us to call the police?"

Yuan Shu has been steering the steering wheel intently, trying to shake off the following people, "Wait, Tingting, that's a little deer!"

Yuan Siting frowned: "What little deer?"

The outlaw finally took off his baseball cap and sunglasses, revealing a delicate and beautiful face.

Yan Feilu rolled up his sleeves and looked at the teeth marks on his arm, the little girl bit hard, but it was her fault.

"I'm sorry, I scared you, I'm Yan Feilu, your father's friend, not a bad person."

The car finally drove out of the alley, entered the road where the cars flowed like water, and quickly climbed up the elevated road, completely throwing off the people who followed.

Yuan Siting stared blankly at that face, and for a long time, she lowered her head and covered her flushed cheeks.

Lao Yuan really didn't lie to her!

This is not a dream!


On the other side, Yan Xi dragged Xie Changze, who had changed into his brother's hoodie, and ran all the way. After seeing that it was almost the end, the two stopped.

The chasing crowd saw that they were about to win, and they were even more excited. They handed over long guns and short cannons, and slapped the two of them. The flashing lights almost blinded everyone.

Several girls have already gone to pull Xie Changze's clothes, with unusually excited expressions.

Yan Xi couldn't help frowning, "I see clearly, he's not a deer!"

A group of people were stunned, looking at each other's exposed faces, although they were indeed exquisite and beautiful, they were indeed not words.

"Where did Yan Feilu go?"

"Is it still in the old alley?"

"Why did you deceive us!" Someone else was very angry, reaching out to grab Yan Xi's arm, trying to teach the liar a lesson.

Xie Changze's eyes turned cold, and he grabbed the opponent's hand and pushed it back.

"You actually dare to beat people!" The man saw that Xie Chang was more skilled than himself,

As soon as his eyes rolled, he wanted to incite others to block the two together.

"Don't let the two of them go, they must know the whereabouts of Yan Feilu!"

Dai Jun is a little smug. He is in the media. He usually follows celebrities and makes money by fabricating so-called breaking news.

This time, I finally received reliable news that Yan Feilu hugged Miss Yan's thigh. In order to please the other party, she has even pushed her work off recently.

Now that Yan Feilu can't be photographed, of course, I have to block the other party and talk about her mentality with the traffic star who is unclear at such a young age.

If the other party is provoked and beats someone, then there will be more topics to write about.

Supporting stars and beating fans arrogantly and domineering will definitely arouse the rebellious psychology of netizens and bring him a lot of traffic!

Yan Xi raised her hand to hold the opponent's camera, and turned to look at the other fans.

Many of these fans are young, and they are also a group that is easily incited.

"If you continue to block here, Yan Feilu will really run away. Let me tell you the truth, he was hiding in the alley before."

Dai Jun: "You betray your words?"

Yan Xi: "I can't run anymore, I don't want to run anymore. If you don't hurry up, people will really leave. Don't blame me for not reminding me."

Fans are not interested in blocking Yan Xi, they want to see his brother, not Yan Xi, although Yan Xi is really beautiful.

The other party's eyes were gentle, and the tone of speech was slow and slow, but it was very convincing. A group of fans immediately turned around and chased the previous alley.

Dai Jun: "Don't block the camera, why don't you talk about it? What is the relationship between you and Yan Feilu? Why did he send you flowers?"

He didn't leave, and Yan Xi didn't plan to let him go. She had a good memory, and this person was the first media person who rushed to take a photo of Yan Feilu sending flowers.

And it was shot directly on Yan Feilu's face.

Now the other party is also full of malice, ready to let go and take a few pictures of Yan Xi.

Dai Jun soon discovered that the woman's hands were so strong that he couldn't break free for a while.

In that case, don't blame him for being rude!

"Do you rich people all like to play starlets, even Yan Feilu has been caught by you." Dai Jun looked at each other, as expected of a wealthy daughter, she was so beautiful and her temperament was excellent.

Unfortunately, this is only an appearance, the other party is obviously uneasy.

This kind of woman, no matter how beautiful she looks, can't look down on her.

But that didn't stop him from sticking his body over to take advantage of it, "Yan Feilu's little white face is just a good-looking face. It's really boring, isn't it..."

Before he could finish speaking, his neck suddenly tightened and his breath stopped, and someone grabbed the back collar.

Xie Chang dragged the person away from Yan Xi and threw him to the side, and the other person fell to the ground and the camera fell to the ground.

"Fuck you!" Dai Jun's face was fierce, a high school student, he still didn't believe he couldn't deal with it.

Just when he was about to get up and teach the other party a lesson, several cars stopped by the side of the road, and several black-clothed bodyguards walked over quickly.

Gu Nianfeng: "Miss, are you all right?"

Yan Xi shook her head and pointed at Dai Jun, "This person just tried to harass me, and I'm afraid he still has pictures of me in his camera."

Dai Jun: "..."

Intimidated by the aura of several black-clothed bodyguards, he secretly picked up the camera and wanted to run away.

The two bodyguards quickly stepped forward and directly held the person down.

Gu Nianfeng: "Miss, I'll leave it to them here, let's go back first."


After getting in the car, Gu Nianfeng said, "The eldest young master is safe now. He said he went to a friend's house as a guest, let's not worry."

He hesitated, obviously, whether it was his uncle or grandfather, he was not at ease.

Yan Xi: "It's alright, I'll go tell my grandfather and uncle that he should be quite safe now. I know that friend who is a teacher at our school."

It was also a coincidence that when Yan Xi was observing the terrain, he suddenly saw the car parked on the side of the road.

She remembered the car and the license plate number. She went to the airport several times to pick up Mr. Yuan home.

And she has also seen Mr. Yuan drive this car to school to work.

There was a temporary parking lot on the side of the road, and it was only parked for half an hour. She speculated that Teacher Yuan should buy things in the nearby store and would be leaving soon.

That's why I thought of Jin Chan's plan to escape, and took off the hoodie on Yan Feilu's body and put it on Xie Changze. The two were about the same size, and everyone would definitely run after them in a hurry.

Yan Feilu and the others were led away, and when they saw someone was sitting in the car, they hurried up and let Yuan Shu take him away quickly.

So far, the plan is going well. Yan Feilu said he was going to Yuan's house as a guest, so let's go.

She was a little concerned about what the man said just now.

The other party obviously came to the gate of No. 1 Middle School to guard them. Combined with the fact that the other party's mouth was not clean, I am afraid that the visitor was not good.

(End of this chapter)

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