The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 1 I Need Your Soul!

A New York City suburb, Seventh Block Nursing Home.

The door of the house opened, and a well-dressed, handsome, Chinese-American teenager with pale green eyes walked in.

"Professor, I brought what you asked for."

A photo and two cashier's checks of US$300,000 were placed on the hospital bed. The old man picked up the cashier's check to check the name of the head of the household, then put the photo in the palm of his hand, and looked at the lady with a kind smile with extremely complicated eyes. Emotions.

The young man picked up the towel to wipe the tears from the corner of the old man's eyes, sat beside him, and remained silent.

Time passed by second by second. After a long time, with a lonely sigh, the old man woke up.

"After I die, please put pictures on my body."

"Okay, do you have any other wishes?"

"there is none left."

The old man shook his head and turned, "Young man, thank you for helping me do so many things, now, you can make your request, what do you want from me."



"Yes, soul."

The young man raised his head, his pale green eyes exuded a strange gleam,

"Professor Landos, I need your soul,"

The old man laughed, as if he had encountered something very interesting, and his tone became cheerful.

"So, I'm making a deal with the devil. I don't know what your real name is, Lucifer? Or Beelzebub?"

"No, my name is Luke, not a demon." The boy raised his palm, and green flames appeared in his palm, "Just a human with special abilities."

The dark green flame seemed to come from the fire of the undead in hell. It was burning, but it exuded a chill that penetrated into the soul. The old man was silent for a while before he forced a smile.


I met while working in Norway, it was a beautiful girl with silver hair who could make ice out of thin air, even a small snowstorm, how about you? What is your ability. "

"Devouring the soul, digesting the soul, acquiring memory, strengthening yourself."

"What an evil force!"

The old man sighed, but his expression did not show much fear. For a dying person, there is nothing worthy of his awe, but more curiosity.

"Why choose me? An old man with advanced liver cancer can't bring you anything!"

"This is an experiment, and it's a helpless move."

"Can you tell me about it!"

"Of course, if you want to hear it."

Luke moved a chair and sat in front of him, and narrated in a flat voice, "I have a flaw in my ability. While absorbing other people's souls, I will also be affected by negative desires.

Before you, I absorbed the souls of three people in total,

The first is a history professor who throws the corpse into the wilderness. His soul is full of desire for revenge. In order to get rid of the entanglement, I spent several months to find out his murderer;

The second is a scientist who was shot. The tyrannical emotions were buried deep in the soul and transferred to me. The experience during that time was very bad;

In order to prevent similar incidents from happening, I made a very careful selection of the third target, and finally chose Frank Tours. "

The old man frowned, "Governor?"

"Yes, former governor."

Luke sighed, "It turns out that this is a very stupid decision. Who would have thought that the fair and strict Mr. Governor is a pornographic man in his bones. In order to get him to go away, I have to go to great lengths and make various girlfriends for many years. The good reputation that has been built up is ruined."

The old man said strangely, "It doesn't sound like a bad thing."

Luke shrugged, "My grandfather is an old-fashioned person. He doesn't like me taking girls of all skin colors home for the night. Besides, I'm only seventeen years old. Too much of that kind of thing is not good for physical development."

"Makes sense!"

The old man laughed,

"So, you leave me your fourth target, a nice guy who doesn't have any bad habits."

Luke shook his head, "I said, this is an experiment."

"The previous experience has made me understand a truth. No matter good people or bad people, there are hidden desires that no one knows about. Desires are unavoidable, and we can only choose a soul without regrets."

"No regrets for the soul!"

The old man muttered to himself, a glimpse of stunned eyes flashed in his eyes, "You help me achieve my wish, that is, let me die without regret, so that I can be swallowed and digested by you."


"Sounds fair?"

"Thank you for thinking so."

Luke adjusted the position of the pillow to make the old man more comfortable. "Any other wishes? If so, please tell me, and I will help you achieve it."

The old man looked at the ceiling quietly, and after a while he said weakly,

"How long can I live?"

"According to your current state of life, at most two minutes."

"Could it be... longer."

"Sorry, I don't have that ability."

The old man was silent, and his pale cheeks showed despair for the first time. Fortunately, his mind was mature enough to quickly suppress his emotions.

"Thank you for telling me so much."

"Should be."

Luke got up and took the old man's thin palm,

"Nice to meet you, Professor Landos."

The old man gave him a complicated look, closed his eyes, and died.

"Goodbye, Professor."

Luke bowed, dark green flames emerged from his palms, and with a gentle tug, pulled out a broken soul, and the boy opened his mouth and swallowed the soul.

A huge amount of memory fragments surged, the joy of childhood, the freedom of youth, the secret love in college, the hesitation after graduation, the helplessness at the wedding, and the enthusiasm for science, of course, the most important thing is endless knowledge. .

Nuclear physics, electrical engineering, elemental chemistry, cytology... The old man's lifelong learning has become Luke's nourishment. It is gratifying that, except for the regret that cannot be erased, there are no other desires in the memory.

"Thank you for your gift."

Luke bowed again, stuffed the photo into the old man's palm, and called the funeral home.

In order to make the old man not so lonely, Luke specially arranged for six blacks from Ghana to carry the coffin, and in a cheerful atmosphere, Frank J. Landos walked the last journey of his life.

"Good way, Professor."

Luke put down a bunch of lilies and turned away.

Leaving the cemetery, Charlie Weir walked up to him,

"Boss, the director of Wayne Group and the executive president of Luther Group have called successively, hoping to talk to you about the acquisition."

Luke took off his dress and left it in the car,

"Tell them to talk in three months."

"The Wayne Group is willing to offer fifty million," paused, then added, "Euros."

Luke put on his sunglasses and smiled lightly, "Charlie, what did I tell you on your first day at work?"

Charlie was startled, and said sternly,

"Understood, boss, I'll take care of it."

"now it's right."

The silver-white Ferrari spewed thick blue flames and flew away under the envious gazes of passersby.

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