The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 265 Beyond the Existence of Nuclear Weapons

Looking at Joel Nash, who was surrounded by lightning and flames in mid-air, Swamp Thing couldn't help saying,

"His ability is very different from Gast before him."

Luke sneered, "Not only are their abilities different, but their personalities are also very different. If the wolf in the swamp forest is a vicious wolf, this one is a fox with a vicious mouth, cruel, cunning, ruthless."

"What are you going to do?"

"Find the right opportunity and give him a fatal blow."

The swamp monster nodded slightly. He didn't see the demon Adam, and he thought Luke had already made the deployment.

After being burned by the green flames, Joel Nash's energy fluctuations were greatly weakened, and his eyes also showed a sense of fatigue. Just a face-to-face meeting, in just six seconds, his soul was destructively traumatized.

Terrible fire, terrible power!

Joel Nash clenched his fists and quickly made a decision. Luke Xiao must die and must not live. This guy is too dangerous.

Perhaps aware of the change in the opponent's mood, Luke said half-jokingly,

"Your Excellency Gast, with one against two, you have no chance of winning. Why don't you surrender and release Mr. President by the way, and let us pretend nothing happened and let you leave, how about that?"

Joel Nash said coldly while replenishing his magic power, "The one who surrendered should be yours."

"That's not right."

Luke spread his hands, "Your life gate has always been in my hand, Cletus's red pot, you thought it was well hidden, but unfortunately, I found it."

"The god pattern on the stone jar is very interesting. It not only records your life, but also describes the purpose of the stone jar. If I didn't happen to know a friend who knows the god pattern, I really don't know that your body has been sealed inside. No wonder you care so much about it, it turns out that it contains your lifeblood."

"Your Excellency Gast, you might as well guess, if I throw a small nuclear bomb into the stone jar and blow it up, what will happen to your body? Will it be destroyed along with the stone jar? Or rush out of the cage, reborn?"

Joel Nash's complexion changed drastically,

"you wanna die!"

Luke laughed strangely, with an indescribably weird expression, "I'm looking for death, what can you do to me."

Say it, snap your fingers.

A round metal ball fell from the sky, and a stone pot with a notched lid was suspended below the metal ball. It was the red pot of Cletus, the utensil used to seal the demon Gast.

The next moment, under Joel Nash's horrified eyes,


A huge roar spread, and a small mushroom cloud appeared in the sky, and the terrifying impact scattered in all directions. Accompanied by the strong wind pressure, a category 12 hurricane suddenly blew in the forest, and the trees fell down one after another, and the vegetation was overwhelmed and clinging to the ground.

Electromagnetic pulses and radiation waves spread rapidly to the surroundings in the physical shock.

Luke and the swamp monster used their abilities to resist the impact of the energy wave.

Joel Nash didn't move, he just stared blankly at the sky. Through the firelight, he could see the mysterious runes flickering in the center of the mushroom cloud. In the runes, a terrifying creature with red scales and four wings appeared. It only appeared for a second, and the terrifying creature was turned into powder in the rune strangulation.

"Do not!!!!"

Joel Nash put his head in his hands and let out the biggest roar ever,

Regardless of the surrounding electromagnetic waves, he rushed towards the mushroom cloud like a lunatic.


There was a second explosion, and the mysterious runes turned into endless waves of light, exploding in the sky like the sun.

At this moment, the earth shook, and the light waves were so dazzling that it turned night into day. A materialized circle of light emerged in the sky, and the circle of light expanded slowly. The suffocating energy turned everything it touched along the way into molecules. form.

The doomsday fell on the earth, and even the FBI people who were separated by more than ten miles felt the fear of the annihilation of all things.

That annihilating breath makes one's scalp explode.


Luke was startled, his back felt cold, and he turned around and ran away without saying a word. The swamp monster reacted faster, plunged into the mud, and disappeared without a trace.

The things made by the Eternal Clan are terrible. Compared with them, nuclear weapons are like water guns in the hands of children.

The speed of the spread of the aperture gradually accelerated, from the initial point to a circle, and gradually into a ball of light covering several kilometers. Standing on the satellite and looking at the earth, one could even see the blue hole created by the cloud and fog destroyed by the aperture.

Luke ran out with all his strength, but was still chased by the aperture. Seeing that he couldn't hide, he could only explode all his energy and lay layers of defensive barriers around his body.

The halo of light brushed across the ground, trees, flowers, rocks, everything disappeared, leaving only the dry and bare ground and soil molecules suspended in mid-air.

A blank area with a diameter of ten miles appeared in the forest. The gray land was lonely and lifeless.

Sam Ryan, who had just left the forest, watched all this in astonishment. He didn't even know that the lighter had fallen off. The others had the same expression. On the white sky, the aperture slowly opened, forming a beautiful and cruel scene.

With such power, human beings are nothing.

"Is this the power of the devil?"

Some people muttered to themselves, but got the answer. Everyone only felt that their hearts were very depressed, and their eyes could not express the fear.


Emily yelled terribly, and strode towards the forest. Maeve grabbed her quickly and pinned her to the ground. Standalov stepped forward and slapped Emily on the back of the neck. Knock her out.

Costa swallowed and murmured,

"That... that person should be fine!"

Everyone was silent, and the atmosphere was extremely depressed. At this moment, Sam Ryan walked up and said hoarsely,

"I want you to go to the forest and see what's going on."

Stendalov and Maeve looked at each other and nodded,

"We'll send someone there."

Sam Lane glanced at the unconscious Emily, frowned, turned and left without saying anything else.


The halo lasted for a long time before it slowly faded, the light disappeared, and the night fell again.

In a certain mound, the soil squirmed for a while, and a metal arm protruded, followed by a cracked helmet and a damaged breastplate. Luke coughed violently, pushed away the surrounding mud, and crawled out of the pit.

Looking up and looking around, when he saw the endless black plain, he was stunned.

"If I remember correctly, this place was originally a forest."

He muttered to himself, and soon came to his senses, put aside his messy thoughts, and checked his body quickly. His head was fine, his upper body was fine, and his left leg was slightly sprained, not too serious.

The problem is the Ghost Armor.

The battle armor was severely damaged, the surface was covered with large and small cracks, and there were even gaps in the back and left leg.

"Ava! Ava! Are you there?"

:. :

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