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Joel Nash's remarks surprised everyone, including his closest wife and daughter. In fact, the speech prepared by the staff was not like this, but a moving, tear-jerking article about light, hope, rebirth.

One in 10 journalists will shed tears if they speak according to the text of the speech.

But he didn't do that. He changed his speech without telling anyone, and broke a shocking scandal in an almost stupid way.

The first lady opened her mouth in astonishment, and the staff behind her also looked at each other in dismay. No one knew that Joel Nash would say such a thing.

Although before the press conference, everyone was worried about whether Mr. President could successfully complete the speech with his current state of mind, they did not expect that he would speak out about amnesia without any scruples.

Isn't this picking up a stone and shooting yourself in the foot? Who will vote for people with abnormal brains, when voters are all fools?

It's over, it's over!

Years of hard work were in vain.

Kate Nash's vision was in a trance, and she almost fainted. Vanessa hurriedly supported her mother and looked at her father with extremely complicated eyes. What was the father thinking, didn't he agree to speak according to the speech, why did he suddenly change his mind at the moment? .

What is the reason for him to have such a big change.

Forget about them, even the Senate and the Department of Defense can't figure it out, Hyde Klimt and Kerke even laughed out loud, Mr. President's brain really has a problem, otherwise how could he be stupid enough to expose this scandal .

After the speech, the next part is the interview.

The crowd finally calmed down after the snarling scolding of the Secret Service operatives.

Joel Nash, who was standing on the podium, randomly named someone, and the reporter who was named asked in a very fast tone,

"Mr. President, is what you said just now true? You really lost your memory!"


Joel Nash didn't hide it. Although his expression was cold and unapproachable, his voice was unexpectedly steady, "I don't remember what happened six days ago, only some very vague pictures."

"Then do you know what the aliens who attacked you looked like,

Do you know each other. "

"This was six days ago."

The reporter was about to speak, but Joel Nash pointed his finger at the person next to him. The former had no choice but to sit down and wait for the opportunity.

"Mr. President, do your wife and staff know that you can say these things?"

Joel Nash shook his head silently,

"They don't know, it's my temporary decision."

One sentence pushed the atmosphere of the venue to a peak, and the reporter asked excitedly, "That is to say, the content of the speech is different from what you said."


The reporter asked again, "Can you tell us the content of the speech?"


Everyone: "..."

The way Mr. President speaks is as straightforward as a child. When he thinks of his current state of memory, everyone is not surprised. A person who has lost his memory is no different from a child.

A reporter stood up and asked, "Mr. President, what made you temporarily change your mind and declare your illness."

Joel Nash replied, "These days, Kate, Vanessa, and the people in the White House have been telling me about the president, when I learned that many people supported me and regarded me as the hope and future of the country. I realized that I can't lie, that it is wrong to lie, and it is irresponsible to conceal my illness. I have to tell the truth. This is the decision I understand as the president to make.

So, I decided to give up the speech and give real answers, not to disappoint those who supported me. "

Calm, indifferent, and emotionless words echoed in the air. The inexplicable, noisy venue quieted down. The reporters expressed their astonishment, but their eyes showed extremely complicated emotions.

The people who can sit here are all well-known reporters from major media. There are countless senior officials, politicians, and presidents who have interviewed, but none of them have caused a psychological impact on them like Joel Nash.

What is a politician?

It sounds better to be a human being who takes political activities as a profession. In fact, everyone knows what the situation is. The so-called politicians are engaged in political speculation and political maneuvers for the sake of power and fame. conspirators.

The former Joel Nash was also a politician, but not anymore. After losing his memory, he became a simple person. This kind of person may not be suitable for president, but it is absolutely convincing.

The reporter who spoke first said sincerely, "Mr. President, I take back what I said earlier, thank you for your answer just now, let us see the sincerity, I will vote for you tomorrow, and you are fully capable of serving as president."

Afterwards, there was warm applause at the scene, and the venue that was originally tit-for-tat became more warm.

The sudden change in the situation caught the first lady and the staff by surprise, and Joel Nash's almost stupid speech won a lot of applause.

what the hell? Incredible too.

The press conference lasted for nearly an hour in a peaceful atmosphere, during which reporters asked various questions, and Joel Nash gave simple and correct answers. For questions that he did not know or could not answer, he would directly say no , instead of going around like other politicians and not responding positively.

The reporters are very satisfied with today's harvest.

The people in front of the TV are also very satisfied. Although the president who has lost his memory has become simple, straightforward, unsmiling, and unpleasant, he can give people an inexplicable sense of trust.

After reading the news, Luke smiled to Carol, who was working hard at the office of the director of Ferris Airlines in the seaside city.

"Mr. President did a great job and didn't let me down."

"Disappointing you?"

Carol glanced at him and said speechlessly, "He is the president, what does it have to do with you."

Luke shrugged without explaining much, walked behind the girl, touched her hair and said slowly,

"Tomorrow I'm going back to the big city."

Carol was stunned for a moment, "Do you have to go? The scale of the seaside city is not small, you can stand here completely."

Luke shook his head, "The company's next development direction is Europe, and the coastal city is not suitable." After finishing his words, he said, "Don't worry, it's not that I'm not coming back. I'll definitely come back to see you when I have time."

Carol clenched the barrel of the pen and said very seriously,

"Once a week, have to come back."

Luke reached into her clothes and attached his ear, "Once a week is enough, at least twenty times."

Carol blushed slightly, "Don't make trouble, this is the office, someone will come in."

"Don't worry, I said hello to Angie, and no outsiders will come in."

"You bastard!"

Luke laughed, picked up Carol and threw it on the sofa. Soon, there was a babbling sound in the office, and Angie, who was standing at the door, was trembling and wanted to run away in embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, Miss Ferris, who has always been serious and calm, is also playing an office romance!

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