The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 3 Financial Liars

As the top intelligence agency in the United States, every once in a while, the FBI encounters hacking incidents, but this is the first time someone is riding on the head and shitting like this.

Anger spreads throughout the department.

Everyone is gearing up to find that hateful thief.


Queens basement.

Luke took out four hundred dollars and put it on the table,

"Buy decent clothes, come to work at ShowMe at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, don't be late."

Zack stared blankly at the computer screen, and only woke up when the door closed, and hurriedly ran to the computer Luke was using to check the data records.

The source code of several thousand lines constitutes a framework that has never been seen before. The more I look at it, the more shocked I become. When I reach the last few lines, the screen suddenly goes dark, and a white sickle pattern pops out.

"grim Reaper!"

Zack was shocked.

The pattern disappeared in a flash, the data was all cleared, and the computer entered a blue screen.

"It's over!"

Zack sat down on the chair, clutching his hair with both hands, very annoyed.

Grim Reaper is a legend in the hacker world. He was born ten years ago and provokes the whole world with his own power. He puts ducks on the official British website, draws women on the French official website, draws his ass on the Brazilian official website, and poops on the Italian official website... …At that time, there was a lot of commotion, and hackers from all over the world were dispatched, and even a temporary alliance was formed.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't find that person's IP address, and the only useful clue was the white sickle.

"Is he the god of death?"

"No, ten years ago that kid was at most six or seven years old, and he never touched a computer."

"It's not the god of death, how can there be a white sickle."

"Maybe I should go to ShowMe."


After leaving the basement, Charlie couldn't help but say,

"Boss, won't you get the computer back?"

"That's a meet and greet."

"What if he doesn't come."

Luke opened the door and smiled, "He'll come."

Charlie shrugged and sat in the driver's seat. He couldn't understand where the boss's self-confidence came from, but dozens of practices have proved that the boss is always the best.

"Where to go next."


In a dilapidated rental house on the outskirts of Gotham City.

Robert Downs sat down on the sofa decadently, with a wine bottle hanging by his hand, hops on his face, and he didn't know how much he drank.

Looking at this desolate appearance, no one would have thought that he was the boss of a listed company.

Reality is always full of surprises.

A few years ago, Robert and his friends founded an investment company that provides financial services to the wealthy. With the contacts and extraordinary vision accumulated over the years, the company quickly became an industry leader.

After the listing, the financial resources rolled in, and Robert transformed himself into a famous young entrepreneur.

As the saying goes, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. In Gotham City, a place with simple folk customs, rich people without background are equivalent to innocent young women without clothes.

He annoys Gotham City's mob boss Falcone over a financial dispute, and everything goes bad.

Extortion, extortion, intimidation... All kinds of methods emerged one after another. After only two weeks, Robert collapsed. The elders couldn't stand the fearful life and left one after another.

A thriving company can reach the point where no one is available in the blink of an eye.

Robert had to file for bankruptcy and live a homeless life.

The moment he opened the door, Luke wondered if he had gone to the wrong place. The dilapidated and damp house didn't even have any decent furniture. The garbage was thrown everywhere, and the air was filled with a pungent smell of wine. taste.

Luke covered his nose and frowned,

"You're sure he lives here."

Charlie nodded,

"The address on the mail is here."

"All right!"

Luke tiptoed into the living room, looked at the middle-aged man lying on the sofa several times, frowned and said,

"Robert Downes?"

Called several times, but no response.

"Charlie, go get a basin of water from the kitchen."

A pot of cold water was poured on it, and the middle-aged man who had been intoxicated for many days suddenly woke up.

"Who are you? Who let you in, hurry up, or I'll call the police."

"If the police are useful, you won't be reduced to this point."

Luke found a clean place to sit down and said lightly, "Long time no see, Mr. Downes."

Robert wiped the ice water off his face, his eyes were hesitant, the young man in front of him was very familiar,

"Luke Shaw?"

"You can recognize me, it seems that your brain is not broken."

"What are you looking for me for?"

"I don't like talking to people who smell sour, go to the toilet to take a shower and talk again in ten minutes."

Robert's face froze, a little embarrassed. He used to be a decent person. He never thought that one day he would wear clothes picked up in the trash to chat with others.

"Sorry, wait for me for a while."

Robert hurried to the toilet.

Charlie looked around, whether it was the moldy cheese in the trash can or the piles of wine bottles in the corner, it made him feel awkward.

"Boss, are you sure you're looking for a homeless man? Maybe a thief."

"That's not important, the key is skill."

Ten minutes passed quickly, and Robert came out of the toilet and changed into a T-shirt that could still be seen.

Luke didn't want to waste time in this environment, and said directly,

"Know ShowMe?"

"Of course, it's on my priority follow-up list."

After grooming, Robles seemed to have found some memories from the past, and his tone became calmer.

"Tell me what you think of it."

"Is this an interview?"

Luke nodded, "ShowMe lacks a chief financial officer, you are the candidate."

When the words fell, Robert was all excited, like a man who was about to drown grabbing the last straw,

"Are you sure... to... hire me?"

"I said, options."

"All right!"

Robert took a breath, pressed the excitement in his heart, and said word by word,

"In recent years, with the development of information technology, computers have become popular, many people have computers, and computers are connected to the Internet, forming a huge Internet platform and an undeveloped world. At this moment, your ShowMe came It fills the blank area and opens up new markets. As long as it develops well and forms a monopoly, it can become a new economic giant like the former Wayne family and Luther Group."

Luke secretly admired that he was indeed a newcomer in the financial world, and his vision was indeed unique.

"You're talking about the advantages, what about the disadvantages?"

"Economic Chain!"

Robert looked straight at Luke, expecting to see a bit of confusion from that too young face, but unfortunately, Luke maintained a calm attitude from beginning to end, as if he already knew all this.

"I have observed the operation model of ShowMe. It is a kind of advanced business operation. Traditional companies are very focused on profit. Without profit, there is no survival value. ShowMe is different. You use free to attract users and occupy the market. Climbing, but profit is always zero, if you want to change, unless you launch paid services such as membership and advertising, but doing so is likely to push existing users to other social software.”

Luke nodded, "That's right, go ahead."

Robert drank water to moisten his throat,

"If you want to solve the problem of the capital chain without damaging the company's prospects, operation and investment have become the key links. A good operation can seize market resources, prove the value, and then use the value of the ontology to deal with those consortia and venture capital companies. , to ensure that the investment is not lost without losing control of the company.”

"I don't know much about the operation of Internet companies, but capital operation is my forte. Give me a chance and I will prove my worth."

Luke rested his chin, said nothing, and seemed to be thinking.

Robert shrugged his throat, feeling a little nervous for no reason. Although the young man in front of him had a young and handsome face, he didn't look like a sixteen- or seventeen-year-old fur boy at all. He was too calm, like an old fox who had experienced the world. Guess. Not a little thought

After a while, Luke raised his head and asked,

"How much did you deceive Falcone?"

Robert's cheeks twitched violently, resentment and unconcealed fear flashed in his eyes.

"The boss of Gotham dares to make money. I have to say that you are very courageous."

Luke stood up,

"I like bold helpers, let's go, follow me to the metropolis, and in half a year, I'll help you solve your debt problems."

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