The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 390 No. 7 (two)

In Linda's impression, Luke is a smart, cunning, lustful, dangerous, unscrupulous bastard who likes to make fun of people. Although he has a handsome face that looks immature, he is orthodox man style, and he is different from pseudo-girls and perverts. out of place.

The "Luke" in front of him is a different style.

She was wearing tights on her upper body and tight pants on her lower body. She twisted and twisted while walking, even if she sprayed perfume, she even put on makeup and lipstick.

Is this still a man?

Could it be that he held back for too long, causing his sexual orientation to be distorted, from the former scumbag to the current "shoushou"?

Linda felt strange in her heart. Seeing that the other party was approaching, she hurriedly reprimanded:

"Stop, don't get close."

"I'll ask you one last time, are you really Luke?"

The sissy snorted angrily, "Why is it not Luke anymore, look at this face and this white, tender and smooth body, who can it be except Luke Xiao?"

Linda was about to vomit and couldn't help cursing,

"I don't believe it. He won't become like this at all. Hurry up and call him out. I'm in a hurry."

"Hmph, something with no conscience, it's so sad because of my enthusiasm."

The sissy flicked her neck, took eight steps, and twitched towards the laboratory, "Come with my sister, don't you want Luke, don't regret it then."

Compared to the outside, the green mist in the laboratory was much denser, and before it approached, Linda felt a piercing pain. The pain had nothing to do with the body, but came from the spirit and the soul.

Sissy waved her hand to disperse the fog around her, stretched out the orchid and pointed to the depths of the thick fog and gently tapped,

"That's the Luke Shaw you miss in your heart."

Linda followed her fingers and looked forward. Thirteen looming ghosts could be vaguely seen in the thick fog. The phantoms surrounded the black cube, and her head was connected to a radio wave device similar to a helmet, as if it was receiving something.

Of the thirteen ghost figures, the first twelve were relatively dim, and the last one was extremely solid, with a faint green fluorescence all over the body, and a green flame was constantly burning in the heart and head.

Just looking at it, there is a burning pain in the head.

"What is that? Ghost?"


Sissy put her finger to her mouth and pointed back. Linda hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded slightly. The two of them crept out, and when they reached the entrance, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"He's really Luke? How could it be like that."

Sissy brushed away the hair in front of her forehead and said indifferently, "Soul form, you don't understand it."

"What about you? Who are you?"

Linda looked up and down the...shemale in front of her, and asked suspiciously, "Why are you in Luke's body?"

"It's number seven."

"What's the meaning?"

"The seventh one was born, so it's called No. 7." The sissy sighed a long time, her face full of sorrow, "Actually, people prefer the name Axiang, but unfortunately the main body does not agree."

"Ontology, he is a straight single-celled man with no fun, no art, irritability, and cold-bloodedness. He is so beautiful that he actually named him No. 7. What a name! tmd is annoying."

Linda couldn't help but take a step back. This guy feels too weird. According to the previous words, it can be inferred that the person occupying Luke's body should not be himself, but a guy named "Number Seven". He has the same The memory, the personality is completely different, is a complete sissy.

what's the problem?

The girl was a little confused, thought about it, and tentatively said,

"Do you still have No. 6, No. 5, No. 4, No. 3 ahead of you..."

"Smart! It's not a bad girl I like."

No. 7 moved a chair and sat down, while taking care of his nails, he said,

"There are thirteen of us. The eldest is called No. 1, the second is called No. 2, the third is called No. 3, the fourth is called No. 4... The old twelve is called the old twelve, and the old thirteen is called the old end."

"How did you get here?"


No. 7 opened his arms, showing an exaggerated expression like a magic stick,

"An ancient and terrifying sorcery of the soul that rips the soul apart, like a cream cake, with a knife...a knife...a knife..."

"Isn't it scary!"

Linda said strangely, "So you are all separate personalities from Luke's consciousness?"

"You may think so."

Linda let out a long breath, and finally understood why Luke took a bath every thirteen days. Among the thirteen independent consciousness bodies, only No. 7 was a clean-loving pseudo-mother, and the others should be rough men.

"Little Linda, is there anything else? If not, let's go. If the main body knows that you are here, it will be very unhappy, and maybe it will kill you!"

The girl snorted and raised her chest,

"Others are afraid of him, but I'm not!"

No. 7 covered his mouth and giggled, his eyebrows turned slightly, with an indescribable "coquettishness".

"Little Linda is so strong, of course not afraid, but we are afraid, you don't know the way the body is angry, just like... just like a little wolf dog in estrus, anxious, depressed, dissatisfied with desire, green eyes... oh One sound can scare people to death."

"Listen to my sister, hurry back before the body is awake, otherwise he will strip your clothes off and eat and wipe you up, you won't even have a chance to ask for help."

"Ontology, it's terrifying!"

After hearing Linda's words, her heart felt a little bit short, and her tall chest was a little short. She had planned to teach Luke a good lesson, and by the way told him that if he didn't come out again, she would quit her job, but the current situation made her I dared not speak, I thought about it, and hesitantly said,

"That...what are you researching, when will it come out? And Christmas, you can't even miss Christmas, right?"

"Ouch! Look at my brain, patronizing chatting, and forgetting important things."

No. 7 slapped his thigh, walked quickly to the table and took out a few lists.

"This is a Christmas present for the two grandfathers. This is from my uncle, aunt, and old beggar. This is yours. This is..." After a pause, he quickly took back the list. "Forget this one."

Linda grabbed the list in one hand, and after looking at it, the corners of her mouth could not help but twitch.

"Carol Ferris, sure enough!"

He immediately grabbed the rest of the list, "Emily Song and Barbara, hehe!"

"It's true, the rain and dew are all wet, and there is no bias."

No. 7 looked to the side awkwardly, and the corners of his raised mouth seemed to be gloating.


The girl snorted heavily, tore Emily and Carol's list to shreds, and walked out without looking back.

"Tell Luke, give him another two months, and if he doesn't come out, I'll burn the Cape Villa and let him drink the northwest wind."

Linda disappeared, walking much faster than she came.

No. 7 picked up the broom and swept the scraps of paper on the ground into the trash can, stretched long, took small steps to the door of the laboratory, and shouted tenderly,

"Sixth brother, it's changed."

Among the thirteen ghost figures, the tallest guy stood up, walked out of the thick fog, and came to Luke.

No. 7 smiled lightly, and a slender ghost appeared out of thin air, passed through the thick fog, and sat in No. 6's position. At the same time, the tall ghost turned into a streamer and got into Luke's body.

When he opened his eyes again, the coquettishness in his eyes disappeared, replaced by indifference.

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