The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 393 Sexy Devil (1)

The sky is burning!

With the end of the grand sacrificial speech, the black cloud expanded ten times, and the thick ink-like clouds showed a deep red color. The heat wave hit from above, the water mist was evaporated, and a drop of red smoke and rain quietly fell.


Two drops!

The red rain was ticking, and before it approached, there was a threatening heat wave.

"That is……"

Kahn's pupils contracted, shocked to the extreme,

"Magma, it's magma rain, hide, hide, hurry!"

Everyone was completely shocked, looking at the fiery red raindrops falling from the sky, revealing endless despair.

Magma is falling from the sky!

Things that only happen in dreams appear like this.

The red rain became heavier and heavier, covering the entire island. The seemingly solid barrier only persisted for a few seconds before it shattered. The magma fell on the ground, burning stones and wood, and the ancient city wall melted away bit by bit.

Someone was hit by raindrops and yelled for help, and flames burst into flames, and the whole castle burned.

There is more and more magma, like a torrential rain, converging into rivers on the ground, and if this continues, even if you hide in the basement, you will be burned alive.

Kahn McDougall looked down blankly, his face no longer had the firmness before, but instead showed decadence and powerlessness.

"This is not the power of the world!"


"Only the demon king in hell has this magical power."


Kahn raised his head and roared angrily, "Are you going to destroy the family? They are all your family and friends, and you have to watch them die in the flames."

"I gave you a chance, twice."

Siobhan, with two horns growing on her head, floated in the sky, and the surrounding magic energy shielded the raindrops above her. Her pupils turned into a lava-like color, without any human emotion.

"You gave up, dear Uncle Kahn, you caused all this. When you violated the ancestral motto of the McDougall family and attacked your niece, your fate was doomed."

"Old Gaelic blood shall die today,

out of your hands. "

"I hate it!"

Kahn hissed and roared like a wind, "Siobhan, I will not let you go, McDougall will not be defeated by me."

"Wake up, the ancient heroic spirits, the ancient Gaels sleeping in the fire, take up arms to protect their homeland."

Kahn jumped up and threw out the keel staff filled with all the magic power.

The staff pierced through the air, and the javelin plunged into the brazier like a spear.

The flames rose instantly and turned into a five-meter-high red giant gate. Ancient heroic spirits of different shapes and weapons came out of the gate. They looked up at the darkness, charging towards the sky like fearless warriors.

The lava fell on them, and they were bounced off in an instant.

Ancient heroic spirits are not pure energy bodies, but guardian spirits composed of soul, will, courage, divinity, sacrifice, and magic. They have strong physical resistance and are immune to most magic. They are effective against dark creatures Natural restraint.

It would be good for an ordinary magic family to have an ancient heroic spirit, and only an ancient group like McDougall with a long history can produce dozens of ancient heroic spirits.

The heroic spirits shot straight into the sky, and the dark clouds showed signs of breaking apart, and the divine light they radiated almost illuminated the sky.

Siobhan rarely showed a dignified expression. She knew the combat power of the ancient heroic spirit better than anyone else. These things were one of the reasons why she did not retaliate against her uncle.

However, it doesn't matter anymore.

Whether it's ancient heroic spirits or other ultimate magic, they are all vulnerable to the great Banshee Queen.

"My master, please show your strength, let weak humans see how small they are."

The dark clouds surged, constantly compressing inward, and gradually, a skeleton face made of clouds and mist emerged.

This face is extremely huge, nearly a kilometer in length and width. Terrifying energy fluctuations sway in the sky, and the cheeks fall downward, with bloodthirsty, brutality and a little impatient greed.

It opened its mouth wide, and terrible suction came from the mouth, like an abyss vortex that swallowed everything.

The ancient heroic spirits were fearless and fearless, instead of retreating, they drew out their weapons and plunged into the vortex one by one, just like they did thousands of years ago, fighting the devil to the death.

The clansmen hiding in the castle poked their heads out and looked at the sky nervously. They were looking forward to the heroic spirits breaking through the darkness and bringing light, but unfortunately, reality is always at odds with dreams.

The skeleton face in the sky hiccupped, showing a satisfied expression, like a well-fed laborer.

Kahn, who witnessed this scene, collapsed on the ground, his face pale, showing endless despair.

The McDougall family!

Thus ended the Gaelic bloodline that had been passed down thousands of years ago.


An hour later, on the ruins of the castle that had turned into lava, Siobhan, who had evolved into a demon form, let go of his brother's body, and sent the last trace of Gaelic blood extracted into the giant crystal above.

"Well done, my loyal servant, now, it's time for me to reward you."

The crystal burst into a dazzling red light and shattered with a bang. The blood rolled and burned in mid-air, removing the residue and condensing bit by bit. Gradually, a tall figure emerged.

The slender devil's horns soared to the sky, and below was a beautiful face, that charming face seemed to incorporate the advantages of all female creatures in the world, and one couldn't help but be moved at a glance.

Her skin is fiery red, which blends perfectly with her sexy and hot body. There are a bunch of wings on her back, which create waves of heat when they flap. She has a delicate feeling, her figure is too perfect, her limbs are slender, her curves are exquisite, she should be big or small, there is no flaw, and more importantly, her clothes.

The Banshee Queen doesn't care about human etiquette. When she appeared, there was only a small piece of black cloth covering her hidden parts, and the rest of her body was completely exposed to the air, especially the two big mountains on her chest. Let alone a strong and powerful young man, even an old man who is about to die will stand upright with his spear.

Seeing the figure appearing in front of him, Siobhan couldn't help but take two steps back

"Master, did you do it?"

Crone stretched out her fingers and hooked Siobhan's chin. When she bent down, two fiery red mountain peaks suddenly appeared in front of her like cannonballs. Siobhan blushed and hurriedly looked aside.

My chest is no longer small, but compared to hers, it is like table tennis and bowling.

cluck cluck! ! !

Crone laughed unscrupulously, and the mountain trembled with his body, setting off waves of fiery red flesh.

"My servant, I want to thank you, without you, how could I get out of hell and feel this long-lost coolness."

"In return, I will find ancient books and occupy this world by the way."

Siobhan frowned,

"Aren't you going to tell me the location of the ancient book? Why..."

"Poor Siobhan, I am the only one who can find ancient books in this world. If I don't come to Earth, how can I help you find ancient books?"

The girl was stunned, and understood everything in an instant,

" are lying to me!"

Crone shook his finger slightly, "I didn't lie to you, mothers don't lie to their children."

"What do you mean? How could you be my mother? Who are you?"

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