The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 396 Fight Between Women (2)

If there is a protagonist in the DC world, it is unintentionally the Kryptonians.

You don't have to do anything, as long as you bask in the yellow sun, you can become the top powerhouse in the universe.

However, power is easy to come by, but it is difficult to control it. Whether it is Linda or Clark Kent who has the code of life, the fighting methods used are close hand-to-hand combat and superpowers such as heat rays and cold breath.

They have a treasure in vain, but they do not have the key to open it.

All this changed quietly until Linda met the old beggar.

Hua Guo's ancient boxing method has a mysterious origin and a long history. It can not only strengthen the body, but also mobilize the life energy in the body to carry out substantial energy attacks. At first Linda was not interested at all, let alone apprenticeship.

After trying it, I have to say: really fragrant.

The ancient boxing method majors in internal energy. Without internal energy, it is impossible to hurt people. Linda doesn't need to think about this at all. She has endless life energy in her body, that is, endless internal energy. Once it bursts out, the damage caused is unimaginable .

With the word "broken" it exploded in mid-air.

A small beam of light suddenly appeared in the dark sky, and the beam of light suddenly became larger and turned into a huge light wave that illuminated the sky and the earth.

Starting from the beach, the light wave spread out in a fan shape, covering almost a kilometer radius of the sky.

At this moment, the night turned into day, and the violent aftermath blew horizontally. The cape villa located on the top of the mountain was like paper, with gravel flying, the roof, furniture, floor... everything flew up, accompanied by the strong wind. Swell outward.

Fortunately, the butler responded in a timely manner and led everyone to hide under the hillside. Even so, the situation was not good, and everyone was close to the ground, fearing that they would be blown into the sky by the hurricane.

Siobhan hugged the tree trunk tightly, looking into his friend's eyes with deep shock.

Is this still the power that humans should have?

In the underground base of the Cape Villa, Luke, who was receiving the knowledge of Apocalypse, opened his eyes, turned into a green light, and returned to the physical body. The long-lost touch came, which made him a little uncomfortable who was used to the state of the soul.

"what happened?"

The light and shadow floated, Ava showed her figure, raised her hand, and the virtual screen flickered in the air, and it was the battle between Linda and the Banshee Queen Krone that was being played.



"Who brought it.


The light and shadow changed again, aiming at Siobhan who was hiding on the hillside. At this time, Siobhan was still in the state of a banshee, and with the emergence of Krone, her bloodline also began to awaken, becoming less and less human. Dark creature transformation.

"So it was her?"

Luke muttered to himself, Silver Banshee Siobhan McDougall, a poor unlucky one, met once at Christmas the year before last, and seemed to have a good relationship with Linda.

"Master, how to deal with it?"

Luke rubbed the center of his brows, blood flickered in his tired eyes from time to time, Apocalypse technology is all-encompassing and extremely complex, and it cannot be learned in a few years or decades. In order to speed up, he not only used Zamaron Star’s Mind technology also tried the soul witchcraft recorded in ancient books, split one's soul into thirteen parts, and created a consciousness with independent personality.

Fourteen Lukes are studying together, and the progress is far beyond imagination. Of course, the side effects are also obvious. Long-term use of psychic technology will cause mental trauma, resulting in various negative emotions such as fatigue, depression, frenzy, and irritability. Soul magic will make People are crazy, in a trance, bloodthirsty, and irrational.

When he was in the soul state, Luke didn't feel anything wrong, but when he returned to the physical body, all the squeezed negative emotions burst out.

"Master, are you all right?"

Luke shook his head, resisting the pain in his head and hissing,

"Start compositing!"

"No more revisions?"

"There is no need for that. The materials we have now can only do that. The rest is fine-tuning the program."

"Start now!"

"Okay, master."

The robot hidden in the corner came out and moved Luke's collections over the years to the laboratory one by one.

The silver-gray Prometheus metal, the light-gold Amazon metal, the kinetic energy alloy invented and improved by Luke, the poor-quality Dionysus primer extracted from amber gold, the remains of the demon Gaster, and the golden key found on the Kryptonian space station .

The latter two things, Luke was not going to join.

After testing the mother box, it was found that they were very unusual. Gast's corpse contained blood factors left by ancient demons. Fusing them with Dionysus primers can produce new changes, not only endowing the armor with powerful magic resistance, but also Make it have automatic repair function.

This discovery made Luke overjoyed. The golden key is even more mysterious. He still doesn't understand why the energy emitted by a key will affect the space.

After the materials are prepared, the synthesis officially begins.

As the main carrier, the mother box was forcibly awakened by Ava. As for whether the awakening will attract the attention of Apocalypse, that is not a question that Luke should consider.

A large red spot overflows from the mother box, wrapping the surrounding materials.

A miraculous scene appeared, the material began to soften and decompose, turning into molecular particles, even the indestructible Amazon metal and the extremely tough Prometheus metal could not be avoided, the only thing that was not affected was the golden spoon, the red light spot The energy of the key can be taken away, but the key itself cannot be harmed.

Luke had expected this scene, staring straight at the red liquid above.

This liquid contains the essence of three super metals and the alien energy provided by the golden spoon, which is the origin of Ghost 3.

Under the control of the established procedures, the liquid began to elongate and grow bit by bit. At the same time, Ava also injected the core system that Luke devoted himself to build into the liquid.

A progress bar appears in mid-air:



The underground base was quiet, but there was a commotion outside.

The moment the beam of light appeared, the world was silent.

Endless waves of light rushed to the sky with the power to destroy everything, violent winds blew up, waves churned, and the terrifying power seemed to smash a hole in the sky.

Crone was startled.

Is this a power that humans possess?

Is she really a descendant of the old god?

The fear of death became more and more intense, Krone did not dare to be careless, and injected all the magic power into the dark cloud, the red light flickered violently, and the whole dark cloud trembled.


There was a loud noise in the sky, and red lightning fell from the dark clouds, like a red python flying from outside the sky colliding with light waves.

Next second!

The boa constrictor shattered, and the light waves rushed upwards, blowing away the dark clouds like a rotten one, piercing the sky, leaving behind a clean and clear night sky.

The dark clouds disappeared, the sea tide fell, and the wind gradually calmed down.

Siobhan, who was hiding, and a group of villa servants stared blankly at the sky.

The sky is covered with stars, and the moonlight is so clear and bright, as if it is close at hand.

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