The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 413 Princess Kidnapping Case (1)

"Didn't you just say that the land people should be blamed, why did you suddenly make this decision?"

Challenge and killing are completely different concepts. Luke is the guest of King Zebel, and killing him cannot explain to the king.

Atner said in a deep voice,

"It was Aum's request, and he made an offer we couldn't refuse."

Everyone was still puzzled. Although Prince Aum hated land people, he would not issue such an order thousands of miles away.

Camilles hesitated, "His Royal Highness Aum has enmity with that mainlander?"


"Then why..."

The corners of Atnel's mouth turned up, and he couldn't say sarcasm, "Because he didn't want to repeat the fall of his father Ovacs." After a pause, he continued under the puzzled eyes of everyone,

"Do you still remember Queen Atlanta's escape from marriage twenty-eight years ago?"

"Is this matter related to Her Majesty the Queen?"

"Of course it does."

Atnell sneered, "It's normal for you not to know about the royal scandal. Atlanna, who was still a princess, didn't want to obey her father's arrangement to marry the captain of the palace guard, Ovax, so she escaped when the war broke out. This journey has been going on for several years, and outsiders only know that Atlanta has been hiding in the bottomless trench, but she actually went to land."

"Not only went to land, but also fell in love with a landman, and gave birth to a son. That illegitimate son is Aum's half-brother, who also has the royal blood of Atlantis."


The news was so explosive that the murlocs instinctively pricked up their ears while being shocked.

"Because of this scandal, Ovax's temperament changed drastically, and he became a famous lunatic. Aum was also deeply affected by it, and he hated land people very much." He took pleasure in other people's misfortune, "That guy Ovax is really unlucky, he finally married the princess, and before he even touched her, the princess ran away with a landman of low blood, and gave birth to a son, hehehehe!!!

What can I do, poor fellow? The royal family will never allow the scandal to leak out, so he can only endure it, wearing a big green hat to guard Her Majesty the Queen who doesn't love him at all. "

"This incident has left a deep psychological shadow on Aum, and he will never allow himself to follow his father's old path."

Camilles said in shock, "You mean that His Royal Highness Mera might be with that mainlander..."

"Why is it impossible?"

Atnell smiled lightly, "Don't forget, Mera was raised by Her Majesty the Queen. She yearned for life on land since she was a child, and she can speak land languages. You didn't realize that she cared too much for that land man. She actually went public for him. Challenge me, is this what a princess should do?"

"Aum has been secretly paying attention to the progress of the alliance. When he learns that such a land man appears around Mera, how will he react?"

"Father was cuckolded by land people, and the son will go the same way?"

Hearing this sentence, everyone's mouths twitched. They wanted to laugh but didn't dare, so they could only hold back. Gossip has no distinction between regions and races, especially royal gossip.

Camilles was the calmest and asked the toughest questions,

"How do we kill the landman and send the assassin?"

The combat power of the land people should not be underestimated. It is almost impossible to kill him in a head-to-head confrontation. The only way is an assassin, but this is Zebel's territory, and there is a princess guard by his side. Even if an assassin is sent, it may not be successful. .

Atnel shook his head slightly,

"Aum has already prepared for us. In the morning of the day after tomorrow, a set of Poseidon prototype armor will arrive at the fortress. It is the highest technology of Atlantis. With it, the land people are no match at all. Camilles, hand it over to the fortress. You must succeed."

Camilles raised his hand in salute,

"You will not be disappointed, my lord."


The challenge date is getting closer, but Luke has no sense of urgency.

Every day, I either swim in the deep sea with the two beauties, or taste all kinds of Atlantis delicacies with me. I also take time to discuss the different cultural customs of the sea and land with Mae Ra.

After two days, the relationship between the three has developed rapidly, and they have become good friends who talk about everything.

Carol also prepared some land sauces for Mera, and the sashimi had a special taste when dipped in the sauces.

Unknowingly, the time came to the third day.

In the central hall of the fortress, King Nereus of Zebel stands on the throne, Princess Mera stands on the left, and then the king's guard and the princess' guard.

The Murlocs and their party stood at the bottom of the stairs, and Luke and Carol were opposite them.

The room was filled with a depressing atmosphere. Everyone in the Murlocs stared at Luke, especially Camilles, with sharp and compelling eyes, as if they wanted to pierce through him like a sword.

Challenge is a sacred tradition of the Atlanteans. It is related to life and death, higher than life and death. Even in the battle for the throne, challenges will be used to solve them.

However, this kind of challenge is limited to Atlantis, and this is the first time that the people on the seabed and the people on the land have fought.

Compared to the prudence of the murloc, Luke looked very lazy, covering his mouth and yawning for a long time from time to time, those who didn't know thought it was "all night" last night.

Mera hesitated, "Father, are you really not going to stop it?"

Nereus remained silent, his eyes flicking over the liquid metal ball suspended behind Luke from time to time.

Landman's armor?

It can actually become this form!

Maria stepped forward, knelt down on one knee,

"The time has come, Your Majesty."

While speaking, Nereus blinked cryptically, and Nereus understood in his heart. Even though he was a little shameless, he endured it, stood up and left the throne, and swore an oath to the statue of Sea God,

"Following the sacred traditions of Atlantis, I, King Nereus of Zebel, will serve as the arbiter and witness of this battle, the guard, and open the battlefield."




Everyone raised their weapons and let out an angry roar. Amid the violent vibrations, the floor of the hall slowly opened, and high-temperature heat flowed towards them, and there was a river of magma below.

No wonder the fortress glows all the year round, it turns out that they use the heat of magma to power them.

There is a round stone pillar with a diameter of about 20 meters above the lava river, which should be the place of the battle.

Carol was a little worried and couldn't help saying,

"Do you really want to do this?"

"It wasn't agreed last night."

Carol smiled wryly, "You are too courageous. If you fail, the whole Atlantis will chase you down."

Luke laughed loudly,

"If you can't even deal with Atlantis, are you worthy of being your man?"

The girl looked embarrassed, and couldn't help but give him a blank look. She was both happy and helpless, "Okay, I will follow the plan, Meera..."

"She'll be all right, I assure you,"

Carol didn't say anything anymore, turned into a fighting form, broke away from the air bubbles, and was suspended in the sea water.

Luke raised his hand, and the liquid metal ball spread upward along his fingers, turning into a floating armor that wrapped his body.

The invisible stand swayed to the surroundings, and spider web cracks appeared on the floor.

The onlookers couldn't help but take a deep breath. The floor of the hall is used to resist magma. Not to mention the water gun, even if the heavy artillery hits it, it won't be blown up.

"What a powerful force!"

Atnell muttered to himself, then sneered, "But it's nothing compared to the Poseidon prototype armor."

"Let's get started! Camilles, let the land people see the highest technology of Atlantis."

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