The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 416 How to make the princess be kidnapped by you willingly (2)

The Murloc Kingdom and Zebel are countries with diplomatic relations and have a military alliance for more than 100 years. Atnell can die anywhere, but he cannot die on the land of Zebel.

Mera, aware of the importance of the matter, looked at Luke eagerly,

"Since it is His Highness's request, I will naturally obey it, but..." the conversation changed, "There are some things that must be clarified."

Luke knelt down and stared at Atnell's eyes. The green flames in his eyes were burning. The power of fear penetrated his soul and took root in the depths of his heart. Atnell screamed in horror. climb,

"Don't come here, don't come here."

"I don't dare anymore, please let me go."

"Let me go."


The hoarse voice echoed in the hall, and everyone couldn't help frowning. It's too embarrassing for the dignified Lord of the Murloc to be frightened like this.

The Murloc soldiers rushed up angrily, but were bruised all over by the purple crystal blast.

Luke took a few steps forward and stepped on his chest. After feeling the emotional fluctuations emanating from the other party, he was speechless for a while. No wonder the murlocs were the weakest among the seven kingdoms under the sea. All the lords were like this, let alone soldiers.

"During the battle just now, your people tried to kill me several times."

"I don't understand why there is so much hatred and hatred towards me? Or do you simply hate land people?"

"It was Aum, Aum asked me to do it, I didn't intend to kill you."

"Which Orm?"

Atnell swallowed, "Prince of Atlantis, Your Highness Aum."

After saying this, he immediately closed his eyes.

There were depressing conversations around, and everyone was shocked by the news, and Nereus didn't expect that there was another reason.

The prince of Atlantis actually killed the land people, it's too ridiculous!

Luke raised his eyebrows, secretly thinking that this guy really cooperated, but his tone did not change, and continued, "I haven't even seen Your Highness Aum's face, how could he kill me, give you another chance, say, who asked you to do it?"

"It's really Aum, he...he..."

Art's face was full of confusion, and his fish face turned into a pig's liver color. He knew very well that once the whole matter was revealed, the royal family would definitely not let him go, but if he didn't say anything, he would definitely not be able to pass the current test.

If he had known that the land people were "terrorists", he would not dare to offend them if he was killed. The Murloc Kingdom is a famous art country, and he hates killing people the most.

After a lot of thought, he also felt resentment towards Aum, he didn't send the Seagod Armor, and he himself would not have the idea of ​​killing, all of this was his fault.

After weighing it up and down, he simply kept on doing nothing, revealing the whole process of the incident and the scandal surrounding the royal family.

With all kinds of fierce news coming out, the atmosphere became extremely weird.

"This guy really dares to say it."

Luke muttered in a low voice. He thought that the other party would give Orm a few big hats at most, but he didn't expect that he even dared to arrange the queen of Atlantis.

What the queen never had sex with her husband, Ovax had three lovers and one of them was a man, Aum had an illegitimate brother, etc., everything that should be said should not be said.

In the end, Luke couldn't listen anymore, coughed, and asked the most curious question,

"The queen of Atlantis really fell in love with the land people and gave birth to a son?"

"It's absolutely true, I swear to the Sea God."

"Have you seen that child?"

Atnell shook his head again and again, "No one knows where he is except the royal family."


Luke chuckled, "That means His Royal Highness Aum wanted to kill me because his father was cuckolded by land people."

The corners of Atnel's mouth twitched, he could feel that the land people were playing tricks on him, but now, there is no turning back,

"Because of Owax's relationship, Aum has always hated land people, and never allows his fiancée to have contact with land people, especially land men." When he spoke later, his voice quickly weakened, and at some point, Mera came to the two Beside her, her white and tender face was as red as a tomato,

His hands were clenched into fists, shaking violently with anger.

"Tell Aum, I will never marry him, not even die."

Luke: "..."

Nereus: "..."

Princess Guard: "..."

The majestic Crown Prince of Atlantis, the powerful and wise His Royal Highness Aum, is actually so narrow-minded behind his back, that he travels far and wide to kill someone for no reason.

Thinking of all the things before, everyone not only showed a sigh of relief.

Carol covered her head, wondering if Luke had planned it.

Luke tossed Atnell aside, turned to look at Mera,

"Aum likes you."

Mera: "..."

"He regards you as a slave, and will do anything for you, including killing me."

Meera said angrily, "What are you trying to say?"

Luke sneered, "I have clear grievances and grievances. If others want to kill me, I will return it, whether it's a prince or a king, it's all like this."

Meera's pupils shrank, "Don't be impulsive, he is..."

Luke stepped forward and stared at her condescendingly, "It started because of you, and naturally it will end with you.

"Since Prince Aum is so afraid of being cuckolded by land people, I just let his nightmare come true. From now on, you are mine."


Nereus was furious, "Catch him."

The guards raised their weapons one after another, and energy bombs were fired from all directions. Luke raised his hand, and a red barrier appeared around him, blocking all attacks.

"Your Highness, what do you think?"

Mera shook her head again and again, "Luke, you can't do this, we can discuss it."

"It seems that if you don't object, that's good."

"Your Majesty, I took your daughter away. If you want to come back, let Aum come alone. I will have a holy duel with him. If I win, Mera will be mine. If I lose, I will save my life. If he doesn't come, I will let his fiancée give birth to a dozen children for me."

Luke laughed loudly, grabbed Meera's arm and soared into the sky. In mid-air, a red light flashed, penetrated the roof, and disappeared into the depths of the sea.

Carol cursed secretly as a bastard, a strong purple light emitted from her body, the light flickered, and the person disappeared.

The speed of the two was incredible, and the guards could only stare blankly, unable to stop them at all.

This scene is destined to leave an important page in the history of Atlantis. The majestic Princess Zebel was kidnapped by land people in full view.

This is not a slap in the face, but shit on the head.

The enraged Nereus immediately notified all the armies to gather news about Mera, and there was no need to discuss the military alliance. Everyone in the Murloc Kingdom didn't dare to stay any longer, and immediately set off for home.

It didn't take long for the news to spread throughout the countries under the sea.

Luke became famous and became the public enemy of Atlantis. Of course, Prince Om is more famous. After all, Mera is his fiancée. His wife was kidnapped, so the husband can't be a coward!

The countries that had a bad relationship with Atlantis spread the news all over the world. They were very curious about how the prince would respond to the challenge of the people on the land.

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