The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 420 Who is the King of Atlantis (2)

"DC world's richest man ()"!

In the confined space, green smoke seeps from the soil and continues to spread around.

There was a faint voice in the fog, and as a flame rose, there was a transparent and mysterious phantom beside Luke.

The phantom exudes a light green light, and the outline of the face can be vaguely seen. Judging from the appearance, it is similar to Luke, but there are subtle differences.

Aum looked at this scene in amazement, thought of something, and said in horror,

"Physical soul? How is that possible?"

The soul is elusive and untouchable. It comes from the body, but it can be separated from it. Most people's souls are at the same level. Some wizards, dark creatures, demons, etc. who practice magic are stronger, but they are not too different. .

The separation of the soul from the body is already the limit of Aum's cognition, and he has never thought of materializing the soul.

"Who are you, how can you have such a thing?"

Luke ignored him and turned his eyes to No. 2,


No. 2 bowed slightly and turned into a green light and got into Aum's body. The latter covered his head and screamed in pain. Green light appeared from time to time in his twinkling pupils, and two fighting figures could be vaguely seen.

After only a few seconds, the struggle disappeared.

The calm "Aum" got up from the ground and came to Luke step by step. He could no longer see the pride of the past, only silence and coldness. He knelt down on one knee and surrendered to Luke.


Luke hummed, "How does it feel?"

"It will take a while to get used to."

"What about memory?"

"Already got it."

"That's good."

The corners of Luke's mouth were upturned, thinking of his pride, he couldn't help laughing, the president of the United States was his servant, the king of Atlantis was his avatar, the world is so big, what else... , can not be proud, to maintain a normal heart.

Luke took a deep breath,

Forcibly stop the laughter,

"From now on, you are the ruler of Atlantis, the only king."

"Understood, young master, I won't let you down."

Aum raised his head expressionlessly, his empty eyes like an emotionless puppet, or a zombie just awakened.

He was Orm Ulysses, the king of Atlantis and number 2 of the Thirteen Apostles.

"Come on, it's time to meet your people."

Luke grabbed No. 2, the floating armor emitted faint spatial ripples, and the red light flashed, passing through the collapsed mountain, and came to the top of the island.

After seeing the red armor that suddenly appeared, the surrounding Atlantis soldiers shot without hesitation.

Countless energy bombs came, but they were blocked in mid-air by the energy barrier.

No. 2 said sharply,

"Stop, stop for me."

Vico said urgently, "Don't fight, it's Your Highness, stop."

Only then did the soldiers notice that the land man was carrying a body covered in blood, which seemed to be His Highness Aum.

His Highness actually lost, how is it possible?

No. 2 wiped off the blood on his face, revealing his original face. His injuries were very serious. After falling to the ground, his body stumbled.

"Your Highness, are you alright!"

Amilk hurriedly helped him, who shook his head indifferently,

"Almost died, but he saved his life."

These words are prepared in advance of the script, the purpose is to make the performance more flawless and reasonable.

Amilk and Vico looked at each other, and both saw doubts in each other's eyes. No. 2 was too lazy to explain. The memory in his head was too complicated. He needed to digest it well to adapt to the new role.

"The battle is over, return to Atlantis."

"Notify the troops on the western front to stop attacking the land and retreat to the original station."

"Also, arrange the medical team, I need treatment."

After saying this, close your eyes and go into a dormant state.

Amirk didn't hesitate, and hurriedly called the doctor over and helped His Highness to lie down in the therapeutic apparatus, but Vico, who was accompanying him, frowned and was very confused.

Aum is the one he grew up with, and he has a very paranoid side. Because of his father, he hates the land people and always wants to start a war, but he has no excuses for a long time. The princess kidnapping case just fills this vacancy, so The opportunity is once in a lifetime, how can you give up so easily.

Is it related to the land people?

Vico couldn't figure it out, so he could only attribute the reason to Luke. Maybe the land people showed some kind of super weapon that could destroy Atlantis, so Om had to change his mind.

Whatever the reason, the result is always good, and he, like Mera, is a pacifist, reluctant to see conflict break out on land and sea.

The duel came vigorously, but ended sloppily.

Under the order of "Aum", the Atlantis soldiers evacuated one after another and left the island. In the end, only Zebel and his party were left. Mera ran quickly and shouted excitedly,

"Aum actually gave up the war, what did you say to him, God! It's amazing."

"Tell me now."

Luke stretched out his index finger and shook it gently, "I can't tell you the secrets between men." After that, he turned his eyes to Nereus and smiled lightly,

"Your daughter will be returned to you as it is, and the grievance between us will end here. I wonder if Your Majesty is interested in making me a friend again."

Nereus was silent for a while, then took out a token from his arms,

"This is the king's signal, and you can go anywhere in Zebel with it."

"Your Majesty is too polite. In this case, I can't help but express. I don't know if Your Majesty is interested in battle armor."

Nereus' eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but say, "Is it like this on you?"

"Don't be kidding, Your Majesty, this armor is a legacy of alien technology. Even if there is technology, there is no material. I refer to equipment that comprehensively improves the combat power of soldiers, such as the Seagod armor. I can mass-produce similar weapons. equipment, I wonder if Your Majesty is interested in doing this business."

Nereus turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation,

"Mr. Xiao, this way please."

Luke laughed, removed the floating armor, and left side by side with Nereus.

Seeing the two chatting and laughing, Mera couldn't help but slap Carol,

"Is he really only nineteen?"

Carol rolled her eyes, "What do you think?"

Meramo sighed, "When I first met, I thought he was a well-bred warrior. It was interesting to get along for a few days. Later, I found out that he was a lunatic, and now I don't understand him at all."

"Aum is harder than a rock, how did he convince him to give up the war?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know." After a pause, he said condensedly, "Compared to Luke, you should think about your own business. Although Aum lost, it doesn't mean he will give up on you."

"I won't marry him."

Mera snorted heavily, "If they force me, I'll go to land and never come back."

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