The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 424 On the Importance of Acting Skills

Luke chattered endlessly, yelling and cursing loudly, and he scolded dozens of sentences, but none of them was repeated.

The female Amazon warriors living on Paradise Island had never been insulted like this before. They trembled all over and had red eyes, like man-eating beasts.

Facing the longbow and dagger, Luke was fearless, with his head raised high, but his eyes looked down contemptuously. His haughty look made everyone want to throw stones at his face.

A female warrior couldn't take it anymore, she drew her long sword and rushed forward, only to be grabbed by her companions.

If the other party was a smuggler, he would kill him if he killed him, but it happened to be the princess of Atlantis, who also had the status of a country's special envoy. How could such a person do it so easily.

Seeing this scene, Luke raised the corner of his mouth and sent a light sentence,


The atmosphere dropped to freezing point.

In the cave, after feeling the murderous intent in the air, Meera was a little uneasy,

"Something's not right."

Carol smiled wryly, "Luke has been scolding them for several minutes."

Meera covered her mouth and giggled.

"Your boyfriend is really bad, so he won't piss off those women to death."

Suddenly, there was a vibration from the ground, and the sound of horseshoes from far to near, the speed was extremely fast, and at least a hundred horses could hear the sound.

"The Lord has come."

Mera nodded, returning to her princess stance.

Andyop came quickly with the palace guards. Before he got there, he felt that the atmosphere was not right. The compatriots around were full of murderous looks, and seemed to be ready to fight.

Seeing that the situation is not good, he quickly shouted,

"Stop it all for me."

The horseshoe galloped and stopped at the entrance of the cave. Andyop turned over and dismounted. She was over 1.8 meters tall and had lean muscles that men envied. She stood there like a statue of a goddess of war.

The same is true for the accompanying palace guards, all of them are tall, strong, and mighty. If it weren't for the two pieces of flesh on their chests, Luke would never have regarded them as women.

It is said that an island with only women is a paradise for men. After seeing this group of people, Luke no longer had any previous thoughts.

Heaven is a ghost, it is hell.

Thinking so in his heart, his face didn't change, and he still raised his head.

Andy Op was too lazy to talk nonsense, and asked directly, "Where is the princess?"

Luke raised his eyebrows and replied in a serious manner,

"Who are you?"

"Andyop, sister of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons."

"It turns out that His Royal Highness."

Luke bowed and saluted, his attitude changed drastically, "Wait here a moment, I will inform His Highness right away."

Not long after, the radiant Mera appeared at the entrance of the cave. At this time, she no longer escaped from the past, exuding the arrogance of repelling people from thousands of miles away. He called Luke to his side and whispered something, The latter nodded from time to time, looking like a dog leg.

Then, Luke came to Andy Op,

"His Royal Highness Meera asked me to send my regards to Your Excellency."

Andiop was a little uncomfortable with this way of talking, and turned his gaze to Settle, who said in a voice that only two people could hear,

"It is indeed the language of Atlantis, and it is the oldest language."

Andy Op thought that this princess might be real, and that Paradise Island was discovered by Atlantis, which is not a good thing.

Luke said again,

"We were hit by a thunderstorm on the way to the island, and the nine people with us were forced to separate. Please His Royal Highness send troops to look for them. If you encounter survivors, please treat them properly."

"Also, Your Royal Highness doesn't like living on land. Please prepare a clean palace with a water source. The water source needs to be changed every day. The food only needs to be deep-sea fish species. Our princess likes a quiet environment. If possible, please don't make any noise. As for the clothes ..." Glancing at the clothes of the Amazons, he sighed a long time,

"Don't bother everyone, we will solve it ourselves."

Andy Op: "..."

Suddenly there was an urge to draw a sword and cut people. She had seen the arrogance of Atlantis. She was very upset, but she couldn't show it. She could only say in a low voice,

"I will consider your request, please get on the horse."

A female warrior stepped forward, leading three war horses.

The sour smell came, Luke took a step back subconsciously,

"Sorry, Atlanteans don't know how to ride low-level land beasts. Your Royal Highness, our princess is a special envoy with noble blood and extraordinary status. She represents a country. Doesn't your country have a corresponding welcome ceremony?" Paused , with an ugly face,

"Or you did it on purpose."

When he said the last sentence, he showed a strong expression of shame and indignation, as if it was not the princess who was humiliated, but himself.

Andy Op's face froze, he didn't know how to answer, and the rest couldn't hide their astonishment.

The Amazons have lived on the island for thousands of years, and have hardly seen outsiders, let alone a special envoy of a country. How can they know etiquette.


Luke pointed at them angrily, "It's too much bullshit."

After finishing speaking, he returned to Mera and repeated what he had just said. The latter snorted and strode out.

The three walked through the crowd and walked straight to the sea.

Andyop felt something was wrong, and waved his arms in a low signal. Amazon soldiers attacked from all directions, showed their weapons, and surrounded the three of them.

"Your Highness, what does this mean? I warn you that Atlantis is not afraid of anyone."

Luke raised his hands and yelled loudly, Carol couldn't hold back, wanted to laugh but couldn't, so she could only cooperatively protect Meera behind her.

The atmosphere instantly entered a stalemate, and there was a tendency to strike if there was a disagreement.

Andyop touched his nose in embarrassment, it was wrong, it was all wrong, don't do anything, just stop them, fortunately, there is Setel beside her, as a rare wise person in Amazon, she knows how to deal with this situation .

Setel took a few steps forward and signaled everyone to put down their weapons, and then came to Mera and communicated in Atlantean.

After some conversation, Settle turned back and said in a low voice,

"Princess Mera agrees to go to the Royal City, provided that Bang and the others find the clansmen who were lost in the storm."

Andy Opu breathed a sigh of relief. When it comes to fighting, she can be as good as a thousand, but she is really not good at etiquette. If it weren't for Settle's presence, this conversation would probably turn into a bloody conflict.

"Tell them that I will send troops to search for them now, and ask them to move to the royal city. His Majesty is waiting."

Settle translated the words, and Mera hesitated for a moment, and after receiving Luke's hint, she nodded slightly and agreed to go to the royal city.

After the agreement was reached, the Amazons got on their horses one after another, and then they looked back. From the conversation just now, they learned that the arrogant Princess Atlantis refused to ride a war horse.

Wangcheng is more than ten kilometers away from here. How can you get there without riding a horse?

Everyone thought maliciously, they were very happy to see the picture of the princess making a fool of herself.

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