The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 438: The Revengeful Superwoman

"Is there anything you can do?"

"Nod your head if you have it, or shake your head if you don't, so that I can give up."

"You are too boring, hesitant, and without any decision."

"I've already told you that your alien compatriots have lost patience. If you drag on, you will die. Why don't you understand?"

Lex Luthor was chattering, cursing and persuading, like a long-winded hairless mouse, Clark's head exploded when he heard it, and he could only say,

"I'll take you back first."

Before he came, the intelligent butler of Lonely Fortress greeted him. The space battleship that Zod and others rode on was the work of the Eyre family, and the core program was run by his father himself. As long as Clark showed his identity, he could gain some control.

"how should I do it?"

"Perhaps that will work."

Clark took out a chip from his belt and put it on the floor. The information flow released by the chip got in touch with the control center of the battleship. Soon, a virtual portrait appeared in the cell.

Information matching... Detecting genetic factors... Confirmed identity: Carl El, member of the El family, son of Joe El.

"Hello, Carl El, how can I help?"

Clark took a light breath, pointed at Luther, then at himself,

"Take us to the survival pod, don't let others find out."

"plz follow me."

The barrier opened, and the figure led the way, followed by Clark and Lex Luthor.

The two followed the path without monitoring equipment to the area where the rescue capsule was located. The hatch opened, and an alarm sounded immediately around. Lex Luthor didn't dare to stay, and hurried in.

The rescue capsule was ejected from the battleship and plummeted toward Earth, with Clark following behind, and as the sun's rays shone on his body, he became the omnipotent Superman again.

In the main control room, Haer stood in front of the moon window quietly watching this scene,

"From now on, you are my enemy."


Krypton's information technology far exceeds that of Earth. When Clark Kent's name was entered into the host by Fiora, all the information related to him emerged in an instant.

Somewhere on a farm in Smallville, Kansas.

Martha Kent, who was cleaning the yard, raised her head, and under the blue sky, a black spaceship descended rapidly.

After the spaceship landed, the hatch opened, and a strong middle-aged man in black armor walked out. Behind the middle-aged man was a man and a woman. The man was over two meters tall. , eyes full of murderous.

Martha was a little flustered:

"Who are you? Why..."

Fiora flew to her neck and held it high,

"Where's the code?"


A roar terrified Martha, and involuntarily looked at the warehouse. Fiora threw her aside, jumped into the warehouse basement, pulled the dusty canvas, and a single-body shuttle emerged.

"It really is here."

Fiora was overjoyed, she broke open the shuttle with all her might, and when she saw the empty interior, she couldn't hide her disappointment. She rushed out of the warehouse and came to Zod's side.

"Not in it."


Zod yelled, grabbed the car and threw it to the building. With the cracking sound, the building was crushed into rubble by the car.

"Kill her!"

The anger that had been squeezed for many days turned into an icy murderous intention. Fiora took out the dagger and was about to act when a shrill whistling came from her ear, and a fist light penetrated the cornfield, knocking her out, and after rolling dozens of meters fall in the garage.

"We haven't seen you for two years, and you are still so shameless."

A figure flew over at high speed. It was Linda. She was different from the past. She was wearing a dark blue close-fitting armor and a protective gear on her head, blocking most of her face.

"Meet again, Zod."


Zod looked around, "Why are you the only one, the Earthling named [Lex Luthor]?"

"He's not in the mood to play with you, I'm enough myself."

After the words fell, the girl rushed forward suddenly,

Yaoyao punched in midair,

The roar of the tiger exploded.

The fist slammed into the face, knocking Zod hundreds of meters away.


Edwin's face changed slightly, and he strode forward. At the same time, the garage exploded, and Fiora flew up and launched an attack together.

In a one-on-two, Linda did not flinch at all, but was full of fighting spirit. Two years ago, she was caught by Zod because of her carelessness (in fact, she was stupid) and used it to threaten Luke, although she was safe in the end. But he buried a nail in his heart.

She has never been a broad-minded person. If someone bullies her, she will go back. The hard work of more than a year is for this moment.

The anger of revenge burned, the girl turned her fist into a palm, and the energy overflowed from her body, forming layers of cyclones on the surface of her body.

Ancient boxing method - folding plum hands!

Before Edwin could get close, he felt a strange suction force and flew forward involuntarily. He was a little puzzled and didn't think much about it. He launched an attack according to the situation. Then came the terrifying repulsion.


His heart was hit hard, and his face turned pale in pain.

The same thing happened to Fiora next to her. The cyclone on Linda's body could change its strength with her gestures, switching between attraction and resistance at will.

"You are too weak."

The girl let out a loud shout, and her palms floated to bring out dense phantoms. Under Edwin's astonished eyes, she slapped his chest with a palm.


The black armor was torn apart, and the force of the palm was castrated unabated. After penetrating the internal organs, it emerged from the back, leaving a hundred-meter-long air corridor.


Edwin spat out blood, with deep shock and disbelief in his eyes, his knees slowly fell, and he fell to the ground, his life and death unknown.

how is this possible?

Fiora's eyes widened, unable to believe this scene. Edwin was the most trained Kryptonian soldier. He had participated in dozens of battles, and was blessed by the yellow sun. Such an existence would actually be knocked down by a palm.

Linda sighed and turned her eyes to the right.

"it's your turn."

The figure floated, rolling up a large piece of dust, rushing up like a whirlwind, and a large palm shadow appeared in the flying tornado vortex, densely packed, and it was impossible to tell the truth from the fake.

Fiora had never seen such an attack method before. Seeing that the situation was wrong, he simply jumped high to avoid the direct impact of the torrent. Suddenly, a tiger roar exploded beside his ear, and the fist light pierced the air and zoomed in at an extreme speed in front of his eyes. .


The shock wave came from above, and along with the fierce wind, all the corn in a radius of several hundred meters was crushed to the ground.

Fiora in mid-air fell into the cornfield like a kite with a broken string. Her condition was worse than Edwin, her helmet was shattered by fist light, and she had to come into contact with the earth's atmosphere. The super senses brought hundreds of millions of dollars. The flow of information directly stunned her.

After realizing Fiora's state, Linda turned around and stared at Zod,

"It's your turn, General!"

Zod: "..."

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