The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 443 Humanoid Nuclear Bomb

Metropolitan city center.

The azure blue sky was cloudless, but below was a bleak scene.

The sandstorm set off by the shock wave covered more than a dozen neighborhoods. Screams, shouts, begging for mercy, sirens, chirps... all kinds of sounds mixed together, and the citizens of the metropolis who were attacked uttered the most desperate cries.

A single attack killed tens of thousands of civilians, a scene that only happened in Japan decades ago.

"Zord, you lunatic."

Clark clenched his fists and growled, and rushed out.

Diana took off her cape, pulled out the sword of Vulcan, and stared straight ahead. Linda looked up at the sky and sighed a long time. Luke guessed, that madman Zod really put the battlefield in the metropolis.

In a city of several million people, how many people will die once the war breaks out.

Barry Allen glanced left and right and whispered,

"What should we do? Save people first? Or..."

"There's no time to save people."

Luke strode forward, followed by a robotic butler with a metal box behind him, raised his hand, a virtual screen appeared, and the screen played the scene of the Indian Ocean.

"This is information just received, another shuttle landed in the southern Indian Ocean and launched the same attack."

As soon as the screen turned, it turned into a three-dimensional model of the earth. The two shuttles were located at two points on the earth. The white beams of light they emitted continued to infiltrate the center of the earth. Wherever they went, the surrounding soil wriggled like waves.

Linda's pupils contracted and she said in shock,

"World Engine! They are transforming Earth's gravity with the World Engine."


Luke's expression was very serious, "Zode uses the most direct and effective way to win, changing the gravity of the earth, and then changing the atmospheric environment. Once successful, the earth will not be suitable for human survival, and 99% of human beings will die."

Diana said coldly, "How much longer."

"Half an hour at most."


Luke shook his head, "It's not that simple."

The screen turned again, and there was a scene of Clark attacking the shuttle. High-temperature rays shot out of his eyes, but they were blocked by the energy barrier wrapped in the outer layer of the shuttle. Two liquid metal tentacles attacked from above. Clark quickly dodged, but was wearing Kryptonian soldiers in black armor attacked from behind and punched into the ruins.

It can be seen that Zod is fully prepared and will not let everyone destroy the shuttle.

"Try it, and then you'll know."

Linda snorted coldly, jumped up, and rushed towards the battlefield.

Diana took out the mantra lasso, hooked the corner of the wall, and jumped down from the 100-meter-high building. John Jones flew into the sky and observed the overall situation from above.

All that should be gone, leaving only the two "best dishes".

Barry Allen glanced at Luke and said curiously,

"How are you going to play?"

Luke ignored him and snapped his fingers. The robot butler opened the metal box, and a set of red armor with a lightning symbol engraved on its chest emerged. This armor was very thin. The legs and shoulders each have dark gray protective gear, and the overall color tends to be dark.

Barry fell in love with it at first sight and couldn't help saying,

"This is for me?"

"Okay, just the two of us, don't turn on the voice changer, I know it's you, Barry Allen, Kid Flash from Midtown."

Barry scratched his head awkwardly, "How did you find out."

Luke rolled his eyes, "You can only deceive children about making friends out of nothing. I really thought I was a fool and didn't know anything."

"Don't linger, change it quickly."

"No need!"

Barry was a little awkward. Although he liked the new armor, he didn't want to owe Luke any more. "This armor is very good, and there is no need to change it."

Luke sneered, "This set of you can only deal with ordinary superpowers. It's not enough to see in front of Kryptonians. I don't want to see Barry Allen turned into flesh."

"Come on, there's not much time left, I have an important task for you."

Barry hesitated for a few seconds.

Or take off the armor and put on a new uniform,

Luke introduced on the side, "This armor adopts the latest nanotechnology, and the raw materials include Prometheus metal and the kinetic energy alloy I developed myself. The specific effect system is introduced, you can see for yourself.

I mainly explain three points: First, the floating pedal, the recoil device is installed at the bottom of the battle armor, which allows you to use force in the air; Second, the life support system, each hand protector has a liquid tank, and the left hand is a healing factor, which can make You gain the ability to heal quickly in a short period of time. The nutrient solution in your right hand will give you a steady stream of physical energy. Pay attention, the life support system has a number of uses, use it at critical times, don’t waste it…”

"The third is the core of this mission."

Luke took the metal plate handed over by the robot butler, "Find the opportunity and put it where it should be placed."

Barry asked curiously, "What is this?"

"The super bomb, once it explodes, will turn everything within a 40-meter radius into the most basic particle form."

Barry swallowed and spit, feeling a chill down his back.

"Boss, will you make me a body bomb? I'm still young."

"It's timed, idiot, running forty meters in ten seconds, is it hard?"

Barry was speechless and said easily, why don't you do it, except for a fool, who would run around with a nuclear bomb on his back, what if it exploded?

Luke looked him in the eye and said earnestly,

"We don't have many opportunities. Once the Kryptonians succeed, what will the whole world look like? You are willing to see your family and friends die in front of you, think about your father, your girlfriend, they are all waiting."

"Barry, you are a hero, the Flash who is destined to save the world. This responsibility is only yours to resist, not Superman, nor Diana. Only you have this ability."

"This bomb is the last option and the last hope."

"I'll give him to you, please, Barry Allen, the whole earth is in your hands."

Luke raised the bomb and handed it out solemnly.

Barry wanted to cry without tears. He felt that he had been tricked, but he couldn't find any evidence, so he could only reluctantly took the bomb and put it in the groove on his back.

The humanoid nuclear bomb was born. Luke looked up and down, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he became. The Flash was simply invincible.

"Come on, after the war, I will hold the biggest party for you, and make you a well-deserved protagonist. Heroes deserve this treatment."

Barry Allen opened his mouth and let out a helpless sigh.

Things are like this, what can I do? I can only hope I'm lucky enough not to get hit in the back by the Kryptonians.

On the other side, after many battles, Clark finally met Zod, his old enemy.

At this time, Zod took off the Kryptonian battle armor that protected his body, and only wore black tights. His strong body was suspended in mid-air, and his eyes flashed red, like a god.

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