The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 445 Martian Manhunter

Martian Manhunter, whose real name is Ron Ronze, is a Martian.

More than a decade ago, the scientist Dr. Ode inadvertently brought the Martian hunter, who was grieving for the death of his family, to Earth while experimenting with alien technology. This accident enabled him to avoid the terrible plague that wiped out the Martians.

Later, Dr. Oder died of a heart attack, and he could not return to Mars, so he simply stayed behind, under the pseudonym John Jones, and became the guardian of Dr. Oder's daughter as the Corolla State Police.

John Jones is not an ordinary Martian, but a genetically engineered product. His body is separated from flesh and blood and becomes a special organizational structure formed by a polymer chain.

The special body structure gives him many incredible abilities, such as deformation, color change, density change, simulated clothing, etc. In addition, he also has strength, physical fitness, speed and recovery ability that can be compared with Kryptonians.

Every Martian has telepathy, they communicate telepathically, and they rarely lie and never lie.

In a sense, the Martians are a kind civilization, and John Jones is no exception. After he came to Earth, he has been working as a "hunter" (police), and the crime rate in Corolla is so low, a large part of the credit goes to to write on his head.

However, he rarely reveals his identity, and changes his body every time he moves. Almost no one knows the existence of Martian Hunter, including his adopted daughter Lisa.

The Martian instinct makes him like the emotional changes of criminals in the process of handling cases. The psychological activities of Earth people are so complicated that every action is a new adventure.

John Jones loved this life, exploring other people's inner worlds, uninfluenced, until he met Luke... The flaming green flame brought the experience of death that seeped into the soul.

Luke was the first living being who could not perceive emotions. Facing this not-so-great-looking human boy, he had strong and complex emotions.

Therefore, when Luke proposed to join the war, he agreed without hesitation.

He wanted to get in touch with this human being, and find a way to overcome his weaknesses if he could. (Martians are afraid of fire.)


The battle began to heat up, with Diana and Linda restraining the Kryptonian soldiers below, and Martian Manhunter coming up to observe the protective shield that wrapped the shuttle.

After probing a few times, clenched his fist and punched it.


The barrier waved away the ripples, and then returned to normal.

"What a strong shield."

John Jones clenched his hands and struck quickly. While attacking, he shot red particle beams in his eyes, constantly consuming the energy of the shield, and the Kryptonian scientists who noticed that something was wrong hurriedly activated defensive measures.

The tentacles composed of liquid metal flew out from the top of the shuttle, reaching a length of several hundred meters, rushing over to cover the sky and the sun.

"Green skinned, watch out for the back."

John Jones turned his head and saw the flow of black metal, his pupils shrank, he could only give up the attack, dodge continuously in the air, and avoid the tentacle attack.

The situation is not good, Barry looks anxious, but there is no way.

I can't get involved in the battle below, and the protective shield can't do anything. I can only run around in the air trying to attract the attention of the mechanical tentacles. Suddenly, Luke's voice sounded in my ears,

"Hold on to the shield and feel its fluctuations."


"Each defense barrier has a unique wave frequency, probe its frequency with the detection device on your left hand, and then use your superpower to create a resonance effect."

"Is this... can it be done?"

Barry has some doubts, resonance is a physical phenomenon, shield is pure energy, there is no connection between the two!

"Try it, and then you'll know."

"What if you fail?"

"Then there is only one last way."

"what way?"

"Trust me, you definitely don't want to see it, Barry."

This is the end of the call, Barry murmured,

"Don't want to see it? Could it be a nuclear weapon?"

Thinking of the scene after the nuclear bomb exploded, I shuddered. This is the metropolis. Once a mushroom cloud appears,

Millions will die.

"No, no nuclear weapons, Barry, if you can do it, it will be fine."

Barry kept cheering himself up, avoiding the mechanical tentacles in the air, sticking to the shield like a gecko, and the detection device on his left arm started to detect the fluctuation frequency of the shield.

At the same time, six F35s and three transport planes appeared over the metropolis. The rear hatch of the transport plane was opened, and the special forces soldiers wearing Tesla military armor jumped, stretched their limbs in mid-air, and under the action of the thrusters , slide quickly towards the shuttle.

Leading this operation is the captain of the mecha unit - Colonel Dreg,

"General! The destination has been reached, please instruct."

Inside the military base, Sam Lane, who was in charge of the remote command, said solemnly,

"Divided into two groups, one group will attack the Kryptonian soldiers, and the other group will try to destroy the shield, and must destroy the shuttle within the time limit."


Dreg got in touch with his subordinates, and the mecha warriors sliding in the air were automatically divided into two teams, one team flew to the ground, and the other team landed on a nearby building.

At this moment, a harsh roar exploded in the sky.

With the shuttle as the center, the invisible pulse spreads around like a halo. Wherever it passes, buildings, cars, glass, and plants all float upward in a strange way, and then quickly fall downward.

In the blink of an eye, the force of gravity has tripled.

The mecha troop didn't expect this situation at all, and they fell on the ground like lead cakes. If it wasn't for armor protection, they would definitely be crushed into flesh.

This time the change is not intermittent, but a constant pressure.

The overweight field expanded around, buildings collapsed one by one, cars turned into discus, and the civilians swept by the gravity wave directly turned into meat mud.

There were screams and shrill screams everywhere on the street, and the crowd scattered and fled. The policeman responsible for evacuating the crowd held his head and watched the energy wave rush.

The next moment, the entire street turned red.

After seeing the news, Bruce Wayne, who was inspecting the factory area, rushed here non-stop. When he arrived at the scene, he saw a scene like the end of the day.

The 100-meter-high building sloped downward, and the citizens were disheartened and ran out screaming. After rescuing a little girl who was crying for her mother, Bruce hurriedly took out his mobile phone and gave it to the CEO of Metropolis Branch, who is also a long-time friend. Ramosey calls.

The phone has not yet been connected, and there is an explosion in front of it.

A figure in a red cloak penetrated the floor and smashed into the street. A guy in black tights appeared behind him. The two fought on the street.



Bruce muttered to himself, suddenly, a figure flew at a high speed, brushed over his head, and disappeared between the floors. Wherever he went, the glass on both sides shattered.

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