The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 448 King to King

Edwin died, fell to the ground, without breathing or heartbeat, turned into a cold corpse.

The elite warriors of Krypton, the powerhouse who made Linda and Diana suffer so much, were slapped to death like this.

The air is a little quiet.

Everyone turned around and looked at this side blankly. Fiora and the others had never seen the floating armor, and they did not know who was under the armor. When they saw the encounter with their companions, they were only shocked and scared, and they forgot to act for a while. .

Linda hesitated, "Luke, is that you?"

Luke smiled faintly,

"What do you think? Beautiful lady."

Linda rolled her eyes, when was she still in the mood to speak nasty things.

Suddenly, thunder rang in my ears.

Dozens of blades of light came from above, the air rustled, as if being cut by sharp blades, Luke frowned slightly, his figure flashed, turned into red light, and appeared in the sky.

Light and shadow floated, and Hale came to him.

Neither of them spoke, their figures disappeared, and the next moment, they appeared in the sky above the shuttle, fists and elbows collided, and a fierce impact erupted. The powerful force acted on Luke through the armor, making his face pale.

"Ava, activate mind mode."

"Okay, sir."

Luke closed his eyes, his soul detached from his body and merged with the armor, and his field of vision changed radically. Before, he could only see things within a 120-degree range in front of him, but now there is no dead angle in 360 degrees.

The green flames burned and merged with the armor, and the pale red floating armor had a strange green glow.

Hale felt the power that annihilated the soul, and quickly stepped back,

"Your flames are strange."

"Specially prepared for you."

"You can't win."

"Not necessarily."

The two disappeared, and there was a roar from the building in the distance, and the figure kept flashing in the air, appearing in the sky for a while, on the ground for a while, on the roof for a while, and in the bedroom the next second.

The shock wave came from all directions, and it was continuous, and the sense of drop caused by visual stop and space teleportation made people dizzy.

"So strong!"

Diana couldn't help but marvel at the two people who kept flashing.

Compared with them, the battle below was not of the same level at all. Martian Hunter rushed out of the ruins and came to Linda.

"Why didn't Mr. Xiao take action earlier?"

Linda said solemnly, "Before the war, Luke told me that the key to the war is not Zod, nor the shuttle, but Hale. If you don't defeat him, the war will not end."


Martian Manhunter muttered, a little silent.

Psychic ability is what Martians are proud of, but in the previous collision, he fell behind.

That Kryptonian was incredibly strong.

The battle above became more and more violent, and the silhouettes kept flickering, causing short-term visual residues. As a result, a strange scene appeared, and dozens of phantoms appeared in the blue sky.

The phantoms kept changing until a figure flew out and fell into the building.

Haer's expression was solemn. It was the first time he had encountered such an opponent in so many years across the universe. Lu Yan had the power to burn his soul. He did not dare to make physical contact with the opponent, so he could only use his mind to wrap his palm to attack.

"This person can't stay."

Hale immediately made a decision, raised his hand, and the reinforced concrete scattered everywhere flew up and smashed into Luke's building. , the dust flew up, and was then blown away by the strong wind.

Hale clenched his fingers and stared straight ahead.

The hill where the construction waste was piled up made a creaking sound, and the Nian Nian Bao Man kept shrinking and condensing, turning from a hillside into a sphere, and he wanted to trap Luke alive inside.

Linda couldn't stand it any longer, and rushed up with a roar, but was beaten back by Haer.

After a while, the ruins of the building disappeared, and there was a giant stone ball made of concrete and steel bars on the ground. The stone ball was nearly 100 meters long, and the surface was as smooth as a mirror.

Suddenly, an explosion came from inside the ball.

A figure flew out of it, suspended under the sky.

Haer raised his brows slightly, "You actually survived."

Luke coughed out a few mouthfuls of bruised blood and shouted word by word,

"I will definitely kill you."

Haer snorted coldly, appeared in front of Luke, and attacked again. The fist wrapped in the energy had an unimaginable force. The opponent kept retreating, and the floating armor became dim.

The two of you came and went, and unknowingly left this area and disappeared between the floors.

Linda said anxiously, "I'm going to help him."

Diana grabbed her arm and shook her head solemnly,

"I can understand your mood, but the shuttle is the point."

The Martian Manhunter also said, "There is not much time, we must destroy the shuttle as soon as possible to support Mr. Xiao."

Linda let out a loud cry, roaring all over her body, and rushed towards Fiora, followed by Martian Manhunter and Diana.

The battle below doesn't have much to do with Barry Allen. Except for the initial stunning appearance, Kid Flash in Midtown was forgotten by everyone. Even the mechanical tentacles in charge of defense didn't pay attention to this little bug that has been lying on the protective cover. .

"Barry, you can do it, you can do it."

The detection device has identified the wave frequency of the shield, and the next step is to use resonance to disintegrate it. Barry has never done such a thing before. He tried a few times without success. Seeing that the time is getting shorter and shorter, he can only grit his teeth. Force yourself to calm down,

"You're the best, you must be fine."

Barry panted sharply, spread his hands on the protective shield, his palms vibrated at a speed unobservable to the naked eye, hundreds or thousands per second, and was still rising, and only Divine Speed ​​Force could do this kind of thing.

When the frequency of the vibration of the hands reaches a certain range, the protective cover changes drastically, squirming like an ocean wave, with a crisp sound.


There were cracks dozens of meters long on the surface, and the cracks expanded like a spider web.

"It's done, I succeeded."

Barry yelled excitedly, put on his bowl armor, and punched him.


Even the Martian Manhunter couldn't help but the protective cover shattered like glass. Barry stepped on the air and turned into an extremely fast electric light. After being intercepted by the mechanical tentacles, he came under the shuttle and took out the bomb sticker on his back. on the shell, and run out without looking back.

Time goes by second by second,






The sound of the explosion came from above, and the blue vortex wrapped the shuttle. Like a black hole, the solid metal shell turned into the most basic particle form, which was swallowed and digested by the vortex.

After three seconds, the vortex shrinks inward, forming a singularity.


The field of vision was pale, and the shock wave mixed with the blue electron flow rushed towards the face, and all the glass products in a radius of thousands of miles burst.

The shuttle vanishes, replaced by an energy void.

Spiraling clouds appeared above, gusts of wind whipped up a cyclone, echoing through the apocalyptic ruins.

Barry knelt directly on the ground, and he swore that he would never carry a bomb again.

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