Luke has designed three combat modes for the floating armor:

The first, the normal mode, uses the body to control the armor and can deal with most enemies or superheroes;

The second one is the mind mode, guided by the Zamaron mind technology, abandoning the visual senses, and using the mind to feel everything around. This mode has extremely fast response ability and adaptability, even in the face of Kryptonians. The power of battle.

The third, and last, soul mode: abandoning the body, merging the soul with the armor, not limited by flesh and blood, you can change the body shape at will, swords, hammers, knives, spears, etc., under the blessing of green flames, has an unparalleled destructive power.

The giant sword pierced Hale's stomach, and flames surged out, constantly eroding into his body. Luke's face appeared in the flames, those eyes were burning with flames, and the killing intent was suffocating.

what! ! ! ! ! !

Haer vomited blood and screamed sternly, grabbing the blade with both hands and pushing it out bit by bit.

The blood fell down and was smashed by the sword wind.

One person and one sword confronted each other in the sky. Suddenly, Haer's eyes turned pitch black, and his invisible thought power surged out, hitting the sword heavily.


Haer roared, and pushed the giant sword out of his body with all his strength, his body flashed, and he came to the top,

"go to hell!"

The upper side of the great sword in the iron fist containing the energy storm, click! The blade is bent inward, and cracks appear on the surface.

A red light descended from the sky, and after penetrating the building, it blasted a deep pit dozens of meters wide.

Haer flicked his hands, and the surrounding buildings seemed to come alive, turning into a torrent of mud, the earth shook, and countless stone pillars rose out of thin air, superimposed and twisted under the control of mind power, and gathered from all directions with the giant sword as the center.

The nearby residents ran out like crazy, running and running, their bodies vacated and merged into the torrent.

Looking down from the sky, the town seems to be in the hands of a giant. The houses collapsed one by one, and the broken stones gathered in the center of the town. After only a few seconds, the town disappeared, and the ground was bare. Like being plowed, a huge stone ball with a diameter of more than 100 meters appeared in the center of the town.

Haer covered his mouth, coughed in pain, blood gushed out, dyed his palms red, and it took a lot of thought power to create stone balls. Compared with the results, everything was worth it.

"I want to see how long your armor will last."

Before he finished speaking, the stone ball shook.

The tremor increased rapidly, shaking from side to side, as if something was about to rush out.


The surface cracked open, and the giant sword broke through the gap and came to Haer. Compared with before, the sword body was much duller, giving people a feeling of gray.

Hale hissed, "Your armor can't hold up anymore."

"how about you?"

Luke responded, "After blocking so many attacks, how much power do you have left?"

Hale raised his head, "Infinity."

"Me too."

The giant sword broke through the air, and Haer hurriedly avoided it. He reached out and grabbed the hilt and smashed it to his knees. Suddenly, the giant sword disappeared, and the red particles flowed rapidly, turning into an iron arm wrapped in green flames.

The iron fist ripped through the air and hit Hale hard on the chest,


The air blasted a green shock, followed by the sound of bones breaking. Haer vomited blood, fell from the sky to the ground, and after hitting the gravel ball, he was castrated and stopped after sliding for hundreds of meters.

Luke was about to pursue, when Ava's voice sounded in his head,

"Energy is about to run out, the current stock is 12.4%, and backup energy has been activated."

Luke didn't even think about it, he turned into a red giant sword again, the sword body ripped apart the space, like a meteor falling from the sky, in the air, a flash of light, suddenly came to Haer,


The blade of the sword tore flesh and blood, and the left arm was cut off at shoulder length.

what! ! ! !

Haer screamed like crazy, punched the giant sword with a punch, kicked his legs on the ground, and rose into the air, his figure kept flashing, and he flew into outer space.

Luke was chasing after him, and the giant sword turned into a streamer and shot straight into the sky.

A long time after they left, the people hiding in the corners carefully emerged,

After seeing the ruined home, he slumped to the ground and began to cry.



Clark, who killed Zod, returned to where the shuttle was. Seeing him, Fiora couldn't help but said,

"Where's the general? Where is he?"

"He is dead."

"you're lying!"

Clark shook his head slightly, and put the body wrapped in white cloth on the ground. The breeze blew, and the white cloth was lifted, revealing a bloodless face. It was Drew Zod, the military commander of Krypton.

Fiora froze in place, as if struck by lightning, and the other Kryptonite soldiers also had dull faces and no fighting intent.

They have followed Zod since they were teenagers. Zod is not only their general, but also plays the role of father, comrade in arms, life mentor, and guide.

They respected Zod without the slightest suspicion, and even if the latter staged a military coup, they did not hesitate to follow.

Now, the general is dead.

What's the point of their life.

"Vengeance for the general."

Fiora said these words calmly, and the soldiers behind him raised their heads one after another, with deadly eyes in their eyes.

At the same time, the shuttle in the southern Indian Ocean left the sea and flew towards the metropolis.

The battle unfolded in a tragic manner. Unlike before, Fiora and the others gave up their defense and attacked with all their strength, with the flames of revenge burning in their eyes, like a group of lunatics.

Crazy fighting, crazy Kryptonians.

In a building not far from the shuttle, Colonel Dreg finally merged with the mecha troop, watching the battle between non-humans in the distance, everyone seemed very silent.

When they first put on the power armor, they thought they were invincible, and only now did they realize that the clown was actually me.

The gap between Kryptonians and Earthlings cannot be made up by a set of equipment, except for super weapons like floating armor.

When he came, Dreg was ambitious and vowed to show strength, but reality gave him a slap in the face.

The adjutant took out the communicator,

"The command sent a message telling us to stay hidden and not participate in the battle under the shuttle."

"In addition to concealment, what else do you say?"

The adjutant pushed the soldiers away and whispered,

"Command asked us to find a way to get the Kryptonian corpse."

Dreg shook his head bitterly, not knowing whether to accept or reject.

The adjutant sighed, "I know it makes you uncomfortable, but this is General Ryan's order, and it must be carried out no matter what."


Dreg got up slowly, "But I will never steal other people's fruits like a thief, tell the general, I will execute the order, in my own way."

When the words fell, he kicked the door open and walked towards the battlefield.

The soldiers behind them glanced at each other and followed.

They crossed the deserted streets to the edge of the battlefield and took part in the battle as Earthlings.

:. :

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