The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 455 money and power

The circle drawn by Eve is very large, covering more than a dozen countries such as China, India, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Pakistan, etc. I want to find a meteorite fragment in such a large place, but I have no intention of looking for a needle in a haystack.

After leaving Lake View Manor, Linda immediately got in touch with Charlie and asked him to use the news channel to search the world for news related to meteorites. As for the reason, she did not say clearly, but only said that it was Luke's request.

Seaside City and Hongmen also made some concealment. Luke's identity is unusual. Once the news of "death" leaks out, the ghost knows what will happen.

Overnight, Linda seemed to have grown up and stopped doing her own way.

After the reassurance has been dealt with, the next step is to travel to Asia, and before that, pick a suitable CEO.

Among Tesla's top executives, the only suitable candidates are Barry Allen and Billy.

Barry Allen has a technical advantage. Billy is a member of the Xiao family. After much deliberation, the final choice is Billy. Billy's abilities are well balanced and there will be no problems in a short period of time. Besides, He is Luke's cousin, and is familiar with Dior, Wang Hu, and Wu Yue. Even if he encounters difficulties, he has a solution.

Before I knew it, two more days passed, and the tired Kryptonian girl came to Lake View Manor and found twelve phantoms,

"Do you have any good ideas?"

No. 3 opened his mouth and said, "The ancient book of sheepskin records a kind of soul magic, which can sense the soul fluctuations of the body through hair and blood, but this magic is time-sensitive and has a distance limit."

"How far?"

"No more than nine miles."

Nine miles is not small, but it is not enough to see in the whole of Asia.

No. 8 suddenly said, "Actually, the best way is to mobilize all the residents of Asia and let them spontaneously collect meteorite fragments and send them to us."

The old eleven was speechless,

"Mynah, stop joking, how could they deliver to your door?"

"Money can make a ghost run the mill."

"It's not about money."

"What about the power?"

The fourth pupil's pupils shrank, "You don't want to use him, right?"

"Why not? He is the servant of the main body. After sitting in that position for so long, it is time to do something."

No. 5 agreed with this decision, "It should be fine for him to speak, plus the huge bonus provided by Tesla."

"Ontology has sternly told him to not reveal his existence unless it is a last resort. If you do this, it will be difficult for others to doubt it."

"There are priorities. The most important thing at the moment is to find the body, and other things will be discussed later."

Linda was dazed by them and couldn't help but said,

"Who is he that you speak of?"

The apostles glanced at each other and seemed to be considering whether to tell her the truth. After discussing for a while, Number 1 said solemnly,

"President of the United States, Joel Nash."

Linda's eyes widened and she was blindfolded.

"President... how is that possible, it's crazy, you guys are so crazy, Luke, when did he... he... did it?"

"Sorry, I can only tell you so much. If you want to know the details, you can ask the ontology."

No. 8 continued, "Let Joel Nash put pressure on several Asian countries in the name of the President of the United States. At the same time, Tesla provides financial support. Anyone who collects battleship fragments can get a lot of money as long as they turn it in. award."

"Two-pronged approach, it won't take long to get a lot of fragments, all we have to do is to use magic in the warehouse to detect whether there are soul fluctuations of the body in the fragment pile."

"It's the quickest way and the surest way."

I have to say that No. 8's proposal is very good, and it makes people's eyes shine. The more Linda thinks about it, the more feasible it is.

"You get in touch with Joel Nash, and I'm going to prepare the funds now."

The girl left excitedly. It could be seen that she was very happy, even a little impatient. As for the consequences of doing so, she didn't care at all.


Five days have passed since the Kryptonian battle,

The metropolis is still shrouded in grief.

The dilapidated streets were full of white flowers, and mourning citizens gathered around the ruins to offer their last condolences to their families and friends who passed away.

At 12 noon, the city government announced the casualty statistics.

There is no end to the dense grey list, with a total of 133,782 people. In addition, there are 90,000 disabled and 150,000 slightly injured.

The direct economic losses caused are more than 650 billion, and the subsequent losses are expected to reach 2 trillion.

What a terrible number, at this moment, the sky of the metropolis seems to have turned gray.

It was at this moment that the White House made an untimely voice. After the current President Joel Nash expressed his deep condolences for the victims, he changed the conversation and aimed at Krypton.

First, he explained the bad behavior of the Kryptonians, then he aimed at the Kryptonian battleship, and finally he talked about some scientific and technological topics. The weird remarks made people puzzled. It didn't take long for a reporter to break the news that Joel Nash asked The heads of several Asian countries called and asked them to collect the wreckage of the Krypton spacecraft.

At the same time, Tesla made a high-profile announcement that it would invest $4 billion to establish strongholds in various countries, and anyone who provided fragments of warships would be rewarded with money to varying degrees.

The two news combined, and the whole world exploded.

Not to mention that foreigners are confused, and the top White House executives can't hide their shock. The president is crazy and actually put pressure on the allies for the small Tesla.

For a time, public opinion was boiling.

With Tesla and Joel Nash in the spotlight, no one thought the president would make such a ridiculous move at such an important time.

In the White House office, the first lady Kate Nash looked at her husband with an incomprehensible look,

"Joel, what's wrong with you, why did you give that order,"

"Luke Xiao, is it him, he's blackmailing you, right?"

In a few years, Adam (Joel Nash) has adapted to the role of the president. He has done a very good job, even better than his predecessor. His temperament is already calm, and facing the accusation of "wife", he has not changed at all.

"It's not that he forced me, I told them to do it?"


Kate was stunned, feeling inexplicable.

Joel Nash informed the secretary to let the officials waiting outside the door come in, the office was full of people, the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice, etc., everyone was puzzled by the president's behavior,

"You are all puzzled, why did I issue that kind of order." His eyes swept over everyone, "Because of the war, the war has made me see the inadequacy. In the face of the invaders, our troops can't play any role, only You can rely on so-called superheroes to win.”

"I am ashamed of that."

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