I don't know when the news of Luke's death began to circulate on the Internet, and some people also posted photos. The photos were taken from a distance, and the outline of the face can be seen, it is Luke himself.

Pushed by some, the news intensified and the media joined in.

Tesla is affected, and reporters block the door every day.

Luke's identity is different from the past. He is the youngest billionaire in the world, a man of the year, a rising star in the business world, and a top genius. With the blessing of many titles, he has become the representative of the American dream and the first person of the new generation.

It is shocking to see such a person suddenly die.

On the morning of March 15, the headquarters building.

A special press conference is starting. In the eyes of everyone's expectations, Linda came out first, followed by Luke in a silver suit.

Some reporters looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes, not that they were dead, but they were alive again.

Lukla opened the chair and sat down, looking straight ahead, different from the gentleness of the past. At this time, no strangers should enter.

"There are two main things to announce at today's conference: first, and Tesla will launch a free prosthetic activity specially prepared for the disabled, with a total of 3,000 places, and the service object is the battle in the metropolis. For citizens who have suffered disabilities during the 2019-2010, the specific information has been posted on the official website, please check it yourself."

"Second, I will start a one-month trip to Asia, hoping to carry out cooperation in the fields of technology and energy with Asian friends."

After saying this, he got up and left without giving anyone a chance to interview.

The reporters below were all stunned. The first thing they heard about, the second thing they didn't raise their eyebrows at all. The European market has not been developed yet, so why did they think of Asia.

After the news was released, the rumors were self-destructed, but the impact was just beginning.

In the western suburbs of the metropolis, in the military base where the mecha troops are stationed.

Sam Lane turned off the TV and stared blankly at the bald head in front of him,

"You tell me he's dead."

Lex Luthor frowned and tapped the handle with his fingers. After ten seconds, he opened his mouth and said,

"My intelligence is fine."

"So who's on TV? Huh?"

Sam Lane cracked the corners of his mouth, his expression extremely stern, "Are you going to tell me that he is fake."

Luther was speechless, and he couldn't figure out what was going on. Someone saw Luke Xiao's body with his own eyes. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it, but now it has become like this, is it resurrected?

"What I hate the most in my life is being deceived."

Sam Lane took out the plan for the future of mankind and threw it on the ground like a trash, "Pick up this pile of waste paper and roll it out for me."

There was a flash of murderous intent in Luther's eyes, but he finally endured it, picked up the plan, and left without looking back.

A phoenix in distress is not as good as a chicken.

He used to be a well-known genius chairman. Unfortunately, after a conspiracy, he was imprisoned, and the Genesis Society established by himself was swallowed up by the Hongmen. The Luther Group was also precarious and heavily in debt due to the run on Tesla.

Everything is caused by that person, not him, and he will never suffer such humiliation.

Lex Luthor clenched his fists, and the hatred that had disappeared boiled again.

"Luke Xiao, wait, this matter won't end like this."


In Planet Daily, after watching the press conference, Louise called her boyfriend into the office,

"Are you sure Luke Xiao is dead?"

Clark smiled wryly, "That's fake."

"Fake? How is that possible."

"The Martian Manhunter tested it, it's not the same person."

"Linda, she... does she know?"

"I don't know, she hasn't answered my calls."

Louise shook her head with a sigh,

"Why? People are already dead. Even if they don't give up, there is no need to create a replica."

Clark also smiled bitterly. When he mentioned Luke, he felt a deep sense of guilt. In the final analysis, he caused all of this.

The appearance of fake Luke made Martian Manhunter, Diana, and Barry Allen feel more complicated.

They can't say anything, they can only choose to be silent.

In the next few days, news about Luke's trip to Asia was circulated in major media, and China, Japan, and South Korea on the other side of the ocean followed up with reports.

Luke is different from other Americans. His hair is black and his skin is yellow. Except for the slightly abnormal green pupils, he is exactly the same as Asians in other aspects. The similar appearance produces a natural sense of intimacy.

On the morning of March 18, Luke, Linda, Tesla and the joint team they formed got on a special plane to China.

In the cabin, Linda gritted her teeth and said,

"I have fulfilled all your requirements, including letting you guys appear as Luke. I made the biggest concession. If you still fail, don't blame me for being rude."

No. 8 picked up the wine glass and took a sip. When the girl was in a stable mood, she said calmly, "You know? The main body has always wanted to come to Huaguo to see it, but I couldn't find a suitable opportunity."

Linda said disdainfully, "The history of the Xiao family doesn't need your explanation."

"It has nothing to do with the Xiao family. It is the wish of the main body. There are six words hidden in his heart: Qingping Town, Aixia Village."

"What's the meaning?"

"A village, a village in China."

Linda asked around, "What's unique there?"

"I don't know, the main body has concealed this memory. If we are not wrong, it should be the biggest secret in his heart, the secret he didn't tell anyone, including grandpa."

The girl was intrigued and ordered,

"Eve, do a search: Qingping Town, Aixia Village."

"I'm sorry, only Qingping Town was found. There are seven villages under Qingping Town, but there is no Aixia Village."

Linda turned to look at Eight, who shrugged.

"Is the secret of the ontology so easy to dig?"

The girl snorted and ignored him.

The plane traveled from east to west, and after 12 hours of sailing, it arrived at the first stop of the trip to Asia - the magic capital.

The hatch opened, and No. 8 was the first to walk out. Under the stairs stood more than a dozen successful people in suits and leather shoes. The leader was Zhao Kuo, the president of Lanfei Group, and beside him was a man with an extraordinary temperament that made people unable to help themselves. A bright beauty in front of her eyes.

Qu Youran!

Is she actually here?

A flash of vigilance flashed in No. 8's eyes, and at the same time, the twelve apostles living in Luke's body communicated frantically,

"You're right, I met an old acquaintance when we first met."

"Get off the horse? Or a beauty plan?"

"Shit, you don't know the aesthetics of the body. The chest is the key point, the butt is the king's way, and this woman doesn't have a single one."

"I think she's quite pleasing to the eye."

"Shut up, Old Thirteen, I don't have the right to speak."

"Innocent little virgin, what do you know!"

"Third brother, tell me, why did Qu Youran pick up the plane? Is there any conspiracy?"

"A bunch of idiots."

No. 3 sneered, "You forgot about the relationship between Qu Youran's grandfather and grandfather. They are friends of life and death. The second master Guan kowtowed in front of him, and he was a guest from afar. No matter what, we have to show the friendship of the landlord."

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