"DC world's richest man ()"!

"The third brother is not stupid at reading, if he really becomes an ordinary person, Qu Youran won't even look at him."

"Not necessarily."

No. 4 said, "Although my little brother is simple, his brain is not stupid. Give him a period of time and he is fully capable of becoming a social elite."

No. 3 sneered, "Does the elite have anything to do with love?"

Number Four was startled, thoughtful.


No. 1 said solemnly, "Finding the main body is the most important thing, let's put everything else first."

"Lao Liu, you go, let Thirteen come back, don't be ashamed there."

The pity in Luke's eyes disappeared, his eyebrows rose, and there was a hint of suffocation. If he was a pure and kind young man before, now he is a cold-blooded and ruthless swordsman.

Among the Thirteen Apostles, No. 6 inherited Luke's cold-blooded side, being arrogant and ruthless.

Qu Youran was caught off guard by the sudden change and couldn't help but say,

"Luke, you..."

"Shut up, I want to rest."

Qu Youran opened her mouth, full of grievances in her heart. She wondered if the boy who was full of tenderness just now suddenly turned into this look, was it intentional to make fun of herself?

The girl didn't know why, so she could only turn her head and stop talking.

The convoy stopped in front of the best hotel in Modu. There were also a group of guests here. In addition to the senior officials and sensible members of several large companies, some officials of Modu and the head of the Economic Development Department were also present.

No. 6 didn't want to deal with these people and let Eleven play.

As a result, Luke, who was as cold as iron, turned into a handsome and handsome boy in the blink of an eye.

The old eleven, who inherited the scumbag style, perfectly displayed the charm of a man. He raised his head slightly, the corners of his mouth were lightly opened, and there was a faint smile on his face. His handsome appearance was shining in the sun, and his eyes were shining. Flashing light, you can feel the calmness and confidence emanating from the inside out from a distance.

Luke at this moment is perfect,

Just like a prince who came out of a fairy tale, even Linda, who knew the inside story, couldn't help but take a few more glances.

He speaks decently, calmly and confidently, and makes people feel like a spring breeze.

Talking to him, you will have the illusion of being favored. Both men and women can feel the perfect second son from him. In just half a minute, the old eleven conquered everyone, and several ladies were teased by him. Red and weak legs.

Number five pointed to the old thirteen and taught,

"See, this is the man. If you want to be a beauty, you have to be like the old eleven. It's not good to be a dog."


Old Thirteen turned his head away angrily. Among the twelve brothers, the one he disliked the most was Brother Eleven.

After the perfect performance, everyone left their contact information and left reluctantly.

Today's meeting left a deep impression on them. They originally thought that Luke Xiao was a genius geek who focused on technology research and development, but only after meeting the real person did he realize that he was so attractive.

As expected of the youngest tens of billionaires, really amazing.

In the next three days, Luke frequently appeared in various social occasions, and every time he appeared, he attracted bursts of cheers. News about him became the front page headlines of major news sections, celebrities, singers, actors, wealthy businessmen and other socialites They all stood on the platform and praised his conversation.

For a time, Luke was in the limelight, and no one knew it.


The Eastern District of Magic City, a residential area somewhere.

When Qin Ya came home from school, she snatched the remote control from her brother's hand and tuned the channel to the news station. Her brother Qin Hao said angrily,

"Give me the remote control."

After he finished speaking, he rushed forward like a tiger.

Qin Ya leaned back, grabbed his clothes and took advantage of the situation. Qin Hao, who had just passed his tenth birthday, rolled directly onto the sofa.

"The surname is Qin, I'll fight with you."

Qin Hao roared like crazy, and ten seconds later, he went to the study to complain.

"Dad, your daughter bullied me."

Qin Ruchuan put down the newspaper. At the age of fifty, his hair has turned gray, and his eyes are black-framed on the bridge of his nose. He is elegant and easy-going, and has the temperament of an intellectual.

Unable to resist his son's stalking, Qin Ruchuan could only leave the study and come to the living room.

The video of Luke's interview was playing on the TV. Facing the host's questioning, the young man seemed unusually calm. Not only did he resolve the traps in his words, but he also showed his humorous side just right, which made the audience laugh.

Qin Ya watched intently, but did not notice that there were two more people behind her.

Qin Hao snorted, "What's so nice, it's just an interview, it's boring."

Qin Ya squinted her eyes, Qin Hao hurriedly hugged Dad's thigh,

"Look, she bullied me again."

It's a pity that Bailing Bailing's moves didn't work. Qin Ruchuan stared blankly at the TV, his eyes were distracted, and he seemed to lose his focus.

Qin Ya said strangely, "Dad, you know him."

Qin Ruchuan came back to his senses and forced a smile and said,

"I don't know, it's the first time we met."


Qin Yaden felt lost.

In the evening, Qin Ruchuan, who had been busy with work, returned to the bedroom. After his wife Li Qiaoyan had sorted out her clothes, she suddenly asked,

"It's him!"


"Don't think I don't know what happened back then."

Li Qiaoyan was a little angry, her voice raised her voice unconsciously, "That Luke, who is just twenty this year, and his surname Xiao, who else is there besides him?"


Qin Ruchuan dropped the book and pulled up the quilt to sleep.

"You bastard!"

Li Qiaoyan was furious, "You forgot how they treated you back then, who brought you back to the country with all your bruises and bruises, it was me, and who sent you to the position of diplomat, and said to me, after decades, you How did you treat me, every day I was either working or reading, but I never looked at me in the eye."

"Qin Ruchuan, you are not human."

"Lower your voice, Yaya and the others are sleeping."

"I don't. I saw two years ago that your mind is not in the country. You want to go and see, yes, you want to know your relatives, yes, just dream. They are now famous people and billionaires, and they look down on you at all."


Qin Ruchuan put on his coat, slammed the door, and heard a familiar cry in the room.

In the bedroom diagonally opposite, Qin Ya, who was standing in front of the door, widened her eyes and was blinded. The news was so shocking that she had a rare insomnia. When she went to school the next day, her mind was foggy and she was not at all.

My friend Lin Yun blinked and said curiously,

"What's the matter, no one will confess to you!"

"Where is it?"

"What's the matter, tell me."

"No, I just didn't sleep well."

Lin Yun pretended to be angry, "Okay, Qin Ya, I told you all my secrets, and you lied. It's so disappointing."

Qin Ya couldn't beat her, so she could only tell what happened last night.

After listening, Lin Yun opened her mouth wide and suddenly opened her hands to hug her into her arms.

"Little sister-in-law, from now on I will be your most caring valet. If you let me go east, I will never go west. If you let me chase dogs, I will never catch chickens."

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