The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 461 Zhang Ruochen

"DC world's richest man ()"!

Lin Dong and several people went door-to-door to check, and they were all in a similar situation.

In the entire village, sixty-nine families were not spared.

The air fell into a dead silence.

The old man left Zhuangzi and went to the forest not far away. He found a few sparrows in the grass, opened the sparrow's eyes and examined it carefully, and then picked up the shovel to dig the ground.

There are all kinds of insects hidden in the wet soil, earthworms, crickets, ants, centipedes... without exception, all of them died.

The death of humans and poultry is understandable, but it also includes flying insects, beasts, snakes, insects, mice, and ants.

Lin Dong has been running around in recent years, and he has seen many strange scenes. This is the first time that he has seen such a scene today.

"Daoist, is this the evildoer's trouble?"


The old man threw away the soil and looked very solemn, "It's something even more terrifying."

"When did you find out?"

"About four days ago, a migrant worker returned to his hometown to report to the police. In addition to this village, the same is true of Galitun across the mountain."

"Go and have a look."

The group drove away. On the way, the old man kept looking at the surrounding environment. The more he looked, the more gloomy his face became. In addition to the village, the mountains and forests in a radius of more than ten miles were not spared.

What is it?

It has such terrifying power.

Everyone has a lot of worries. As members of the special affairs department, they have scolded wronged ghosts, fought ghosts, and dealt with vampire zombies for more than 300 years. No matter how dangerous the situation is, they are still within the scope of understanding.

This time was different. All the creatures in the entire mountain forest were swept away. The air was so quiet that people were flustered. They could even hear the thumping sound of their hearts beating.

The dirt road in the mountains is not easy to walk, so I finally climbed up the hillside, looked up and was stunned in place.

On the green pasture, hundreds of goats were motionless, as if they were dead.



The driver stopped in a hurry, and the old man ran to the middle of the flock to check one by one. His body, hair, eyes, and tongue were all intact, just like the previous villagers.

One hissed,

"After four days of death, the corpse didn't decompose. It's too abnormal."

Lin Dong whispered, "Master, have you found anything?"

The old man shook his head, returned to the car, the car started, and followed the mountain road to another village. Lin Dong and several people went into the village to check. The old man picked up a branch and wrote and drew on the ground.

While writing, he pinched his fingers and calculated. After a while, a gossip pattern appeared on the ground, surrounded by characters that ordinary people could not understand.

Lin Dong didn't dare to come forward to disturb, and waited for the old man to finish painting before he said,

"It's all checked, there's no living thing."

The old man opened his eyes and said indifferently,

"what time is it now."

"Three o'clock in the afternoon."


The old man snorted, whisked the dust, and sat cross-legged in the gossip center. This sitting lasted for four hours. Lin Dong and the others were in a hurry and had no choice but to take out the lunch box to eat.

Time passed by minute by minute, and before I knew it, it was twelve o'clock in the evening.

The old man suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a glint of light in his eyes.

In a trance, a looming phantom came out of his body. The phantom gave Lin Dong and the others an indifferent glance, and turned around and walked towards the forest.

Across pastures, fly over hills.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed, and a flame appeared at the far end of the field of vision. The flame was a strange greenish green, and it was far apart, and the chill that penetrated into the soul could also be felt.

The phantom stretched out his thumb and middle finger, and with a slight tap, a faint golden light appeared on the body, and the light flickered, turning into four golden talismans surrounding the body.

With the protection of talismans, the coldness has been greatly reduced.

The phantom sighed lightly and walked towards the flames.

He didn't dare to move too far forward and stopped fifty meters away from the flames.

Looking intently, a human face appeared in the burning green fire. The face was very young, about twenty years old.

Xu Ying's heart sank, and there was a face indicating that the flame was not an ownerless thing. After a few seconds of silence, with a flick of the finger, a golden light shot out, and it turned into nothingness before getting close.

"What a terrible flame, what a strong cultivation base."

The virtual shadow was shocked, and did not dare to try again, glanced at the red metal in the pit, and turned to leave.

The night has quietly left, the red sun has risen, and a new day has come.

The old man sitting cross-legged on the ground opened his eyes, raised his whisk, and walked towards the hillside. Lin Dong and the others hurriedly followed behind, crossed the hillside, and came to a pit on the hillside.

The crater was round, as if it had been smashed out by something.

There was a piece of red metal the size of a fist in the center of the pit. The old man looked serious. He took off his robe and wrapped it in the metal. He was very careful in the process. If you look closely, you will find that his wrist is shaking.

Lin Dong didn't know why,

"Master, this is..."

"An extraterrestrial meteorite."

The old man didn't explain much, put away the meteorite and walked to the car,

"Let's go, go back."

Lin Dong hesitated, "Those villagers."


Everyone felt a chill in their hearts, two villages and hundreds of lives were gone.

A young man was displeased,

"Master, we are here to investigate the case. Even if we can't save people, we should find the murderer and give justice to the villagers. How can we end it hastily."

The old man said without looking up,

"Meteorite is the murderer. If you want justice, take it!"

Lin Dong smiled bitterly and said, "You calm down, Xiao Chen is ignorant and offended you. I apologize for him." After speaking, he took out a cigarette and lit it for the old man.

"Let's make a trip all the way. If we don't figure out the cause and effect, we really can't do it. You always help me, I beg you."

The old man stroked his white beard and seemed to be thinking about something. After a while, he said solemnly,

"When I go back, I will call your superior to explain the situation."

"Thank you, Daochang Zhang, thank you so much."

Lin Dong was so excited that he sat in the driver's seat and drove the car himself.

Two days later, at the Baiyun Temple in Qingyun Mountain, the old man carrying the package crossed the clean forest path, drove to a stone wall, picked up the incense offering on the side, lit it with a candle, and placed it in the incense burner. , put away the hem of his clothes, and made a long bow,

"Zhang Ruochen, a disciple of the twenty-eighth generation, is asking to see the head senior brother."

After waiting for a while, there was a click, and a crack in the stone wall cracked.

Zhang Ruochen straightened his clothes, wiped the dust off the soles of his shoes, picked up the package, and stepped into the crack of the door.

There is a unique cave in the stone wall. Bright candles illuminate the downward stone steps. At the end of the stone steps is a very empty stone room. The stone room is illuminated by candlelight. If you look intently, you can vaguely see the tablet standing on the wall.

The names on the tablets can be traced back thousands of years, and each one is a momentary hero.

Zhang Ruochen put the package on the futon, untied it carefully, and stepped aside respectfully.

Baiyun Guan Guan, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the red metal in front of him.


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