The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 463 Unavoidable things

"The richest man in the DC world ()"!

Qu Youran, like the melon eaters, was curious about Luke's sudden decision. In her understanding, Luke was not the kind of willful person.

Li Qun took a sip of tea and said calmly,

"Don't worry, he is absolutely safe here."

An "absolute" can mean many things.

Others don't know the identity of the old man, but Qu Youran knows it very well. Since he opened his mouth, it means that there was no attack. But thinking of all the encounters in the past two days, he still couldn't help but say,

"Is Luke Xiao really that important?"

"Okay, don't discuss this topic anymore, don't eat, go, go with me, I haven't talked to you for such a long time."

After finishing the words, he got up and left the office, and Qu Youran hurriedly followed.

The two left the office area and came to the restaurant. Along the way, many people quietly cast their gazes. There is no shortage of beauties in the restaurant, but it is the first one who is as refined and extraordinary as Qu Youran.

Li Qun joked, "Walking with you, I, an old man, will have a much higher return rate."

Qu Youran smiled awkwardly, somewhat disapprovingly.

Since she was a child, she has been secretly looked at too many times, not eight thousand, but ten thousand.

Li Qun has worked here all year round, but not many people know his real identity. Not long after the two sat down, the waiter came up and put down a bottle of expensive red wine.

"Miss, this is from the gentleman at table 9."

Qu Youran put the red wine under the table without raising her head.

Seeing this, the waiter could only shake his head, thinking that the rather handsome young man was about to be turned away.

Qu Youran's arrogant behavior dispelled some people's thoughts, but Li Qun shook his head in his heart. This girl's tutoring, ability, and loyalty are all fine, but her mentality. She is too proud, like a high-ranking white swan. I don't know how to work around.

"What do you want to eat, I will order for you."

"Two vegetarian dishes, one bowl of porridge."

Qu Youran got up and left,

Li Qun took advantage of the situation to observe the expressions of the people around him. There were thirty-six men and eleven women in the restaurant, among which twenty-seven men were secretly peeping, and six women were secretly watching.

"Qu Yingjie gave birth to a good daughter!"

Li Qun sighed a long time, he really couldn't envy such things as looks.

After lunch, Qu Youran said goodbye and left, and Li Qun slowly returned to the office.

There was an extra middle-aged man in the office with a three-seven comb. After seeing him, he smiled and said,

"How is it, how does it feel?"

"I can't take on the big responsibility."

The five words are the comprehensive result obtained by Li Qun after observing Qu You, which is very pertinent, and the middle-aged face is full of helplessness,

"I also know that she is not suitable. The problem is that there is no other candidate. Luke Xiao is different from ordinary people. From the various actions of the Young Master Gang, it can be inferred that he is a ruthless person. Sending others over is to die. Although Xiao Qu has a bad mentality, his identity But it is faithful enough to put it there.”

"You are going to train her to be a middleman."

"There is no cat in the world that doesn't steal. Facing such a beautiful woman, I don't believe how long a young man with a fresh blood can bear it."

Li Qun shook his head slightly, "A bad move."

"Then you teach me a trick!"

The middle-aged man picked up the teapot, poured a cup of hot tea and put it on the table, "The pressure from above is tight, and that kid is a character who doesn't like oil and salt. Haven't figured out his cards yet."

"Where is Old Xiao?"

"I tried it, but it doesn't work."

"That's troublesome."

"Isn't it? Otherwise, I wouldn't have come to you. Only you have the ability to solve this matter."

Li Qun was speechless for a moment, picked up the teacup, drank it casually, and finally said after a long time,

"What do you want to get from me?"

The middle-aged said three words, "Qin Ruchuan!"

Li Qun was not surprised by this result at all. He opened the drawer and put the documents he had prepared on the table.

"I'm old, and the future depends on you."

"Hope you get what you want."


Recently, the Qin family's life has been completely chaotic.

Qin Ruchuan and Li Qiaoyan quarreled day and night, and the former was so annoyed that he simply moved to the unit's dormitory.

After Qin Ya learned that Luke was her half-brother, she was excited, nervous, and suspicious. She was in a trance all day, not knowing what she was thinking. live to find the father,

"Dad, I ask you something, don't be angry."

Qin Ruchuan rubbed his eyebrows, and said patiently,

"what do you wish to ask?"

"Well, besides Xiaohao, do you have another son?"

While speaking, Qin Ya carefully observed her father's movements, but her father's expression was unexpectedly calm,

"Don't believe your mother's words, there is no such thing."


Qin Ya hesitated, "You didn't deny it that night!"

Qin Ruchuan smiled and said, "Not denying it doesn't mean confirming it, I just don't want to make too much trouble with your mother."

"Since you asked, I'll tell you."

"Luke Xiao's mother Angelica and I are old friends, and we worked as a war correspondent in the Middle East. I don't deny it. I like her, but it's just unrequited love..." After a pause, he laughed,

"I won't tell you what happened next. In short, Luke Xiao and I are not father and son. I only have one son, Xiao Hao. And you, don't dream of being a princess all day long. That's unrealistic, understand?"

Qin Ya's face immediately turned down, it was so disappointing to get such an answer after several days of hard work.

Undeterred, she asked,

"Dad, are you sure he's not your son."

Qin Ruchuan said helplessly,

"Whether it's a son or not, others don't know, but I don't know."

"You, put away your thoughts for me. Your studies are important. If you let me know that you play truant again, I won't spare you."

Qin Ya pouted, and with an ahh, she turned and ran out of the study.

Qin Ruchuan changed his clothes, sent her to school, and then went to work at the unit. When he arrived, he found that the office was empty and there was no one there. He was a little puzzled, and shouted a few times, but there was no response.

"Don't shout, Mr. Qin, there are only you and me here."

A middle-aged man with three to seven points came in, with a gentle appearance and rimless glasses, giving people a special feeling.

The middle-aged man stretched out his ungloved right hand and said with a smile,

"Dai Yunkai, nice to meet you."

Qin Ruchuan didn't shake hands with him, and frowned, "Where are the people here going?"

"They're off this morning."

Qin Ruchuan's heart sank, and many conjectures arose in his heart.

Dai Yunkai made an invitation gesture,

"If you don't mind, let's talk in the conference room!"

Qin Ruchuan took a deep look at him, then turned and walked into the meeting room.

The door closed, and there were only two people sitting opposite each other in the huge room.

Qin Ruchuan didn't want to get too entangled with him, so he said directly,

"If your purpose of coming to me is Luke Xiao, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. Although I know his mother well, he is not my child."

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