The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 472 Kara's Journey to the Zongmen

"The richest man in the DC world ()"!

Although Zhang Ruochen is the representative of Baiyun Guan, he is not good at negotiating.

Whether it is 150 free schools or 5 billion US dollars, he has nothing to say.

He is very clear about the changes that these two things can bring about. Yunnan, Guizhou has many mountains and is located in a remote place. Decades of development cannot change the situation of backwardness. After all, it is still a matter of economy and education.

These two things are long-standing problems. If they are resolved, the people on that land will surely gain a new life.

The more I think about it, the more complicated my mood becomes.

Zhang Ruochen sighed, lowered his head and said in embarrassment,

"Can you... add one more."

Luke said indifferently, "How about I chop off an arm to compensate you?"

The old Taoist quickly waved his hands,

"I didn't mean that, it was just... just..."

The words came to my lips, but I couldn't say anything.

Luke poured a glass of red wine and put it in front of him, "Old Taoist priest, you are a good person, I don't want to embarrass you, let them talk!"

Zhang Ruochen forced a smile, "What are you talking about? There are no them."

Luke didn't pierce, took out two documents from the drawer and put them on the table,

"Here are two documents. The one on the left is the compensation contract for 5 billion dollars and 150 free schools. The one on the right is special. It is the core secret of power armor. With it, we can produce more powerful and practical weapons. military armor."

"Tell them, two documents, choose one of the two, and give me an answer the day after tomorrow."

"you can go now."

Luke gestured to see off the guests, Zhang Ruochen had no choice but to get up and leave, sighing as he walked, his figure was much older.

Not long after he left, Linda appeared in the room,

"What the hell are you doing again?"

"It's just a trial."


The girl asked curiously,

"Exploring what?"

"You will know later."

Luke put it on her shoulders, and after a few days of getting along, the relationship between the two developed rapidly, leaving only a layer of window paper, and Luke even considered whether to build a red sun.

There is no way, the girl's body is too hard, it hurts to hold her in her arms, let alone press her on the bed.

As a man, he likes a body that is soft, elastic, and well-defined. Reinforced concrete is fine, and even if he wants to, he doesn't have the strength.

It's just so awkward.

Luke couldn't say it clearly, so he could only drag it.

"By the way, there is something I need to ask you."

Linda put away her smile and said in a deep voice, "What do you think of my master?"

"He called you."

The girl nodded, "Not only did I call, but I also sent someone to deliver this."

He took out a square token made of white jade and placed it on the table. On the front of the token was engraved the word "Ling" in ancient seal script, and on the back was a void, nothing else, it was the token of the head of the Lingxu sect.

The old beggar's real name is Ling Xuzi, and he is a direct descendant of the Lingxu sect of Huaguo's ancient boxing method. The enmity between the classics and the rivers and lakes finally led to a tragic end in exile overseas.

Luke picked up the token and glanced at it, then threw it on the sofa,

"What did the old man say to you?"

"I didn't say anything, just let me go back to the Lingxu Sect and meet the current head."

Luke sneered, the old guy was uneasy and kind, and he was still thinking about the past.

Linda said seriously, "I plan to go back and have a look."

"Where to go, I'm full."


The girl was a little embarrassed, "The master has passed on all the exercises of the Lingxu sect to me. If I don't go, how can I explain it to him?"

"I explained to him, you don't have to worry about it."


The girl got angry, "He is my master, not an outsider, you can't treat him like this."

Luke sighed slightly and said in a low voice,

"The white jade token is the token of the head of the Lingxu Sect. If you take it back to the sect, do you know what it means?"

"What else is there, the big deal is a fight, I'm afraid they won't succeed."

The girl didn't think so, and the situation was true. As a Kryptonian, she had no reason to be afraid of a few boxers who practiced ancient boxing techniques, except of course, Yunshang Zhenren.

Luke shook his head,

"The Lingxu faction is nothing, the key is the Tiger Demon Sutra, the old beggar..." Seeing the girl's expression was wrong, he could only change his words, "It is because of this practice that your master had to leave the motherland and go into exile overseas. There are other stories, I will not tell you."

"Those people have never given up from the beginning to the end, and have been secretly inquiring about him, which is why the old guy never goes out."

"You have practiced the Tiger Sha Mantra, which means you have won his hatred. Once you reveal your identity, you will have endless troubles, understand?"

Linda frowned, "You mean those people will come to deal with me."


"Then let them come, one to beat one, ten to beat ten, just to vent their anger on the master."

The girl was very excited, and it could be seen that she was looking forward to the scene of fighting against the ancient boxing master.

Luke: "..."

Is this girl out of her mind?

She was so persistent, Luke had no choice but to say,

"When are we leaving?"

"tomorrow morning."

"I will go with you."


The girl yelled excitedly, and said, "What about the negotiation, you will reply to them the day after tomorrow."

"Procrastinate, leave some room for both parties."


The next morning, after the regular meeting, Luke carried his travel bag and left the hotel with Linda, who was dressed in the same way. Everyone was familiar with this scene.

Whether it's the people here in Shanghai or the casual staff, they can't figure it out: the purpose of these two bosses is to expand business? Or travel abroad.

After driving to the suburbs, Linda took Luke into the air and flew southwest.

The address of the sect of the Lingxu sect is on a mountain peak east of the Kunlun Mountains, more than a hundred miles away from the nearest city.

Of course, this distance is nothing more than a trivial matter for the two of them.

After confirming the location, Linda increased her speed again, and it took only a few minutes to arrive at the gate of the Lingxu faction.

Looking at the dilapidated stone arches, the steps covered with weeds and moss, and the faintly visible collapsed houses, Luke couldn't help frowning, this place is really a spiritual school.

When I was young, the old beggar often boasted that the Lingxu Sect is an ancient sect that has been passed down for nearly a thousand years. There are hundreds of disciples under the sect, spread all over the southwestern provinces, and everyone in the Kunlun Mountains knows everyone. For a while, Luke even The idea of ​​worshiping him as a teacher came up.

Linda was also puzzled, the scene described by the master was completely different from the picture in front of her eyes.

"Did I go to the wrong place?"

Luke shook his head, walked to the arch, and pushed away the weeds, and a stone slab emerged, with three big characters crookedly engraved on it—Lingxu faction.

"It seems that the situation is different from what we thought."

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