The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 474 The Boy Named Chu Yi

"The richest man in the DC world ()"!

These days, Qu Youran is in a bad mood.

After several public appearances with Luke, she unknowingly gained the title of "Luke Xiao's Mysterious Girlfriend". Because of her outstanding appearance and otherworldly temperament, she has become a recent Internet hotspot.

Many media are inquiring about her identity and speculating about the gossip relationship between the two.

There was more and more news, and friends and family members began to call to inquire. There was no lack of anticipation in the words, and it was obvious that they were very excited.

During the meal, my mother even proposed to take time to bring Luke to the house as a guest. Due to the relationship of the older generation, she lived in Xiao's manor for a while when she was a child, and had contact with several children of Xiao's family.

Qu Youran didn't want to waste time on these things, so she ran out of the house directly after eating.

In addition to her secret work, she also has the identity of a college student, and she is studying at the Shanghai University. When she came to the school, she didn't know if it was an illusion, but there were always strange eyes around her.

Several people even stood in the corner and pointed at her.

Qu Youran felt very uncomfortable, because of face, it was not good to have an attack on the spot, so she could only speed up her pace, and when she arrived at the door of the dormitory, a boy in a white shirt with a bright smile appeared in front of her.

The boy holds a red rose in his hand, with three-point expectation and three-point nervousness,

"Send...send...send to you."

The scent of roses poured into her nostrils, but Qu Youran felt indescribably irritated. She raised her hand and beat her, then turned and walked into the dormitory.

The roses were scattered on the ground, broken into countless pieces.

The boy stood there blankly, with an incomprehensible astonishment on his face. The girls in the dormitory had long been familiar with such things. Some covered their mouths and chuckled, and some took out their mobile phones and took pictures of the scene as a souvenir .

The boy ignored everyone's ridicule, picked up the scattered petals one by one, and tried to restore them to their original appearance, then glanced at the dormitory building under the sun, turned and left.

His appearance caused some girls to show curiosity,

"Who is he!"

"Chu Yi from the Physics Department."

"Chu Yi? Could it be the one that got into a car accident a month ago?"


it's him. "

"He's not dead."

"I'm not completely dead, I still have a breath. It's not a big deal. I woke up suddenly. I heard that there was something wrong with my brain, and I was nagging all day long."

"No wonder it appears here."

The girl was half jealous and half mocking, "Since Luke Xiao appeared, all those who pursued Qu Baige disappeared, and only a fool like him would squat at the door and give roses."

Because of Qu Youran's appearance and personality, many people say that she is a white swan with a "curly neck singing to the sky, white hair floating in green water", and after many times, she has the nickname Qu Swan.

Of course, she didn't know it herself.

After returning to the dormitory, the roommate said strangely,

"Another rose for you?"

Qu Youran nodded indifferently, and sat on the chair in a daze.

Seeing her like this, the two roommates had no intention of opening their mouths. Although the three lived in the same dormitory, their relationship with Qu Youran was very ordinary, not even friends.

At 1:30 in the afternoon, Qu Youran left the dormitory and went to the classroom. When she got there, she found that there was an extra boy next to her seat, and it was the one who gave roses at noon.

The expression on his face instantly froze and became extremely cold.

Chu Yi didn't know why, so he took out the carefully prepared snacks and snacks and put them on the table, and looked at her expectantly.

The atmosphere in the classroom became strange.

While playing with their mobile phones, the other students watched secretly from the corner of their eyes. They were looking forward to the next development of the plot.

Sure enough, there was no accident, Qu Youran gave up the seat she had been using and chose the opposite corner.

Disappointment flashed across Chu Yi's eyes, he put away the snacks, walked up to her, and whispered,

"can we talk?"

"Feel sorry!"

Qu Youran tried her best to control her tone, "Please don't bother me, I'm not interested in you at all."


Before he could speak, Qu Youran said directly,

"If you pester me again, I will call the police."

Chu Yi could only leave with a wry smile, took two steps, turned around and said,

"Actually, you should talk to me."

His answer was silence.

Chu Yi sighed, left the classroom in a daze, and when he came to the campus, a sentence sounded in his mind,

"Are you still not giving up?"

Chu Yi clenched his fists, "Never."

"What an idiot."


"We're waiting to see your jokes."

"If you dare to cry, I will beat you to death with leather boots."

The voice in my head gradually disappeared, as if it never existed.

"I will not give up, I will definitely find the most perfect love."

Chu Yi made an oath and embarked on an unspeakable courtship journey.


Kunlun Mountain, Lingxu Sect.

After wandering around for a long time, Luke finally found a living person in the mountain depression. He said it was a human being, but he was actually a big fool.

He is 1.7 meters tall and looks about 16 or 17 years old. He wears dusty long sleeves, worn-out jeans and sports boots showing his big toe. It's a mud monkey in the mountains.

After seeing Luke and Linda, the teenager instinctively protected his pockets with a look of vigilance.

Linda said,

"What's your name, are you from this mountain?"

The boy didn't speak, and became more and more uneasy, and walked backwards with his legs without a trace.

Linda wanted to ask again, but Luke shook his head, took out the canned meat, opened it and took a bite, then put it on the stone, motioning for the other party to come and get it.

The smell of meat irritated the boy's nerves, he couldn't help but move his throat, and his eyes rolled towards the can uncontrollably.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Luke and the others had no other intentions, they stepped forward cautiously, quickly picked up the can, raised their heads and stuffed it into their mouths, perhaps because they ate too quickly, their faces turned liver-colored.

Luke was speechless, took out a bottle of water and threw it over.

The boy unscrewed the cork and drank the entire bottle of water in just three seconds.

Luke took out two more cans from his backpack, and said along the way,

"Hey! Kid, can you understand our words?"

The boy nodded, and while eating the canned food, he looked at Linda curiously, as if looking at a rare animal in a zoo.

Annoyed in her heart, the girl gave him a hard look.

The boy didn't dare to look any further, and turned his head elsewhere.

Luke pointed to the backpack and said with a smile,

"We came from outside and got lost in the mountains. Are you from this place?"

The boy nodded and said hoarsely,

" want...want to go out?"

"Yes, let's go out tomorrow, we are going to camp in the mountains tonight, can you find a safe place for us?" He said, opening the backpack to reveal all kinds of food inside,

"If you help, I'll leave half of the delicious food to you."

The boy hesitated a little, but couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food after all, he got up and walked ahead, motioning for the two to follow.

The three of them circled in the ravine and unknowingly returned to the Lingxu sect.

Seeing this scene, Linda couldn't help muttering,

"Is this fool a disciple of the Lingxu Sect?"

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