The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 482 Body Transformation

What fell from the sky was a silver metal warehouse more than three meters high. The hatch opened, and bursts of cold mist overflowed from it. A faint green shadow appeared in the air. It was No. 5.


Luke hummed, "Are you ready?"

"You can start anytime."

Luke patted Xiao Jiu on the shoulder, "Take off your clothes and pants, and lie down, it may hurt a little later, you must hold back, understand?"

The boy looked at the metal bin, and then at Linda beside him, his face full of doubts.

His head, which had never seen the market, had no idea what it was, but instinctively felt something was wrong.

Linda said helplessly,

"Go ahead, it's good for you."

The boy hesitated for a while, and finally reluctantly took off his clothes and boots, and walked into the training cabin. The hatch was closed, and a progress bar appeared on the surface.

Linda hesitated,

"Are you sure he's suitable?"

"Physical fitness is fine, and I can withstand the strengthening potion."


The girl sighed, "After all, it is a body transformation, even if it is going to be carried out, it is time to consult the master's opinion."

"The old man's opinion is not important. I have taken a fancy to this kid. I will take him to the metropolis and hand him over to Dior to train him. Also, find a chance to pass on the Tiger Sha scripture to him."

"You're crazy."

Linda's eyes widened, "He couldn't control himself at all."

"Only teach the first level of exercises. If you can, continue. If not, the first level of exercises should be enough."

"This kid is of great use to me. I want to make him a master of ancient martial arts."

While talking, the progress bar had reached 20%, and a suppressed growl came from the metal warehouse. It could be seen that the boy was suffering unbearable pain.

Both Krypton Technology and Apocalypse Technology have body transformation technology, as long as they go through surgery, they can turn ordinary people into omnipotent super soldiers.

Luke is not very interested in this. His power comes from the soul and green flames. The body is just a place where the soul temporarily lives. It is enough to bring joy and provide sensory stimulation. There is no need to change it beyond recognition.

The biotechnology in the metal warehouse is only the most superficial transformation technology, similar to Captain America's serum, as long as the physical fitness is qualified and can endure severe pain, it can gain power beyond ordinary people through it.

This increase in strength is based on the increase in the original quality, which is about four to five times.

In other words, as long as he succeeds, Ah Jiu will be able to gain twice the strength of a top heavy boxer, plus his internal energy, well, Luke suddenly looked forward to it.

He was curious about what the little guy would do when he came out.

Time passed by, the growl in the metal warehouse began to weaken, and the progress bar reached the end.

With the sound of Didi, the progress bar turns green, the hatch opens, and the cold air overflows, revealing a body with sharp edges and every muscle that is nearly perfect.

Tight chest muscles, strong abdominal muscles, well-defined arms and legs, you can feel explosive power with a little effort.

The fly in the ointment is the body shape. Ah Jiu is only fifteen years old, and his bones have not grown. Putting on this layer of muscle armor gives people an illusion of incongruity.

"How is it, how does it feel?"

The boy was a little bit in shock, he seemed to have not recovered from the previous pain, and he was not sure after a while,

"My arm seems to have been stabbed a few times, but there is no wound, which is strange."

Luke laughed haha, looked him up and down, and became more and more satisfied the more he looked at it. Although the silly boy had a poor brain, his physical talent was surprisingly good.

"Come on, jump, let me see your changes."

"Jump up?"

"Yes, use all your strength."

Ah Jiu nodded, the muscles in both legs tensed, and she exerted all of a sudden,


Like a cannonball, it flew directly into the sky.

The metal warehouse is as high as 3.3 meters. Based on this, his vertical take-off height is at least four meters.

The boy was also stunned, seeing the ground getting farther and farther away, he couldn't help but screamed,

The body lost its balance and fell to the ground.

Linda was speechless,

"This kid is too stupid."

Ah Jiu got up and fumbled on his body. After making sure that he was not injured, he stared straight at his legs. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He felt that his calf seemed to have grown bigger.

After the strengthening is completed, the metal canister lifts off and flies to the sky.

The three continued eastward. In order to let Ah Jiu get used to the new body as soon as possible, Luke simply threw him outside and ran with the car. With his current physical fitness, he ran with all his strength. Even if it was not as good as a car, it was not too far behind.

The next day, the car stopped in a small city on the border between the two provinces.

Luke found a hotel and continued on his way after eating and drinking. Not long after they left, Zuoqiu and others rushed over.

"Brother, what should we do?"

"Follow up, solve it outside the city."

A group of people got into the car and quickly chased in the direction where Luke disappeared. Two groups of people drove out of the small town and came to a sparsely populated barren hill.

Luke stopped the car and opened the door. Before he could speak, Ah Jiu said directly,

"Are those people in the back still breaking their legs?"

"Why, I can't wait."

The boy nodded excitedly. He felt that his hands and feet were filled with terrifying power, and he wanted to try it very much.

"Go, break your leg, don't kill anyone."

"Don't worry, brother, I will definitely break their legs."

Ah Jiu patted her chest confidently, rushed out of the car seat, and strode towards the car behind.

Zuoqiu said in a deep voice, "Is it him?"

The guide leading the way nodded.

"very good!"

Zuoqiu didn't say a word, and surrounded him with a few senior brothers and a group of thugs.

The opponent is only a fifteen-year-old doll who is about 1.7 meters tall. There are more than 20 people here, all of whom are about 30 years old, tall and strong, and have practiced boxing skills. No one thinks that this battle will be lost. No one ever had such an idea.

Zuo Qiu even considered what tone to use to negotiate with Luke Xiao after the battle.

However, things are so weird.

Facing the dense group of strong men, the boy did not show any timidity, but opened his mouth wide in excitement, his eyes full of fanaticism.

He exerted all his strength and rushed up at an extremely fast speed. His shoulders sank and knocked the strong man weighing more than 90 kilograms into the air. While moving his right hand down, he took advantage of the opportunity to grab the opponent's knee.


The sound of bone cracking came, followed by screams like killing a pig.

The young man was so excited that he landed on all fours and crawled on the ground like a ferocious beast. His movements were strange but his speed was frighteningly fast. After finishing off the strong man, he threw himself on another man and stomped hard on his calf with his right foot.


The calf is folded in half at an odd angle.

This scene hit everyone's hearts like a heavy hammer.

"court death!"

Zuoqiu was furious, and rushed forward with several juniors.

But Ah Jiu ignored them, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, wherever he went, there was the sound of bones breaking.

After being strengthened last night, his strength has reached an inhuman level. A strong man weighing 80 kilograms can lift it with one hand, and his pair of iron claws that can tear apart tree trunks have become even more frightening, regardless of bones or muscles. , being lightly touched by it is the end of broken bones and tendons.

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