The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 518 Superman's Battle (3)

"Hold him tight and don't let him move,"

Linda raised her right hand and flicked her fingers, fluttering like fallen leaves, but her palm contained the brilliance of the sun.

Her movements were very gentle, as if she was stroking her lover's face. The moment her fingers touched her forehead, it suddenly exploded. The energy contained in her palm penetrated the skin and bones, and bombarded the eggs deep in the brain.


The eggs were shattered by the energy and turned into blood.

Superman II stood there in a daze, stopped resisting, and looked sluggish, like a vegetative person.

Clark let go of his arms and let him fall to the ground. The siblings looked at each other, both angry and relieved.

I guessed correctly, the clones were indeed under control. Lex Luthor used the worm eggs to give them orders, but orders were orders after all.

This is also the reason why the clones "drop frames" from time to time, they are just artificially manipulated puppets and have no self-consciousness.

After understanding this, the battle became easier. Clark ignored the danger of injury and forcibly controlled the clones. Linda followed the trend. The seemingly weak attack could avoid the hard skull and smash the eggs inside. .

The two worked together to kill all clones in no time.

On the hills in the distance, Lex Luthor, who was observing the battle through the drone, looked extremely gloomy.

"Good Linda Danvers, good Kryptonian female warrior."

"Avoiding the body and directly hurting the inside is really eye-opening!"

Despite the anger in his heart, this incident also reminded him that the egg is not invincible, and there are many shortcomings. We must find a way to strengthen it. It is best to inject Kryptonian genes to make it invincible.

Such clones are in full form, without any weaknesses.

After the battle, the siblings jumped up and landed in front of Lex Luthor like a meteor with a series of sonic booms.

Five of the six clones fell, leaving only the so-called deity.

Linda's eyes filled with red light, and she was about to kill, but was stopped by Clark.

"What are you doing, don't tell me you're going to be merciful again."

Clark said solemnly,

"We need to find out how many clones there are."

Hearing this, Linda could only dissipate the red light and stood aside with an ugly face.

Luther looked them up and down, thinking of something, and couldn't help laughing.

Linda stared at him viciously. "Laugh again, chop you."

Luther cracked the corners of his mouth and asked with a strange expression,

"You don't think you won, do you?"

"It's so naive, this trap is not just for you, but also for The Flash, Wonder Woman, and Luke Shaw."

"I've been preparing for this day for months, but only the two of you came."

"Where's Luke Xiao? Why didn't you show up? Scared? Or dead?"

Linda sneered, "I think it's you who's afraid. If Luke was here, you wouldn't even dare to fart."

The smile on Luther's face disappeared immediately, and he became extremely calm. After a while, he said with a deep gaze,

"You're right, I'm really afraid of him, just like I'm afraid of myself."

"Luke Xiao and I are the same kind of people, equally smart, equally vicious, and equally unscrupulous, both like to hold things in our hands and not allow any accidents to happen."

"The difference is that he has no faith and is a poor selfish bastard, while I, a staunch human supremacist, believe in human beings and hate all existences other than human beings, especially those who claim to be gods. "

"Clark, I'm talking about you."

Clark shook his head. "I never thought of myself as a god, never."

"Of course you don't think that you are a god, but you are doing things in the way of a god. What you do will no longer deceive mankind all the time, making them believe in you, admire you, and use you as an idol."

"Mind control is far more terrible than physical control, Clark, you are enslaving humanity."

Linda couldn't listen anymore,

"Don't waste your time, this kind of lunatic shouldn't live in the world."

Before he finished speaking, the ground suddenly vibrated, and the sand moved to both sides like a stream of water. In the rumbling sound, a behemoth resembling a worm shell gushed out from the ground.

The two quickly stepped aside, looked up, and found that the so-called worm shell was actually a spacecraft with a diameter of more than 400 meters.

The shape of the spaceship is oval, and it looks like the body of a beetle from a distance. Judging from the structure and symbol stripes on the surface, it should be the product of an alien civilization.

Linda frowned, always feeling that the sign on the spaceship looked familiar. Suddenly, a name appeared from the bottom of her heart,

"Zhiyuan Clan!"

"This is the spaceship of the Reach Clan."

Clark asked curiously, "What is the Reach Clan?"

"A highly technologically advanced Zerg civilization that is extremely aggressive and once fought a war with Krypton."

"The tentacle symbol in the middle of the spaceship is the totem of the Reach Clan."

When she said this, Linda's expression was a little dignified. The technology level of the Reach Clan was comparable to that of Krypton. Since Lex Luthor got the Reach Clan spaceship, he must have mastered some Reach Clan technology.

Luther gave her a deep look,

"Linda Danvers, you surprised me, even the Far Clan knew."

"Yes, the owner of this spaceship is the Zhiyuan Clan. Back then, they wanted to invade the earth, but for some reason they failed, and this ship was the only one left."

"I prepared some gifts in it, I hope you like it."

The hatch opened, and a terrifying-looking humanoid behemoth with a height of more than three meters and purple-brown skin rushed out. As soon as it landed, it couldn't wait to launch an attack. Its distorted face showed no trace of human emotion.

Clark flew up and collided with the giant beast.


The air blasted a shock wave visible to the naked eye, and the next second, a figure flew out and smashed heavily on the cliff.


Linda's face changed slightly, seeing the giant beast rushing towards him, a tiger shadow appeared all over her body, and she did not hesitate to meet it.

"No, go back."

Clark yelled, "He'll absorb our life force."

The voice reverberated in her ears, and Linda subconsciously turned her body sideways to avoid the beast's attack.

She had experienced the feeling of losing her power and being taken away by the opponent.

"Parasitic beast!"

"Damn, no wonder it looks so familiar, it turns out to be a parasitic beast."

Thinking of what happened in the past, the girl's eyes were extremely solemn, and she even pulled away from the other party involuntarily. She never forgot the scene of being possessed by a parasitic beast. If it wasn't for Luke's help, everyone would be gone.

Luther smiled lightly,

"This is one of my most perfect works, Parasitic Beast Superman, he is not a puppet, he is a real killer, a killer specially prepared for you."

"Come on, Clark Kent, Linda Danvers, let me see how long you can last."

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