Arthur Kelvin's idea is very simple. Only by reviewing the paper can you find out the problems that may arise.

As a result, there may be a glimmer of hope for his Fields Medal.

Even the slightest, try it!


The matter on the academic forum soon spread to China.


[Ordinary person: Professor Lin Fan actually solved the Riemann conjecture! 】

[Mo Gonggui: What? Professor Lin Fan is doing something again? However, what is the Riemann conjecture? 】

[Mitsukoshi Toyosu: Isn't it? Does anyone else know about the Riemann conjecture? Let me briefly say one thing. It is generally accepted in the mathematics community today that whoever solved the Riemann conjecture in this century is the greatest mathematician of this century, no one! 】

[Your ancestors: What the hell! So, Professor Lin Fan has become the world's number one mathematician? 】

[Jiutian Yuanji: The world's first mathematician? Wasn't Professor Lin Fan long ago? However, I still have to say, Professor Lin Fan is awesome! 】

[Illusion World: Still called Professor Lin Fan? Please call Lin Shen! God Blessings, please let me fail the final exam. 】

[Messy in the wind: Blessings to God Lin, bless me so that I can be admitted to an undergraduate degree. 】

[Beautiful woman: Blessings to the goddess Lin, bless me so that I can take the teaching qualifications exam. 】

[I am a good person: I pray to the god of forest, bless me to pass the examination of Yijian. 】


Meager, good discussion.

Slowly it became a neat sentence pattern for Bailinshen.


Lin Fan was completely unaware of these.

to him……

Writing out the solution process of Riemann's conjecture is just a trivial matter.

After spending a day in the office, Lin Fan came to Panlong Villa.

He directly focused his attention on the platinum red envelope.

"1 platinum red envelope, see what you can get."

"Turn on!"

【Ding! congratulations,

Obtain the skill Eye of Night Vision. 】

[Eye of Night Vision: Even in darkness and fog, you can see everything clearly like daytime. Better eyesight, showing stronger charisma. 】

see this...

Lin Fan couldn't help but light up slightly, his vision was not blocked by darkness and fog, and his night vision ability? This seems to be a very good skill.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Fan only felt a chill in his eyes.

Then, he raised his eyes and looked outside.

At this time, it was nine o'clock in the evening, and the sky was pitch black.

[Skill: Eye of Night Vision! 】

If it was normal, Lin Fan looked outside and could only vaguely see the shadows of some trees and vehicles.

But now, it is like the daytime. Trees, vehicles, helicopters... everything is clearly seen.

The corner of Lin Fan's mouth twitched slightly, and he murmured, "The things in the platinum red envelope are really good!"

Then, Lin Fan looked outside for a while, as if he was admiring the beautiful scenery.

Then, after drinking a cup of spiritual tea and feeling refreshed, he fell into a deep sleep on the soft big bed.


In the blink of an eye, it was the next day.

After Lin Fan had breakfast, he drove Cullinan towards Jiangbei University in a hurry.

In the past, when Lin Fan walked into the office, Xia Bing, Xia Xue, Liu Qianqian, Nie Zhenjiang, Jiang Chaoqun, Hao Zhiwu and others all studied hard inside.


Today, they are gathered together, and they can't stop talking about something.

Also, he looked very excited.


"Master, you are here!"

Xiaobai, the cat lying on Hao Zhiwu, let out a crisp meow.

Then, he jumped in Lin Fan's footsteps and swished back and forth.

This move quickly caught Hao Zhiwu's attention.

He rushed to Lin Fan and said excitedly, "Professor Lin, have you really solved the Riemann conjecture?"

Everyone turned their attention to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan nodded and said, "Yes."

His tone was so relaxed, without any excitement at all.

It looked like he was answering ordinary questions such as what to eat today.

However, this sentence was completely different in the ears of everyone in the office.

Liu Qianqian and Jiang Chaoqun were full of surprises.

Nie Zhenjiang's expression became more complicated.

He remembered that he and Lin Fan were still participating in the Mathematical Modeling Contest together.

Lin Fan won the Higher Education Cup, and he himself won the first prize.

The difference is not too big.

Now, he has become Lin Fan's student.

But Lin Fan answered the Riemann conjecture.

Nie Zhenjiang always considers himself a genius.

In the past, there was little pride.

At this time, his old face turned red.

Because he felt that compared with Lin Fan, the things he was proud of were simply a joke.

Xia Bing and Xia Xue's beautiful eyes were bright.

The eyes they looked at Lin Fan were full of admiration.

As expected of Professor Lin!


Hao Zhiwu shouted directly, "Professor Lin, you are so awesome!"

Lin Fan almost choked.

After all, it is still a teacher-student relationship with Hao Zhiwu.

"Tap Tap!"

At this moment, there was a sound of brisk footsteps outside the corridor.

At the same time, a faint fragrance filled the air.

Then, a woman with snow-white skin, pretty facial features, graceful figure, wearing a long black dress, who looked noble and elegant, walked in slowly. Hu Tian.

Hu Tian smiled and said, "It seems to be very lively here."

Her voice was like a plucked string.

And this smile makes people feel like bathing in the spring breeze.

Everyone's heart beat faster.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Yeah, they are asking me about Riemann's conjecture, Mr. Tiantian, why are you here today?"

"I am also because of Riemann's conjecture." Hu Tian said.

When he said these words, Hu Tian looked at Lin Fan with splendid eyes.

As a person in mathematics, she knows very well what the Riemann conjecture represents.

And Lin Fan directly answered the Riemann conjecture...

In Hu Tian's opinion, Lin Fan is a god!

The gods radiating endless rays of light all over the body!

Lin Fan asked, "Is there anything I don't understand? Do you need me to help explain it?"

Hu Tian said: "Of course I need it! However, there are too many things that I don't understand. I'm afraid you have to talk about it."

Lin Fan smiled and said, "That's fine. After school in the afternoon, I'll tell you slowly."

"That's great!" Hu Tian said happily, "By the way, the World Mathematical Organization has just sent an email to ask you if you can hold a report on Riemann's conjecture for more than an hour at Jiangbei University soon. ."

In the past, if a mathematician solved an unsolved problem in mathematics, or made a major breakthrough in a certain direction.

The World Mathematical Organization will send an invitation to each other to go to the World Mathematical Organization to hold a report.

And those who are invited will be honored.

However, Lin Fan was obviously an exception.

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