Guo Kun’s eyes rolled around, and he thought of an excellent solution.

It is definitely not possible to promise that Uncle Shi of Siguang will open a management company by himself, and the management company is a rake for making money.

Of course, Guo Kun will not give up, of course, this management fee can be considered to be reduced by Yu Siguang’s uncle.

But the premise is that he must teach Jiang Heng, who robbed the white and blue snow with him!

This was the idea that Guo Kun had in mind.

“Yu Siguang, let your uncle help Ben Shao deal with one person, as long as he can do it. This management fee is halved! ”

“This, Guo Shao, my uncle wants to open his own company…” Yu Siguang’s face was very ugly, on one side was Guo Kun’s board, and on the other side was his master Wang Tianhe.

This is difficult for him to offend.

“Guo Dashao, who do you want me to help you deal with?”

The door of the private room of the tea house was pushed open, and Jiang Heng walked in with a light smile.

“The surname Jiang! You, why are you here?! “Guo Kun is talking to Yu Siguang about conditions, and he wants Yu Siguang’s uncle to deal with Jiang Heng.

Without thinking about this, Jiang Heng actually appeared at the door of the tea room.

“Uncle Master, are you here? Guo Shao, this is my uncle. ”

Yu Siguang saw that the smile on Guo Kun’s face froze, and quickly stepped forward to call Jiang Heng’s uncle and then introduced Jiang Heng to Guo Kun.

Jiang Heng smiled lightly, grabbed the teacup on the table and took a sip, “The tea is good, Guo Dashao, you are the big boss of Kunpeng Management Company?” Yes, the name Kunpeng is good, it seems that Guo Dashao is a good young man with Kunpeng aspirations. ”

“Don’t be a rich second generation, don’t lie on your father’s wealth.” This point, Guo Dashao is admirable. ”

Jiang Heng’s boast made Guo Kun a little fluttery, and he couldn’t find the north.

Guo Kun snorted coldly, “Jiang Heng, don’t shoot my!” No matter how good the shooting is, it is impossible for you to start a management company. ”

“Guo Dashao, I just praised you twice. You’re on your breath. I’m not done with that. It’s good that you want to start a business, but doing this kind of thing without an ass to have a son is wrong with you! I can tell you very clearly that I am open to the apartment building management company. ”

Guo Kun saw that Jiang Heng didn’t give him any face, and slapped it on the table, “The surname Jiang, this is all your own fault!” Don’t blame me Guo Kun for turning his face and not recognizing people! ”

“Guo Dashao, there was no friendship between us. Since you insist on going your own way, I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you. ”

As soon as Jiang Heng sat down, he stood up and prepared to leave.

Yu Siguang saw that Jiang Heng and Guo Kun quarreled as soon as they met, and he could be cut by Master Wang Tianhe if he didn’t handle this peacemaker’s affairs well.

“Uncle Shi, Guo Dashao. Please dissipate the gas and drink a cup of tea to extinguish the fire. Talk slowly, talk slowly. I’ll go and invite Miss Nishiyanagi from the tea house to make tea for you. ”

“Hmph!” Guo Kun snorted coldly, he was really angry enough, he couldn’t figure out that night in Tianma Mountain, Haiyuan Kaiming brought Jiang Heng into the mountain.

But this Jiang Heng walked out of Tianma Mountain unscathed, which was a very strange thing.

Jiang Heng was not angry at all, and now that he knew that the owner of the apartment building management company was Guo Kun, his heart was even more determined.

At this moment, a faint fragrance wafted in from outside the door.

With this faint fragrance, a bright girl with bright teeth in a white long dress like a nine-day fairy walked in.

“Xiliu, you are really difficult.”

Guo Kun was already angry, and when he saw the girl in the white dress walking in, his face suddenly became even more ugly, and he suddenly took out the anger he had just had against Jiang Heng on the girl in the white dress.

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