At the end of the dinner, Chu Yao answered a phone call.

It was Han Feng calling.

Not wanting to answer at the dinner table, Chu Yao got up and walked to the deck.


Cell phone signal is not very good, but can barely hear clearly.

Han Feng said that the procedures on his side are almost done, and they can all be done tomorrow at the latest. He asked Chu Yao, when will the funds be available here?

If one billion is in trouble, he can help introduce a few friends to make it together.

Chu Yao didn't quite understand whether he was really helping when he said this, or someone wanted to join the game, and Han Feng couldn't refuse.

So I asked one more question.

Han Feng immediately made it clear that it was the former.

So Chu Yao felt relieved, and promised him with a smile that within three days, all the money would be credited to the special account provided by their bank.

Hang up the phone and return to the cabin.

"Is something wrong?"

Poppy asked nonchalantly, and the others put down their knives and forks and looked up with concern.


"Important, but not urgent."

Chu Yao waved his hands with a smile, and said after sitting down: "But no matter how important it is, it's not important to go out to play with you. Isn't making money just to enjoy life with friends?"

Hypocritical courtesy.

Poppy smiled and said nothing.

"So what kind of business does President Chu do?"

Xie Xiaoxin interrupted as if nothing had happened.

Chu Yao glanced at her.

Chu Jinyu had asked this topic before, but she was slid over by herself.

Now I have played all morning, and I have eaten, and it is not suitable to slide over.

"Actually, I'm still a kid now."

"I have invested in two companies, one is overseas real estate, and the other is online celebrity contract operation, which can be regarded as exercise."

"This time at the Sanya Investor Summit, I asked a friend to buy a commercial office building in Pengcheng, which is considered to be a finalized site, but what to do... It can be called a career, or a vision with a sense of mission. Really not, still investigating."

Chu Yao said in a deep voice, in a very calm and candid tone.

He is also telling the truth.

Of course, these words must be mainly for the poppies.

Regardless of her family background, vision, and structure, she must be better than herself at the moment. If she can listen to her, maybe she can learn something.

Chu Yao picked up the wine glass and glanced at her with a smile, as if about to clink glasses.

Poppy nodded.

He tapped his glass lightly.

After taking a sip of wine, he didn't speak in a hurry.

Because at this time, the people at the table were still in shock.

"Brother, when will you think about it, can you like a man? How about I go to Thailand? I don't want to fight anymore, I also want to be the man of the charterer."

Liu Fei said in an exaggerated tone.

It's really shocking.

one building?

Or a commercial office building?

How much does it cost?

Originally thought that Chu Yao donated 100 million to the school, even if he was very rich, but now, he found that he still underestimated.

Can you really make so much money doing overseas real estate and internet celebrity operations?

What the hell are you doing bro?

How long did it take to earn so much?

Such doubts inevitably surfaced in my heart.

It's just that there is no way to ask this question.

If Chu Yao didn't say anything, he wouldn't ask.

As for the other women, they don't know about Chu Yao's past, they just think it's... utterly inhumane.

"Where is the building?"

Chu Jinyu said something faintly, with a slightly complicated tone.

A building in Pengcheng is conservatively estimated to be more than 500 million, which is still small.

A slightly similar building is at least running for more than one billion.

At this moment she suddenly felt,

I didn't reply to Chu Yao's message just now, isn't it a bit polite?

"Where is it... I can't say for the time being. The dust has not settled yet. I can't say whether this piece of meat can fall into my mouth. When it is done, welcome to my place to play."

Chu Yao was very tight-lipped.

It's not for pretending to gain favorability in front of my sister.

But the market is inherently turbulent, and anything can happen. Before the contract is signed, it is better to be cautious.

This is basic business literacy.

Chu Yao is deliberately training his abilities and habits in this area.



hear this...

All of a sudden, Chu Yao suddenly discovered that the favorability of all the girls present all rose together.

Especially Chu Jinyu, soared rapidly, surpassed sixty, and went straight to sixty-eight.

When she heard that she bought a building just now, her favorability didn't rise so fast.

It seems that this kind of "stable and mature" personality is really popular.

Of course, it may also be the state of my previous wave, which is in stark contrast to the present, and instantly raised a wave of emotions.

"The prodigal son turns back" or "the scumbag starts to make progress" has always been one of the girls' favorite plots, so I don't know how many people have fallen into the fire pit.


"Since you asked, I'll just say a few words. It's not a suggestion, it's just for reference."

At this moment, Poppy spoke slowly.

Chu Yao immediately faced her and sat up a little bit to show that he was listening attentively.

"You are obviously not short of cash now, but from your donations and property purchases, it can be seen that what you are struggling with is what to do next."

"Donation is an invitation. Buying a property is a matter of practicality."

"It's all right, but this is entanglement, and I don't have a clear direction."

"The boss is the personification of capital. You have to be very clear from the beginning, what kind of image does your own capital look like?"

"If you want your own reputation, then continue to do various marketing events. Correspondingly, the business you do should be the cultural industry, the Internet, fast-moving consumer goods...or other kinds of products that directly face individual consumers. Products, so that every specific consumer can clearly perceive you, and your image is a part of the company's brand image."

"And if it's pragmatic, that's another route. Make a fortune in silence, real estate, industry, corporate service products, or government projects, etc. You are not suitable for high-profile, and it is best not to be famous. In this regard, our family It's typical, and my grandfather told me this truth. As for myself, it's already deviant."

She spoke calmly.

The sound was flat.

But it gave Chu Yao the feeling that she was in the clouds, pointing to the mountains and rivers, and seeing the moon through the clouds and mists.

This perspective is really too high.

However, when she heard that at the end, it was her grandfather who said it, Chu Yao was suddenly stunned.

This kind of perspective, Poppy really can't reach it.

But she stands on the shoulders of giants.

This is the origin of family studies.

Just thinking about this, at this moment, Poppy continued to speak.

"Whatever you want to do, I can do it for you."

"If it's the former, you can often treat me to dinner in the future, be my little follower, and follow me around."

"If it's the latter, on behalf of the Yu family, I can lend you someone for a maximum of five years. As for whether he is still willing to be with you after five years, it depends on your level."

Chu Yao took a deep breath.

I felt my heartbeat suddenly speed up a bit.

This hundred million flowers is really worth it.

Inexplicably, I felt like I had bought a "Buffett's lunch".

However, the transaction price of Buffett's lunch was less than five million US dollars, which is really not that expensive.


Expensive, it should be expensive for a reason.



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