Seven o'clock in the morning.

Chu Yao got up on time, drank a glass of warm water, and changed into sportswear.

There is a park not far from the community, with artificial lakes, lawns and running tracks.

Strolled there with Gao Jing and ran for an hour together.

Gao Jing already had the habit of doing morning exercises. She used to do yoga, but now Chu Yao is running, so she followed suit.

On the first day, Gao Jing thought that he had come up on a whim and wanted to come up with something new.

I don't care too much.

Strongly encouraged.


the next day.

third day.

Chu Yao is still like this.

Exercise is of course a good thing.

But the sudden self-discipline and exercise, could it be stimulated and influenced by something?

Moreover, Chu Yao doesn't drink much at night recently.

This made her a little suspicious, is something wrong?

She has worked as a fitness instructor.

It is clear why men suddenly start exercising.

—either because of the doctor or because of the woman.

The former is afraid of death.

The latter is "powerless" that is worse than death.

However, there was nothing wrong with Chu Yao's health, and his performance on the bed was as good as ever.

This is very confusing.

"Why have you started running recently?"

On the way back, she asked casually with a smile.

Communication is still very important, just talk when you need to.


Chu Yao moved his arms and legs, and glanced at her: "I have a belly."

Gao Jing subconsciously glanced at his slightly swollen abdomen, as if thinking of something, with a smile in her eyes, she said softly: "Small belly... the small belly is... a shock-absorbing belt."

On the road in the morning.

Among the crowds coming and going.

She drives blatantly.

It's just... skinny.

Chu Yao: ...

Instant understanding.

Very visual.

After thinking for a while, he said with a smile, "An inch of progress brings joy."

Gao Jing: ...

This is a bit too blatant, Gao Jing blushed slightly, cast a glance at him, and couldn't help but think of the joke of "men are fat with short stems, women are fat and dark, both men and women are fat, and they have no children and grandchildren", and then she couldn't help laughing out loud Come.

I don't know what she thought of, smiling so happily.

But since the question arises, let's talk about this topic.

"Recently, I'm doing a review some time ago, doing self-improvement, and thinking of cultivating good habits."

"Morning jogs are the cheapest and most efficient."

"After these three days of running, I really feel much more comfortable physically, and I plan to stick to it in the future."

Chu Yao suddenly changed from a colorful topic to a positive topic, switching seamlessly.

Gao Jing's eyelashes flickered, she was a little surprised, and then quickly turned into appreciation and encouragement.

"very nice."

she says.

It's really good.


Being together day and night, in fact, she can feel Chu Yao's changes bit by bit the most.

From the time they met to the present, Chu Yao's overall image, from the upstart temperament at the beginning, has gradually become confident and gentle.

The temperament is getting better and better.

From "young and promising" to "bright and dazzling".

This kind of growth is very common in teenagers.

But when she first met Chu Yao, he was already a rich man, and she was amazed that he could maintain such growth.

And proud.

"Then do you think I have changed?"

She raised her chin and asked with a smile.

Chu Yao's eyes subconsciously fell on a certain part, and said with a smile, "I brought you up a size by myself?"


"Speak seriously!"

Chu Yao sized her up again,

After thinking about it, he spoke with a serious tone.

"As far as you are concerned, you are much calmer than before. As far as the two of you are concerned, you are not as cautious as you were at the beginning."

When they first lived together, she was indeed a little cautious.

After all, in the beginning, she got together quickly in a way that was almost "selling herself", and under the catalysis of money, she quickly heated up.

This is inevitable.

However, as the relationship gradually warmed up, to the current level, there have been several nuclear bomb-level emotional explosions.

Now, money is not important anymore.

Ever since she said that she chewed the vegetable root that day, Chu Yao knew that even if she was really penniless now, this woman would support her, endure hardships with her, and make a comeback.

Rationality and wisdom allow the fiery emotions to release their temperature more slowly and continuously.


She smiled even brighter when Chu Yao pointed it out.

"Do you know why?"


Chu Yao listened attentively.

Gao Jing said softly: "Because I want to understand."


She tapped her feet rhythmically, and her very girlish movements showed the joy in her heart.

He spoke briskly.

"There are only two ways for a woman to talk to a man. The first is to lie down, and the second is to stand."

"Most of them are the first type, and so am I."

"Until one day when I was reading a book, when I was reading a political book, I suddenly thought, how should I stand and have a conversation with you."

Chu Yao stared at her calmly for a few seconds, then calmly said two words - "balcony?"


"I'm really telling you the truth!"

Gao Jing is really ashamed and anxious now.

Can we have a good chat?


Chu Yao laughed out loud.

"Okay, okay, tell me, I'll listen."

Gao Jing took a deep breath: "The price for me to stand up and talk to you is 30 million. I will rely on my own strength to earn enough 30 million, and then I will support you in a fair manner."

"At that time, young man, give my sister a smile. Tonight, my sister will spoil you. Come on, stick your ass up."

Her voice became thinner.

Chu Yao: ...

After a moment of astonishment, he almost didn't laugh out loud.

"You're thinking about shit."

"Oh, I can't even think about it. That's what it is. Boss, give me a chance."


Chu Yao shook his head and said with a smile: "When you earn 30 million yuan, you will probably have menopause."

Gao Jing:! ! !

Cough cough cough!

I almost didn't come up in one breath.

Between lovers, "shit, pee and fart" can be regarded as a threshold.

In the beginning, I had to sneak to the bathroom to fart, but later I wanted to sit on the other person's face and fart.

But now, the two seem to have crossed this threshold, and even the extremely ruthless vocabulary of "menopause" can be used as a joke.

"You are poisonous."

Her face was full of resentment, and she smiled angrily: "I'll give you a chance to repeat."

Chu Yao raised his eyebrows, hooked his shoulders with her like a brother, thought for a while, and smiled.

"Okay, come on, wait for your day, I will definitely become the Duck King of Pengcheng, and serve my sister comfortably."

Chu Yao's voice was a little loud.

On the tree-lined path, there was a girl wearing a skirt who was passing by on a small blue car. When she heard Chu Yao's words, her face turned red and she pedaled twice faster.

The two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.


After going back to take a bath and having dinner, on the way to Swan Castle, Chu Yao recalled the conversation in the morning, and felt a little emotion in his heart again for a while.

The price of standing up for a conversation.


I am growing.

She is also growing.

She is not a woman who can stay at home all day with peace of mind just because a man is rich, doing beauty treatments, shopping, shopping, eating, drinking and having fun with her girlfriends.

Instead, after solving the most basic economic foundation, start another dimension of self-growth.

It was her luck to meet herself.

And it was also a kind of luck to meet her.



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