"sit down."

With a dry cough, Chu Yao said softly.

The aesthetics of this society is undergoing rapid changes.

I don't know if it is the return of the "retro" trend, or the regression of "gender equality".

In short, the traditional "masculinity of men" and "gentleness of women" are being rapidly blurred by mainstream aesthetics.

This is especially evident in the entertainment industry.

The three words "little fresh meat" sometimes make Chu Yao feel a little nauseous.

This moment.

Tang Xiaoxing sat down, smiled again, showing two cute little canine teeth, and... dimples.




Chu Yao was silent, and glanced at him again.

The white and tender cold white skin is a perfect match for dimples.

If you ignore the premise that he is a man, this dimple is really... damn it, sweet.

"Do you smoke?"

Chu Yao took a deep breath again, and changed the subject at will.

"I'm sorry, senior, I don't smoke or drink. I mainly sing and I have to protect my throat. If you smoke yours, I'm fine."

Tang Xiaoxing is sorry to refuse.

The voice is deep, thick and magnetic.

Standard bass.

Chu Yao nodded, and the strange feeling in his heart dissipated a little.

"Okay, then you can do whatever you want."

Call the waiter to come and order.

This is a traditional Chinese private kitchen, and Chu Yao ordered signature dishes casually.

When the waiter came in, Tang Xiaoxing took the trouble to put on his hat and mask again, ordered some vegetables, and ordered a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

After the waiter went out, he took off his hat and mask again, and explained with a wry smile.

"I have to keep fit. I usually don't eat dinner. I really can't help it. I have a fat-prone physique."

Chu Yao glanced at him and nodded to express his understanding.

Just from the small matter of eating, one can feel a kind of pressure from the pavement.

So scary.

At this moment, only one sentence came to Chu Yao's mind - the king of Chu is so slender, and he starved to death in the palace.

In order to just make money, celebrities forcibly make themselves look like human beings, alienating themselves and becoming "popular pets".


The dishes are served one by one.

Every time the food is served, before the waiter knocks on the door, Tang Xiaoxing has to wear a mask, like a conditioned reflex.

When everything is up, it is completely relaxed.

Chu Yao casually picked up a chopstick of beef, thought about it, and spoke directly.

"See you, three things."

"First, to express my previous thanks. If you need my help, please speak."

"Second, I have some ideas about the entertainment industry, and I would like to listen to your suggestions or opinions."

"Third, meet your friend."

Now I am speaking more and more directly, concisely and concisely, using the shortest words to express the most information points.

All politeness and pleasantries are omitted.

waste time.

Of course, this scores occasions.

However, on such an occasion today, it is appropriate to chat like this when facing a chat partner who is clearly inferior to him.

The smile on Tang Xiaoxing's face froze slightly, and he was a little uncomfortable with this style of chatting.

But... trying to get used to it.

"First, the senior is too polite, I don't need any help right now."

"Second point, what do you want to ask, just say it."

"The third point is that it is my honor to meet a friend like the senior."

He adapted to Chu Yao's way of speaking, and answered in points.

Inexplicably felt a "texture of dialogue".

It's like doing an interview.

And it's not the kind of interview for the sake of water image and exposure, but an in-depth interview.


He suddenly found that at this moment, Chu Yao's eyes froze, staring at him blankly.

This made him a little confused.

What... what look?




Chu Yao was indeed shocked at the moment.

Shocked to the extreme.

Didn't pay attention just now.

But at this moment, Chu Yao saw the favorability mark above "his" head.

In fact, I just want to identify whether "he" is a man or a woman.

Because the system favorability can only see women.

But what Chu Yao didn't expect was that...it really came out!

There is a sign of favorability on "his" forehead... 35 points!



Is she really a fucking woman?

A top traffic artist who debuted in a boy group, but the main body is actually without handles?

This is too magical and realistic, right?

After getting the answer, Chu Yao carefully scrutinized and scrutinized "him", starting from the known answer, and then went to the process of disproving the evidence.


It's a man's voice.

However, she is a singer.

If the talent is special, it should be no problem to pretend to be a male voice.



Heroic eyebrows.

Typical male brows.

However, this can be done and tattooed.



She had obviously put on makeup.

Men can wear female makeup, and women can naturally wear male makeup.

Technically possible.

After all, the four major magic arts in Asia.

If there are women's clothing masters, there will be men's clothing masters.


Adam's apple...

Covered by a mask, I couldn't see clearly.

"He" may have been intentional.

But trying to cover up.



The sweater is too big to see clearly.



Tang Xiaoxing couldn't help but speak.

Chu Yao has been staring straight at him for several minutes, his eyes made "he" feel a little terrified.


After being reminded, Chu Yao came back to his senses and smiled.

"It's nothing, I'm just stunned by your flourishing beauty, haha."

"I have a question. It may be a bit presumptuous. I don't know why, but I always feel like you are a girl."

Chu Yao began to test it out.

In fact, Chu Yao was not sure after looking at it just now.

Although the system prompts this, I still feel a little uncertain.

Unless you really take off your pants to check.


hear this.

Tang Xiaoxing showed a slightly embarrassed expression and eyes.

"Senior, you were joking."

"I'm a pure man, a straight man of steel. I can't do anything about my looks. I was born by my parents."

"Actually, I used to be very fat. I lost weight later and became like this. After debuting, I have to maintain my image for fans."

"His" reaction was normal.

Completely in line with the normal response when "a guy is questioned as a girl".




Three-piece operation.

The voice subconsciously became thicker.

If this is a film and television plot, then "his" acting skills should be good.

"Haha, it's okay, eat vegetables and eat vegetables."

Chu Yao shook his head and smiled, and did not continue this topic, but he was guessing various possibilities in his heart.


Mental illness?

Physical problems?

Or is it the specially planned packaging by the brokerage company behind it?

Which idiot can come up with such a positioning?

Otherwise, it is "he" who hides the truth.

It can't be that the system is wrong, right?

With so many guesses in his mind, Chu Yao was suspicious for the time being, and chatted with "him" casually.


If Tang Xiaoxing is really a woman, then it is really...


Oh shit!



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